(1) month prior to its due date the annual mortgage insurance premium in order to provide such holder
<br />with funds to pay such premium to the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development pursuant to the
<br />National Housing Act, as amended, and applicable Regulations thereunder; or
<br />~ (11) If and so long as said note of even date and this instrument are held by the Secretary of Housing and
<br />Urban Development, a monthly charge fin lieu raja mortgage insurance psemium) which shall be fn an
<br />ott;Q amoum equal to ene-twelfth (t/72) of one-half (I j2) per centum of the average outstanding balance
<br />due on the note computed without taking into account delinquencies or prepayments;
<br />(b) A sum equal tp the ground rents, i( any, next due, plus the premiums that will next become due and payable on
<br />t:7 policies of fire and other hazard insurance covering the mortgaged property, plus taxes and assssments next due
<br />s ~ on the mortgaged property /o(! as estimmed hr the Mortgagee) less all sums already paid therefirr dfvfded by the
<br />'bN~ number of months to elapse before. unr month prwr to the date when such ground rents, premiums, taxes and
<br />assessments veal becunte Jalduluent, such runts «r be held by Mortgagee in trust to pay said-ground rents, pre-
<br />mtums, taxes and special assessments; and
<br />(c) All payments nronuoned in the two preceding subsretions of thts paragraph and all payments to be made under
<br />the note secured hereby shall be added together, and the aggregate amount thereof shall be paid by the Mortgagor
<br />each month in a single payment to he applied by the Mortgagee to the following items in the order set forth:
<br />11) premium Charges under the Contract of insurance wnh the Secretary ul Housing and Urban Developtrtent,
<br />nr monthly charge /in lieu gimoggage Drsurartcc premiunU, as the case may he:
<br />III) gmwtd rents. taxes, assessments, fire unJ other hawed insurance premrwns:
<br />fill) unrrest un the note secure) hereby: and
<br />ItV) amontranon ul the principal of sat) note.
<br />Any dMiciency in the amount of arty' such aggregate nwnthh• payment shilh unless made gaud by the Mort•
<br />gagor poor to the due date uF the next such paymcu. cmrstnu[e an event ui Default under .his mortgage. the
<br />Mortgagee tray collect a "la[e charge" not to execeJ four cents f4¢) for each Dollar (51 ! of each paynxnt more
<br />than lilteen (I ? 1 days to areas «r lover the extra rxpcn.c mvulved In hand Gng Jclinquent payments.
<br />:S. That if the total of the payments made by the Morty;xgnr under Ibt of paragraph Y preerdinR ahall exceed
<br />the amount of pay'ment~ :u'tuuth~ made by the \lungager fur around rentr, tase~ and u~~t•"ments or in~uranee pre-
<br />miums. ;yti the rase may be. such excess, if [he Iczttt is current, at the op[ion of the Mortgagor, shall he credited by
<br />the \tortgagre on -ub~equrnl pay'ment~ to he made by lhr \tortgapor, or mfundrd ut the \lortgxger If, howea or, the
<br />monthly {rayment` made 6t' the Mortgages under rf~) of paragraph . prectding shall nut he svfficrent «t pay ground
<br />rtmt• rase-, and a'~e~sment~ ur insurance premium=, ;tc th<• ra.~~o mac ne, when Cho Fume ;hall breomt• due and pat-
<br />able. then rhr \brtgagor Shull pap to the \lortgaKrr :ury amount noco~-an' to make up rhr de(irirncy, on nr hrfim•
<br />rhr date when payment of ~ueh Kmund n•ms, taxr~. ;t.~~r<<ment~ ur in.urmce premium- ,hall M• dw• If at .tm
<br />lime the Mortgagor <hxll tender to rhr \}ortgu~rr, in aeeordxner with [he pnni~um. ul the ante >ocu«•d hrrehy.
<br />full paa mt•nt of the entire indebtrdno~~ repro=on«•d themhy. rhr• llonKnKec hall. ur aompuUnk the :unuuot of .uch
<br />mJrhtrdnrss, crerla u> rhe aceewnt ui the Mortgagor .ill pacmems :nadr under rhe ym,++. nut. ui ,.: ,J paragraph
<br />hereof which rhr \brtgaget• ha- met become ubliguu•d ro pay w the ~r•rmtan ul Iluu~nrg .end 1 roan Ueselagxnent
<br />and ant- hal once remaininK in Cho fund- aerumuluuai under rhr prosr.tom of ~ : of paragraph '! hrrwti. It cheer
<br />-hull tx• a default under any of the prostr«rnr of chi= murtKage re-ullin>; ur a public -ale „f rhr pmmr~+•~ ro+ond
<br />he>retn, or it Cho \k,nKnttrr ueyurm- the prnprns uihrrni-r aprr Default, rhr \M•rrea••r.• -hall opals. ,« rhr amo ui
<br />the rnmmenre•ment of -uch proro.•+lin;;-. of .4 qtr time rho praprrn , nihrn+r=r a yutn•,i, :he• h. 1:atrr du•n rrm:un-
<br />ini; ru ih+• fund- derumaf attar under •rI paragraph v pmrrrhnc, .:. .. +nviit .r_a!n•.? rnr .amtmnti,!f pnnr!pai th?•rt
<br />rMnaatning unpa«I under .aid nu«e. ,cud =hull p«rprrls .tdju •~r ans pas nu•m- `rho h -h:dl ha„~ been made under - ~.
