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<br />80-- ~iLi4855 MORTGAGE <br />80- U0478Q <br />THIS INDENTURE, file 25th dry ~ August ----, Is ~.. by ma- between <br />Philip E. Krieser and Cheryl A. Krieser husband and wife, each in his and her own rittfit <br />ono as spouse or >:ne otner ___ <br />~ Hdl 1 Cowty, Nahrasia, u tmrtgsgor S ,end Grand [eland Tmrt Company of Greed felmd, a omporrtion <br />organized and azieting uvular tM Iawe of Nebnaia with ita principal office end plsar of bwimee et Gnat Ielmd, Netwaeka, m nwrtgegee; <br />WITNE98ETH: That slid mprtgagetr_t~. , for and to catsldaratiop of the sum of <br />Ten Thou~ar~d_Fifteen dollars and QO/100 ********************t~*_r:~, 10 !!~r77 00 <br />~_ atv.,arw AIC ehi1~- _ 1. <br />the recdpt of which is hereby aclmowladged, do _- by thew ptroeenta mortgage and warrant unto s~~`~G'iiti5a and aasi®ta, <br />{.. . <br />Ha 11 =~r <br />forever, aU CM lolbwing described red estate, sitwted in tM County of .... _.. _ ~ :.'..•'. a^: a .....' <br />' and 9ute of Neblarka, to-wit: " " - <br />Let Twenty Two (22), In Marylane Subdi~~ision, Hall County, Nebraska. <br />Together with alt hating, rir conditioning. lighting, and plumbing uqurpment and tu[urea. including amens, rwniage. storm wmdowr and <br />doom, rnd window ehaden ur blinds, used on or is tamtrec[iun with eatd property. whether the same err now locoed nn asd property ru hueriter <br />placed theeeon. <br />TC? HAYE ANIY T(y H()LU THE 9AM6, tegetMr with all sal etnruly tM teaemrats, htteditamrttta and rppurtrnraa thueaate tre~ <br />baring, nr ~n rayww apprrtaiotne. lorevw, sad wamut tM titb u> tM aanr. Nrttd morgagor S. hereby coveant - with acid <br />moRgagrn thu t My art! . rt tM delivery hrreo(, the lawful ,rrnrr > of tM premises above ronveYad std dsarribad. <br />rnd.... at'C'. asued w a good rod e.tatr of ~nhrntance tMraro. tree and clew of rlt uncumbraetroa, and thu t My wtU <br />wrrrw and deferd tM [itla tMreto forever agamu the chime std demalds M ell persona whontsoevrr <br />PIIUV 1 UEU Al. W A YS, aa1 thu irtatntmant u esecuted red detirered to secure tM payment u1 tM rum ul _ _ <br />Len ThQUSdn4- ~ fifteen dui ls±rs dn4. 491140 •~.*••.***.•**•**1)nllua~i 111,0,1.5.00 ~. <br />with Interest etMfmn, [ugetlrr with such Cheerer old advrnca Y nLLY fw dW rW PrYrblr fe earl marttlagee order tM trrmn alai rnrdiuona <br />o! lhr peomiawry mu u( evm date 6uresrith rat scared Mrrby, narrutwl by and roonrarp S.. to +ud rmrtragar, ,nyrbk s raproerrJ <br />is sod age, rnd W stun tM perlorntrow of ell CM tarlpa sod condi[iseta rnnuind tlrweio. The terms w rod note era heroby mrrupurtri <br />hetata by thn raMeore. <br />It N tM mW.wr apd rrrertaMtt o! tltr partrw hereto that tiu tltwtpre atoll Wo rreun any lutut: rdvraws nerds is scud rnortprpr 5... <br />by sad rautgagw, ud any red sU ,nds6tadrtrae m rddtta,n to tM amount rtwva .auud what. raid rmutttagora, ur rqv d tlrm, may errs to <br />said nrortraraa, howwer wdmoar/, whrtttr 6y rou, twnlt rt<rwnt ur ,uhrrww. Thte trortgarn atoll remrm in full force and ntlw,t hetwern <br />eM partis and thsu hrtn. parwwl reprrawtaUvee, mtaersora rind mrtrlu, untU ell wrottntr aatvnd hrreuodar, utclttdinr Nturr <br />advattes, ere prid to lull wuh mterert <br />'rtw ma•tgagru tarnby rasegn to rod rttortrarrr ell rants rnd rnmw rrnuyl a say and aU etogw tram ad tr,NaetY anJ <br />bnriY ruthurw ad paettpg,rr v ru aratt, at rV uptmr, upon r4frull, to take charge u1 red payaety sad rpaw•t ell wntr and irtauna <br />tltaratrpnt std rgiy tlr ears W tM pryrtrrx of irrterart, petoetprl, tnwrauw ptamiuar, taaar, asrreamrrts. npana w unprevaarwtr <br />aapraary a Leap .ad WeprttY b taprrtrhM q»aiitwn. ~n wuthrr cturgs ur p.ymwu prevtdai for hwem rX ra tM our MrebY 'a+~aral ~rhra <br />tapt aartrrrment raft eoatinree ut Ipter uaad td uapatd MMatew sad our u folly pad. TM ta4wg W porersa,n hweutder ,Ma in rw tnannnr <br />@taraet ar rrtW asrd ®artrresn m tie aaiiaetian s/ aYd rrwt by ftradpaurr ur utialwiw. <br />TM (ariw d the testa to arrrrt say w ru ttrMr Itweuadv rt any uma shalt reef Fr aar+trnrti u • rrrlYar „f ,t., nght ~.. rwert I ha <br />area rt roy later title, rod to utatrt upon eat srdonw etrtn eumpiiaace with ell tM rnrrrar rpd of artd nw rat ~.t eluu murtgrre <br />II red ptortrarpr 5 ring :ntrx m 6a paid b aatd taxlrars the entire rlpount dw a ltaasta,ler, red uttdrr tM tetme amt provwame <br />of aid mfr hrr'riY rrwtad, iarhtdhtr fWntra _~.____-, rat r4Y ratrernor ur rrarwab ehrr«,1 fie rt awdrtw wtth tht trrrrw and pmrwnn. <br />thraoL wd it erd naaetpror, S_.. elrr onarply wtth rtl fir ptwurpm td ad Data sad d tlw rrartrare, tMn thsa prarrna than ha vow. <br />alrrwr w eemain io hp (prat std rMsst. trd rd tawt~e shall 4,r rwuttsd tp tM parrararp of el! w sad property. reed mrY, at ua upttun. <br />derlntr the whuM of raid ttsM sad d1 indeitair. lapeeasrtad tirrrby to M itnmdYtdy dw rnd W,vabb, red mrY forvebw this mnrtragn <br />m teie spy oNrr Mpt rtlisa to tpptaat ifs Wit. Apperwntrnt wrivrd. <br />Ttia roweytre ring 6a btrdttir oPw red moll rape to the 6rrrlk d the Itsirr, aaectrwre, rdanpiatratare. autxwrron rat assigns ~d t hn <br />tapr:uiw partis ltrrato. <br />' IN WITN EBH WHEREOF, red !t{erararog:_ Myt+ herruato alt 1' .. hand .5..,. tM dry and Yar that aM>vr <br />written. _ ' <br />- i ,. . <br />_s . __.--.____-__ _ _3(.CJ_ r r ~.. <br />~._, _~._ . __.___-- Cheryl A. Kr it~ser <br />