80-~ ~iU4866
<br />NOR7'GAGE
<br />MORTGAGE LOAN NO. L 23+779
<br />IUIOw ALL MEN RY THESE PRESENTS: That Arnold C. Wenn and Linda C. Wenn, each in his and her
<br />own right, and as spouse of each other
<br />Matpgor, whether oee a man, io mnvdetatioo d the moo of
<br />Fiftv Thousand and No/100--------------------------------------------------------- uot.LARs
<br />iwsted to aid mortBtgor by TM Equitabk Beading arni Lwn Association of (:rand [aLtd, NebraMta, Mortgage, rtpon 5OO shares of aoorY ~
<br />acid ASSOCIATION, Certif%ate No. L 23, 779 , do Mroby grant, wnvry and mortgage tmto the ad ASSOCIATION the toYowitq
<br />deavihad real state, situated m I1aB County. Nebrasta:
<br />together wnh all the tenements, hercditatrsents anJ appurtenance thereunni hrlongsng, mdudmg attached (lour wwnngs, all window screens,
<br />window shades, blinds, storm windows, awnings, heating, err arndnrumng anJ IJumMng and valet rgwpmem and acaxsaorin [Mreto, pttmps, stoves,
<br />r<frigrralors, and other Natures and egmpmcm now sir herealter atta<heJ Io sir usxJ m runuaawn wnh sad real estate.
<br />AnJ whereas the sail rtwrtgagw hu agrml std Juts hereby agree Thal the nwrtgagur shall and wJ1 pay all tun snJ traesments leveed sir
<br />asetaeJ upon ad prcmues anJ upm rhts ttwrtgyge anJ the Mmd served tMrehv heluu iM tame shall 6tmme delmytrn[-, to fwntsA approved
<br />invuussx upon test huildiegt sin sad prcnsnes ntuateJ~n the sum ul S 5O ,000.OO payabk to s.rJ ASS(x'IATION and to deliver to sat
<br />ASSOCIATI(N1 rM prism for sad uuurarxz: and inn to wmmtt sir pcrnut any wore sin sir alwut ad premaaes.
<br />In :ar of deladt m the perfwrruncs ul my sit the intro arW .amJdwns ul this nwrtgage sir tM Mrrd a:cwerl hereby, the mortgagee Mull,
<br />nn Jenwd, Ere eninlnl ur ammedutc psstdatrr+rs sit tM mentgagrJ Iuemtsrs anJ the nwrtgagur ttcrebv eagles, transfers and sett over to [Ir
<br />mortgage= all Ihr rents, revenues and marine to M Jerrsaxl Irum tM rrautga~J prcmues Jwssrg such runt as the trwrtgaga udebtedtrs abdl rearm
<br />unlyd, and tM nwntgagee Mtall Itavr Ihr Iwwrr co apparent any agent sir aims tt may desire for the pwpor sit rapaesttg sad prrmrra sari rentteg
<br />the serer anJ wlka-tmg the :cots, revenas •nd mwmr, and rt may psY out ul sad unvme all rxpentes ui repaawg ad Prerrufes astd ttaoearary
<br />rxrmnursrrm and aapensev rncwreJ ~n rrnlr[tg and rsunagurg rtu• same :srnl ul rollntusg rentals IMrrlrrrm. the baUrtte rrtrumirtg, d any, to Oe
<br />applkJ towuJ rM• Jisrhargr .N ad rmrrttutge ,nJehteJnrvi. thru: uahts .,I the nwrtpaaer ouy !,r c%eresrJ al any trine dwsag [M easManae of such
<br />rkfaWt, rnesplctrre of any umpuur weever ui iM same
<br />TMr Presents, however, .. a up,m the t'urdsswn,-fiat .t the sent vtustgsgur MuU repay arJ Loan sin sir hHurc tM malwny ul se=al Mures b}
<br />MYmem: pay monthly to wd ASv'/1l~lA 171IN sit the cum spruNrJ m the &nd secweJ herby as interest anJ prstrespal .m sad hsan,.m sir Mlurc
<br />tM Twenttelh Jay sit rah and every rmrntb, untJ vd Iwo is Idly pad, pay all teats anJ asae•.arlrnls leveed ap+nsr usd prnlnuns and sin rhie MUrtp~~e
<br />amt rhr &mJ scumJ ttseuby, htlore dehnyuency. twmsh apqus vl m urarn<upm the huJdugta rMram m IM sum of S SO, OOO.OO paYahk
<br />W airs ASS(1('IATI(1N, repay to sad AS.S(X'IA f10N upm JemanJ all rmurv by +t pad li,r such tasn, aresatrrtts anJ inswamx wJA wteteM a1
<br />1M maximum legal rate thereon from Jatr sit Iry mrot all ul' wMrh Mortgagor hrrrhY agrrrx u. pay, perms rw waalr .m and printer, keep amt wmply
<br />wth all tM agrerrrnls anJ vtmdawm ul tM WrnJ lie S 5O ,000.OOtha Jay given by ihr nd Mwtgagur to ud ASS(It'fATION, and wtttplY
<br />verb all ter retpwernenls of tM t'unMrtulwn arui Hy-I..ws ul sad AIS(%~IATION, then thew presents stall Mn:uma null sod used, utherwtse they
<br />ahaY remun m fts8 hna and nay br turt,:k,atJ at the uptron ui the sa.J a`Sf %'IA t1GN s=eer iadwe six IMee rmurtM to note env uF sad
<br />PYmems sir M tMue ttwnttu m urea: w making sad muothlY payments, sir to keep ami wmpiy wsth tM aprxrrretts anJ euminwtu sit sad ihmJ.
