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~Ow U ~ ~ ~ b ~ MORTGAGE <br />'Chic Mortgage is entered into between `~'~ J. DOLTON and KRISIZE A. DOLTON, Husband <br />-- --_ (herein "Mortgagor") antl <br />151E OVERLADID NATIONAI+ $ANK OF GRAND I9LAND1 Grand Island, Neb=a8ka_(herein "Mortgagee"). <br />Mortgagor is indebted to Mortgagee in the principal sum of $ 40, 000.00 ,evidenced by Mortgagor's note <br />deed -,~t£'Q. f80~-x.19@~(herein "Note") providing [or payments of principal and interest, with the balance of the <br />indebtedness, if not sooner paid, due and payable on`.__~p.~""F1Pa_ 5. 1981. <br />7b secure the payment of the Note, with interest as provided therein, the payment of all other sums, with intereaE, <br />advanced by Mortgsgee to protect the security of this Mortgage, and the performance of the covenants and agreements of <br />the Mortgagor contained herein, Mortgagor does hereby mortgage and convey to Mortgagee the following tleacribed <br />P~peKy located in . Hdll _____._._ Crmnty, Nebraska: <br />A rectartgu.lar tract of grautd in the Southeast Quarter of the Nt'>rttteast Quarter <br />(SFI¢~'~) of Section thirty-Three (33} , Taurtship Eleven (ll) North, Range Nine (9) <br />West of the 6th P.M., in Hall County, Nebraska, ttnre particularly describ~i as <br />follows: t~atmencing at a point Orte Hundred Thirty Tutu (132) Fit North of the <br />Southeast Corner of the South~st Quarter of the Northeast Quarter (SELrNF3t) of <br />section Thirty~riLree (33), 1b~rnship Eleven (11} North, Range Nine (9) West of the <br />6th P.M., in Hall Camty, Nebraska; thence in a Westerly direction to the West <br />Line of said Southeast Quarter (SF3if) of said Dlortlteast fora,+o,- (NFJa) above <br />describers; thence in a northerly direction at right angles along the West line thereof <br />fora distance of One I-Itutdred Thirty-TUO (132) Feet; thence in an easterly direction <br />at right angles parallel to the South Line of said Southeast Quarter of the North- <br />east Quarter (sE9d~}t) above destxibed, ~ the Fast Line thereof; thence in a <br />Southerly direction Cne Hturix'e<i 'shirty-Tto (132) Feet to the place of beginning <br />corttainirrg four (4) acres a little nose or less. <br />Together with all buildings, improvements, fixtures. streets, alleys, passagrwnys, easements, nghls, privileges and <br />appurtenances located thereon or m anywtsr pertaining themlu, and the mots slur. and profits, rcveeaium and rtvnaindeo <br />thtYeof; including, but nut limited lu, heating and eoolinq ryuipment and such personal property that is attached to the <br />imprmetnents so as to constitute a tixturc; atl of which, meludinK mplaeemrnts and addinons thereto, is herchy dtclared <br />to rte a part of the real [state secured by the lien of the Mortgage and all of the foregcnnq loving referred ro herein at the <br />"Proptrty". <br />Murtgaaar Curtner ranvMM[r Mil agrer>, wrth hturtgagn•, .i, t,uluws. <br />t. paytnenE. To pay the tndebtedness and the mterr.t iharrutt a; pn„rdrd :rt this Mungagr and the Nate. <br />.'.. 'i'itk. Liat4gagnr is the owner of the Praprrn .has rhr pant :aril aumuntt to mortgage the 1'roprrty, and <br />warrants that the lien ercatrd hereby rs a first and pnnr hen rm the Proprrn', except as nqt nthrrwtsv tw set Yortb herein. <br />i.. Ilte Rtrprny u subKrt W a Mortgage wherein _ _ - _.._.... <br />is the Mongagre, ttctarded at Hwk , Page ..t the Murl sage Fttu~urds ut _.___._,. County, <br />Nebraska, whtrh Mungage u a lien pnnr to the hen rreau•d hrn•M <br />L: Uthrr pour liens w enrumbances <br />:t, '[saes, .iraratMnLL. 'Cn pav when due all taxr+. +prs~:al a*1+.•+stnrnt. and ail other charges against the Rtrpertr <br />pod. upUlt wnltt•n demand by Mungagrw, w add to the {uy mrnr. rryuuwl under the 'Vote ,r.•urrd hereby, surd[ atnl,ttnl as <br />may tw sutflerrnt turn, `rk~• the Mnrtiagrr• to pay ,ut•h taxes, xis.+rnsntrnl.c ur ut her charge. r they tar•omr due <br />i. lrtaWattcs. -G, seep the nnp,orrmrnts nuw ur ltr•n•aftrr Im•atrd uu the rest estate dwrnbed bream uuutM <br />ttgalrot damage by flm and sure other iurards r Mongaaw• rnaY requtrr.:n amaunu and wrlh tvnnputurrs a.vrptable to the <br />Mttrtptgrr, and wnh stow payaMr t.a the Mwtpagrt•. in caM• ul' Insa under +urh potuara the Alrutgagrs• +x autM,nua to <br />ad}vwt, ectfhrt and enmprotnrar, m ns rttsrrrtrun. xiH claims IhcrruntN•r ut rts ,a1r uplton, atuhunerd u„ur h•-n,ppit the <br />praroeda to the rcatUratiun of the Ikapent of uptm the ;ndt•btrdnra+ ,reared ttrraM~, hr:~ +avtnrnta AvrFUntx~r droll eua~ <br />Unua until the suit setatred tterchy arc paid to full. <br />5. " tiarow Fm Taxes and Irupsraaee. Natwnhslanthng ant'thn,a ,•etntauu•d :n paraKrephx i and f hercu! to !hr <br />contrary, Mtutpqur shill pay to the Mtrnlptaer at the nmr• of {uymq lhr monthly mstaihttrnes of pnna•tpsl and interest, <br />tttu-tweltlh of for yrlniy tsars, asansmrnts. horsed tttsuram•r prrmtumx, and ground rents n( ary l whuh may strata a <br />priority urrr this Mongage, ail as rcaatmeWy rsumatrd from nmr to nmr by the Morgptgrr. 'Cttr amounts w yard shall br <br />Mild by the Mortgagee without interest and appbrd to the pay mrnr of the items m trspret w which +urh amounts weer <br />deposited. The rums pail to Mnr[gtger hercuttder are pledged as additional security for Ihr indebtednraa eared by that <br />Mortgage. Mortgagorshall pay to Mtxtpger the amount oC arty drticirnrt• twtwrrn the actwl [oxen, rwwsvmrnla, Inaunnrr <br />prctMUtaa and ground rents sail the deprtNts gereunder within i0 days after demand is made upon !,Wngagvr tsqueattng <br />payrttent thereof. <br />5. Rtgair, Mamtmtaxa seat tbs. `Co promptly rcpa¢, restore or rebuild any 6uiidings ur improvrmenu now or <br />hereattsrc on the Property: ta keep the PropeHy In good c-ondrtion and repair, wnhout waste, and free from meehanic's ur <br />other liens nut expressly subordtnatrd to the lien hereof; trot to matte, suffer nr permit ant nutaatu•r to exist, tug to dimin- <br />iatt or impair the vdue of [hr Property 6y arty set o: omis~iun to art; and to rumple with all myuimttrtmu of law w[th <br />respect to ihr I'ruperty. <br />