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QO [} A r` q <br />vv '~ i) l; -i is `3 ~3 <br />Lender's written agreement or applicable law. Borrower shall pay the amount of all mortgage insurance premiums in the <br />manner provided under paragraph ? hereof. <br />Any amounts disbursed by Lender pursuant to this paragraph 7, with interest thereon, shall become additional <br />indebted:tess of Borrower secured by this Mortgage. Unless Borrower and Lender agree to other terms of payment, such <br />amounn shall be payable upon notice from Lender to Borrower requesting payment thereof, and shall bear interat from the <br />date of dtsburxment at the rate payable from time to time on ountanding principal under the Note unless payment of <br />interest at such rate would be contrary to applicable law. in which even such amounn shah bear interet at the highest rate <br />permissible under applicable law. Nothing contained in this paragraph 7 shag requite Lender to incur any expeox or take <br />any action hereunder. <br />8. Impecder. Lender may make or cattx to be made reasonable entries upon and inspections of the Property. provided <br />that Lender shall give Borrower notice prior to any such inspection specifying reasonable caux therefor related to Lrnder's <br />intern[ in the Property. <br />9. Ctrttriemnatlrn. The proceeds of any award or claim for damage. direct or consequentiah in connection with any <br />condemnation or other caking of the Property. or part thereof, or for conveyance in lieu of condemnation, are hereby assigned <br />and shall be paid to Lender. <br />In the event of a total taking of the Property, the proceeds shall be applied to the sums secured by this Mortgage. <br />with the excess, if any. paid to Borrower In the event Df a partial taking of the Property. unless BoROwer and Lender <br />otherwix agree in writing, there shall be applied to the sums secured by this Mortgage verb proportion of the proceeds <br />as is equal to that proportion which the amount of [he sums secured by this Mortgage immediately prior ro the date of <br />• taking bears to the fair market value of the Property immediately prior to the date of taking, with the balantt of the proceeds <br />paid to Borrower. <br />If the Property is aMantJotted try BaROwer, ar if, after notice by Lender ±o Borrower that the ctntderanor offers to make <br />an award or xttle a claim for damages. Borrower fails [o repond to Lender within 30 days after the date such nonce is <br />tttailed. Lender is authariud ro collect and apply the proceeds. at Lender's option. either to testotation or repair o[ the <br />Property ur eo the sums secured by this Mortaage. <br />Cnies Lender and Bomrwer othezwise agree in writing, any such apolicadon of proceeds to principal shall cwt extend <br />or postpone tfie due dare of the monthly installments referred to in paragraphs t and ?hereof or change the amount of <br />such installmrnts. <br />10. bomawer Not Rekaaed. Hxtenaion of the time for payment Dr modification of amortintion of the sums secured <br />by the Mortgage granted by Lender to any succnsor in interest of Borrower shall not operate to rcfeax. in any manner. <br />the iiabdity of the original Borrower and Borrower's succnsors m interat. bender shall not he required to commertce <br />proceedings against such successor or refux to extend time for payment ar otherwiu modity amomzanon of the sums <br />secured by this Mortgage by reasor. of any demand made by the original Bortower and Bortowers successors m interest. <br />11. ForMarrnce by Lender No[ a Waiver. Anv forbearance by Linder in exercising any right or remedy hereunder. Dr <br />e afforded by applicable law, shall not be a waiver of or preclude the exercise of any such right or remedy. <br />j7.urcment of insurance or the par mein of taxn or other liens or charge by tender ;hall not tx a waiver of Lender's <br />er {~tao accelerate [he maturity of the indebtedness secured by this Mortgage. <br />Reeadia Cu~taWise. All rcmedie provided in this Mortgage arc distinct and cumulative to any other right Dr <br />remedy under this ~Vlbfigagroratforded by law or equity. and may be exercised concurrently, independently x successiveh~. <br />tJ. Sacceators a~ ,signs Boatel: Joint and Severn (.laftflRf: Captioro. The covenann and agreements hercir. <br />convened shall bind and the rights hereunder shall inure to, the rnpective successors and assigns of Lender and Borrower. <br />subject to the provisions oP paragraph I' hereof. All Covenants and agreements of Borrower shall be loam and uveral. <br />The capnons arni headings of the paragraphs of thin Mortgage am for .onventence only and are not ro be uxd to <br />interpret Dr de$ne the provniom hereof. <br />id. Malice. Excep[ for any na[icc required under applicable law tD be given m another manner, ial any notice to <br />BoRDSV~er amnded for in this Mortgage Thai! i±e given by marling ±uch :?once by xrufied mail