<br />and kkutgapu egrets ru Mx a roerrGr appmntal lurthwrlh m sere=r nneckawe pnwetdutga
<br />II IMre r any rJtartge m uwrorshtp of the real e=late tmttgrged Mrmn. by rlc sir ulMrwtr, then IM vin ue remsaaesg uebbtadrrr hereby
<br />aawcJ MsaB, al tM uplxm of _lht 7'ywlabk Bwdmg anJ (.sin Aurresatwn of t;rud IrWtd, Nebreta,hewtne ~mmmdtauly der and payabb wfttnwt
<br />Iwttrr iwttre, aid the •muunl romaustrtg Jtr ~mdnr sad Mud. •1tJ env sit Mr MsnJ tnr any addrtiwW aJvanrs ntadt tMrewder, rAaa, Irum the
<br />Jaen ul eseravr .,1 ~ upttun, Iteu n,tertu •t tit rnaatmwn byl tau. and the rsautgap nay tMn to IisreclurJ w rtWy tM ats%nmt Jw tr sad
<br />bud, aed any otMr Mud for addHwrW adwnel, ta>(trttrr wsth all wren pad by sartl 'fM Itywtabb Bedding aml Lwn Aswcwtun .J (~raad IMaml,
<br />NebraaAa Ira tnauana, teen anJ amswrtentr, aml •ha1rY't tog axlenlrm charger, wrlh murtM tMram, Irum Jatr of payment al tM rrraatmsstrt
<br />k!d tale-
<br />nt pssvtllad to 1M Born) reeved Mrcby, whsle the mwlgvBn rrnWnr m elSect tM rtturtgage nuY Mroatler sdveoa •AdM%1tW wren to tM
<br />trrgera of atl BrmJ, than aaatgtu sir wc.;rar,n m mlerru, whr:b rums :fall M wuhw IM sncwdY rJ the msntpgs lM saau as [M funds mtgmaBy
<br />oegaal therdry, tfr meal amrrunt ,d prtncrpd Jehr rwt to esoeed at env tllnr 1M arymW a/l%wat ul the mtnlpga.
<br />UrtaJ tluit 5th. ~ Jay sit September A n.ra80
<br />Ar 1d We
<br />Linda C. Wenn
<br />SPATE OI'NEBRASKA,t s_ fM the 5th. ,uy nr September iv $0 .b.h,ro ,~,
<br />('OUNTY OF I1AL4 4
<br />1M tuttkrsfgtrJ, • Notary Publk m •nJ im sad l'utmry, parorray arsto
<br />Arnold C. Wenn and Lin ,each in his and her own right, a wt~as spouse of~ach other
<br />~FZA 1. ~e'~ ~ are p0r Y known to
<br />me w M ter ideatid parson - e affiaal to tM aMrw statrttmrnt n mwtygtrr 5 std they snsesNl}•
<br />adutowkdgaM the asd inst d ~ r ~ tarp act xed deed. .
<br />K9TNFSS Wnaltltl;jtte dureanl.
<br />c t"^ rJ 1' 7~~~ 1
<br />rP~ .,'` ~~ N Lary PuAlk
<br />Ntaar al
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