<br />of parag«tplt '_'. - - - -
<br />3 Tlru the Mortgagor writ pat gown) ra*m,. i:r,e-.. ,. xmznr. »;+ter r..e- ,-nu .,:nee= - :ram,-nt„r , ,numapai
<br />ahargr,, hnr,. or un po,tUnm. for uhuh pnn ratan ha, oot he•rn made hrrcmMh•rr~a .n.! ,n ,ir:.n+A ~i nrrrut rhr 1l otrit;aNre mar
<br />pay rhr +ame: dpJ that the Mortgagor ,all pnanprla Jain c•r rhr udia cal era rtPn thrrrhn !„rhr ltatga~rr
<br />+ Tht Mortgagor veal pas ,dt taae, ahtch ntaa hr katrJ upon rhr \lurtgaµrr ~ uurn•,! ~n •.uq r.rl r,l.dr anJ ~mpnrs.~
<br />mcnn. and whrch mar he Ir ueJ upon rho nuatgagr ..r Iha .IrM Sri urea bertha +hut .+m, h• rha• <.rrnt that -uah +~ our pmhdnt-
<br />ad by law anJ Drab m rhr exrer.t rivet .uch well nut make rhr, L.ur uuunanr. hm ru:udmg :na :; n:nc r.n, data ,rr Feder:.!,
<br />tmMnrd en Mortgagee. and veal hlt rhr ulticral:cCnpr ,huwmK,uah Pusmrm w+th Ihr MongaKrr ~~~~r,•n +ra:auun ~.1 mn unJrr
<br />caking, aK d rhr Mortgagor n pruMMteJ h+ :ms law' now ~~r hercallrr csntrng ham pet' mg rhr whr•~r ••! .,m par non .d !hr .ante
<br />,ard tear,. •,r uMm :he rcndrnng of .nn anurt .ircrcr pmhrMUnp rhr p:+a nrr an ns rhe Mur rc~KOr .v un •u,:n ia,c,..•r d ,urh law
<br />.N arc ter prua iii. that ant amount ,o p:uJ M the 41 ur lKagor •. h::!! he .refined un rhr ar,rt Egnae .ter.! '1?e LL,rtgagrrhall h.,ac
<br />IhG tlghl Itr tttYr, mnrty Ja\'~ wflilrn M,nlr !n Ihr .,w nrr .J the ImnlgJgrd Per llil,a'+ ryurlmK Inc ;'a,;nrnl .~1 'he 'nnrlca Ka'
<br />drhl. If ,rrC11 ianlaC hr Knrn.:nr ,oral Jrhl ,haft M1Ci+rmC Jnr. i`:ra ahlC .,tIJ .c~l!riilhlr .ri rhr ~ \rn•III.~i~ . rI ~-.nd !miC[, ,S.ra
<br />n fhat ,houkt rte tad to pea .:as mum ~.a kcCr .:ns ~ .,:.._ . ! provJrd t•t ,n !hr- Mn!tg,ei:e. Peen !era Mort KaKrc~. d :n ,gyp
<br />non. may pay or perlnrm rhr ,amt. and :dl csprnduurr, .o ntaJr ,nell hr .rJJrd n, rhr Pnn,rp.,l .urn ,~w mK nn the d,. ~,r note
<br />,hall he +esumJ hurts . anJ +hall hear nnrtr+t ..t rhr rnr •n n+r rh m rhr ~.uJ note, until r.uu
<br />' F'hat tee terrrns ,n,+itn+- vanstet, :mJ ,en u, rr ru rhr Mangaace- to rv :Prhui ro..aw the ;•aa nrem .~F the Grote _~rai m
<br />,ums ,more) berets m Ca,r +u , Jr1•wir rn ;hr prrlunnanar ~d .un .d rhr renm .mil . andrnon, .d rhr, MuU KUar ~a 'hc .nrJ
<br />note. rill the reran, resenue'+ •,na :nCnrne ;,~ ne Jrn srJbam rhr mortgage) rr rrn+,r+ during •u. h uarr :, he -c.v rKaKr m.ir-M rJ
<br />nrsa ,hall rnnatn unpaiJl anJ Cho NurlKaKer ,hall ha,r P•`w rr t.. app,nnt .ors agrm ur ,genh rt n.,a .rc,na ~~~r 'hr purpo,c ~d
<br />rcprunnµ wiJ prcmtsrs ara7 of rcnunK rnr ,.,nrr and ,ode. ung !hr Bunn u•:rnna, pmt ~.: , and ~t ~r.: , Sul ur .arJ +n
<br />Comes ill rxprn5ts of rrpaurtte ,arJ prrmt.e, anJ nrce,eury rummtsaurns arMl rapensr, ,ncurrrtt rn rrnttng ;urn ~nanaWryt the
<br />+arne .arJ df etslkrlma €cntuis the€efeun, the t, tartCr rrmarmng, tf any, u+ h~ apF}trJ :owaru -,tr Jt.. hat ge . r -.,u1 mortgage
<br />tndrhtrdnr,s.
