<br />KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That Ytillitim K. Zuehlke apd sett A. Zuehlke Iuabapd
<br />hereina€ter caged mortgagor(s), in consideration of the sum of •~~ Dollars in baud paid YiLe
<br />does hereby GRANT, BARGAIN, SELL, and CONVEY to HOUSF,HOhp FINANCE CORPORATION, heseinafter catkd
<br />mortgagee, the following described real property located in call County, State of Nebraska, to wit:
<br />The Iiaaterly forty Three (43) feet of Lot dips (9), aad the
<br />Yleaterl Twepty-Eight (2i) feet of Lot Teo (1©), ip ilt~ok
<br />dips (!~, Morris st6 Additiop to the dity of Grapd Ialspd
<br />Yall ~oupty, debraaka.
<br />It is mortgagor's intention to convey title in fee simple including all rights of homestead and dower.
<br />PROVIDED, however, that [his mortgage is made on the express cunditiup that, if the mo__rtggagor(s) pays in fug the
<br />promissory wte payable to the mortgagee dated iepteaber .~ 19 0 tirt S ?©00,x._, „____, payable
<br />k installments according to the terms thereof, together wiW interest theroun as provided m the nure at the agreed rate of
<br />charge of ?',~ per mtmth un that part of the unpaid balance of [he amount tinanred un any Iuan not in excess of3Li)00:
<br />!•t??96 per trron ij~rn that pan of the unpstd balance of the amount financed exceeding 51.000 but not exceeding 55,000:
<br />and 1~il~Agbamonth un any remainder of the unpaid balance of the amount ftnanced: anJ rf mortgagor(s) pays all taxes
<br />and assessments levied un wtd propeny ;nd maintains sdeyuate fire insurance un said real property, then this mortgage shat!
<br />be void.
<br />This mortgage rmiy nut be assumed without the written consent of the mortgagee.
<br />!f the mortgagor ails to pay any sum of money, Fither principal nr interest. whmt due. ur fails to comply wnh any of
<br />the above agreements, the mortgagee has the option ttr declare the whulr ul said mdehtedness due and payable at once and to
<br />ittaintain any sctlon at law ur equity to recover the wore.
<br />In NStaesa Whereof, mortgagur{s) exnuted thu mortgage this .3rd day ul ~ette~ber A, p, ly 8~
<br />In the presen,x oF. _f,~~~;~ a,~! .
<br />..oaa~oLS. ,rzxAH ae, otero~,-TZO~ _ /~~'~ '(~.~~xc~...c.~.,
<br />C~
<br />i. L. Roes, Mapager
<br />STATE OF,.y/~~BR~ASKA , ~:
<br />~,.__._.~i4G~s~ ~UUtvTY i
<br />(71t this _.__. -_ day ut. lt~ti4.t. ... ..._ . A.D IV ..?. harlot mr, the
<br />undardgrteJ ___. ~ ' h..!.... -.. _ - - - _, ~ ~/ ,~,,_ . a Notary Puryl~a,
<br />du(y,com ssi wrd uahfigsq~ for drcsidt m 'td a,u itv. ,sun Ih sanf~~.LLLSlL[}r. x/r) ~i e.~1~.~Br.:
<br />to irk known to be th idemicd pe~~~me ~- (is! ldifl al fixed to the fi rgomg msuument as mortgagors
<br />anduselutuwkdged the acme to 6e -----~... _.____-_....-- vulun4vy act nr doed.
<br />Wltiwas mY hand and Notarial Seal the day and year last above wtittea€,,,,,,,,., ^_ _--.
<br />' ~ J- /~-__~/_
<br />.~~ij~~~~,j, s. 3 ~ Notary Pubh~ 41 .,,nnmsst n rat uea. { ~, yu .~` 't ~Y~~
<br />Form 1Z NB fa~79i
<br />