addressed !u Borrower at <br />the Property Address .?r at such other address as BnRpwef may designate by notce to Linder as provided herein. and <br />of env neuze to Leader shah ire given kv ceru®ed marl, r><turn reccsr=2 rzgtpa~[ed. re Linder'; addles hated hereto or to <br />sash ether address as Lender may designate by nonve to Borrower as provided hereto. jay notice provided for ~.n this <br />Mortgage shalt i?e deemed m have been ;rvcn to Borrower or I.end¢r when given in the manner designated herein. <br />15. Unf}ttrnt Mot'tstge: Csonrnia~ few; SevertsbRMy. The term Df mortgage mmbinn umtorm covenants far national <br />ux and non-uniform covenants with limited variations by wnsdicuon to constitute a uniform secunty instrument vvenng <br />real property. This Mortgage shall be governed by the law Df the ~unsdictwn m which the Property w Ixa[ed. to the <br />event that any pmvtswn Dr ctaux of this Mortgage or the Vote conflic[s with applicable law, such :Dottier ;hall not slicer <br />other nrovsions of !his Mortgage or the Vn[t which :an he given etiect without the Conflicting pmvnion. and !o this <br />and the provisions of •he Mortgage and the vote arc Jcclared w he .evocable. <br />16. borrower's Cupv. Borrower ihall he furnished a Conformed Cupy of the Vote and of !his Mortgage x •ha nine <br />Dt exR anon ~lr after ree'Otd]tlnn hereDt. <br />17. Trwfer oP tfe Proprrty; .\rrmption. If alt or any part Df the Property Dr an enteral therein is ;old -+r vansferred <br />by Borrmvrs wnhour Lcndsr'r poor wrlnen Conant. excluding tai the Creation of a lien nr eneumbnnce wfrordmate 'D <br />this Mattgage. ~ht she Creanon •:.f ,. purehax numey ucunty interest for household appliances, id ~ !ranster be .kvtx. <br />descem or by operation ..f law upon the death of a ~~omt tenant or ~Ji the grant of any haxhold interest .H :hrrr ~~ran ,+r law, <br />Cwt Containing an ,apron to purchax. Lender :nay, at I :nder's option, declare all the ,isms orated ''? ~hn jlongage ~~.~ he <br />unntedistety dur and payable. Lander shall have warvrA ,uch option m accelerate if poor to the gale or cransrcr Lrndrr <br />and mr person •o xhom the Propene :s ro x +uW or transrerrcd reach agreement ~.n a•nung that ins Credit +t .uch Ceram <br />is satnfacturv !a. Lander and !hat the interest payable on the ,isms sscured by ihts 1lortgayr .hat! !k at ,uCh rsu .s Lender <br />shall ~egtrat !t t :ruler has waved the option to accelerate prnvtde-d m thta pangnph I? and ~f &+rrawrr+ ,ucaevor :n <br />interat has raaa•.uted n wnnan aasumprion air-meat ]ccspted in writing by Lender. Lender hall release Born,wrt 'rpm all <br />ofrftgruttmt +uuler this \ia+rtgage anal tM V ae. <br />., L¢-a ~r sat ;rasa :.erh ~-tape to ac.;st¢rate. I.zrs.iar aniii rnasE Barrr+aer notr4E ~.:t akCeh~ra:svn ~n .~erzfin« ~z. . <br />}aragrapn ' : ncrcuf. Sis;h norcc .hall , rondo a venod of not less ;ban Ul .lays yarn ~hz Ja;r Ehe n;mC:• :: -n;t ^'rd .ach:u <br />whmh Btvrower nice ^av nc~ wens dsclared due. It burrower cads va pay ,u.h ,urns pri,•t 'a 'hr ~tn:wu,•n ~- -.~ ~en~al <br />Lzndur rnay. without htrthrr notice or .fmand ~-,n Borrower, nvoAa any ;emrdirs ;mrnn nrJ '~, ,~araeraph 'ti •n. aid <br />Von-t:vir+?rtir C'ovpvaNrs ~ rrower anti I_cnder further .ovrnant and ague as t„llows' <br />Ig. .\eceMrtlbw; Reraedirs Estrpr a• provided it prrtrRnph I' hereof, upaa Borrower's hrerch of say rovenrm nr <br />agaaetarm cif barrstwrr M tNa 'ttarteaae, irrctadlrrR du carrrWMS to pay when else any cams +ecarrd by thg ``lortatyr. <br />Letter prior to accehrrtior shatl tnaii rottce to &rrrewer as provided is prrtrrsph 11 hector +peyifvrae: rli the breach; <br />i31 t\e tirtwa required to con srrrh breach: IJi a dale, not Isar than JO days from tM date the rwti<r ix mailed w 8arruwrr. <br />M wNCh arch hrerch mast be atirrd: sad ill that friiure to cure such breach +ro nr Mfort the date +pecified is the natia•r <br />mar rauit in accefentwa of the sums wcured by the Mort;aqe, Yorerlosure by judirid pnicrrdina and ,ah tit the Property. <br />TAr rio/iar vbdl further inform Bwruwer tit IM riaht to niaurls after aacelsrali+m ]ad the rixhr to .curt in the fnreclo.urr <br />proceednng the iwa-raistrace tit a default ur say other datertw of Burruwrr to arcthntion and furrclu arr. If thr hrrach <br />is not cased err w 6eforr the Brits sptcihed ip tits notice. Lrndrr N I.rrrders option may drrlarr all of the +uau arrurrd hs <br />this ~ioraRrae ro hs immedietrfy des sad payabis without foriher drmarrd sad rosy tueecirrr ha judicial prareediaa. t-rndrr <br />shah hr eaihhd to callesP in ;tak pr.+vtadiag ail rapeaats of Eorecioaure, includirsg, beu nut limited tu, oasis of dw umrmar, <br />rvtdrnre, aherracn sad ndr rrporn. <br />l9. borrower's Riaht to Relrwate. tiotwuhstanding t.ender~, acceleration ,,~ thr •ums secured hs •~., jiort¢acc <br />Harrower ihail have the right tD hao-e ens frocerdmys `!cyan ha Leaver to entane 'hi, v1.+rtguye Imm~unuru a ec} amt <br />