<br />K. -1"hat hr wilt keep rhr rmpu•srmenn now exuung of nrrraRrt rreNad ,.n rnr mon¢agrd juorern. m,un•d -+, neat hr
<br />rrywred (torn ume ru runt hr rhr MorlKagrr .,g,un,t i, +, hs tiro -end .•r her harar J, u.dur, ard .unnngrrra rr, n ,u.h
<br />amounts atril cur such porn,rls rs may ter rtgmreJ hi' the Mortgagee end a+dl Dsrs prunPq: `..hen .rec. ,ma r'rrrmumr -ar ;u, ~.
<br />msuratcec pravrstmi for payment of whtCh has not been made hrremDrinrr- alt +nvuunir .hail t,r -. arnrai rn .nmpaurr, up-
<br />prnveJ M rhr Mortgagee unJ rhr prabCre+ anJ rrnrw:d+ rhr«•uI ,hall t+c hrlJ hr ihr Mnng.rgre .mil hoar .dta. hrd rhercu. i•,„
<br />payahk Ciawr. m fus,K ul .,rtJ in form acceptable ru rhr Mungugrr fn c+rnt ul h,„ M~nga4ur sd! era muurJtatr nnu.c m
<br />mail to the MurtttaKee. who may make pnx+f of lux, ;f ram inaJe rn+nrptly rat MUtrgaguf..anl .,;, h m+pr.une• . •':upans .err
<br />Garrard is berets :wlhonteJ and Jtrtcced w m:,kc payrnrm Inc ,urh lu„ drrrcth to the Mortgagee ur,rrau of to the MnngaKUr
<br />:mil rnr Martgx},me Iomih. anJ rhr m,urancr pnrceed,, nr mn r:u1 thereof. :na, ha aprhrJ h+ thv Mongagrc .n .n ~qn n,n rdhrt
<br />to the reduction of Ibe uKtehtednrss herrM +reurrd or to rhr rrsarrturnn or rrpatr of rhr rn,rrrn damage) In r, rm ~,t !on•c i+~
<br /><urc of This murtyttSr ur other transfer of title to the mortgage) prnpr« s m eaungm,hmrm at cnr mJeh«vmr„ •a'. areal berets.
<br />xtl right. title anJ intarcst of rhr Mortgagor m and to am mwomcr pnhere, !hen m hx. e hall P'n, to r he purcha+rt nr grnntrr
<br />v. Thar as aililitiunal anJ Collateral ,ecunn for the payment of the nolr dr,i nimd. .:nJ ,~! •++m, r+, hraumr due under rho
<br />murtg~. thE -MC+ftar hrrrht' u•vgm to Inc Mautgagrr :fit prntin, :nrnur,.:nt alto.,. ~+ehn .mJ hrnrtn, ,+a,rumK Ir ihr
<br />MwtptRor undef•any :mil :JI oil and gas iru,rs on ,aiJ prrmter,, uah rhr : rght n+ reCersr ,nrJ r rCrrpt cur rhr ,amt anJ uppls
<br />them to ,xkt raJebtedne„ as well hature as ;Jtrr Jefauh m rhr arodniom of rho nu+ngagr. .end rhe Mungager mat drmami. ,ur
<br />tar and rctovtr any ,acct pxymrnn when due anti pavabit. but ,bait rant ne reyuueti „- u• Ju ! ht, .rssignment r, tc, teem enact
<br />anJ ixeame nail ;mJ aotJ upon relea,e of rni, mortgage-
<br />rHn ?want nu :n
<br />