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$0- uG4830 <br />MORTYAGE <br />MORTGAGE LOAN NO. L 2 3 , 769 <br />IINOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: Thai Gary R. Jacobson, a single person <br />Mortgagor, whether one or more, in cotsddetation of the sttm of <br />Thirty-Seven Thousand and No/100----------------------------------------------- oott.ARs <br />Ironed to sold sttortgagor by The Equitable Building and Lunn Association of Grand Island, Nebnakn, Mortgagee, upon 37O sham of stodt of <br />sad ASSOCIATION. Certittate No. L 23, 769 , do hereby gent, rnnvey and mortgage into the said ASSOCATION the fo0owetg <br />dtsaaiSed real estate, dtruted N Hall Cwnty, Nebraska: <br />LOT EIGHTEEN (18), HAVING A LAKE FRD;VT FOOTAGE 78 FEET SITUATED <br />ON THE WEST SIDE OF THE WEST PORTION OF KUESTER LAKE AND BEING ON <br />APART OF THE EAST HALF OF THE SOUTHIJEST QUARTER (SW;) IN SECTION 13, <br />TOWNSHIP 11 NORTH RANGE 9 WEST OF THE 6TH P,M., HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA. <br />together wnh all the tenements, hercditamems anti appurunansxs th<rcumo belonging, including attached Hour wsersnp, all wudow screens, <br />window shades, blinds, storm windows, awnings, heating, air conditioning, and plumbing and water egmpment and asszaaorms thmela, pampa, stove, <br />refrigerators, and other fiaturcs and equipment now or hereafter attached to or used in cunnecUUn wnh sand real estate. <br />And whercu the aid rrwrtgagor has agreed and does hereby agree thnl the murtgsgur shall and wsll pay aU taxes and asaeatmenta leased ur <br />asemd upon said prrmrxes and upon this mortgage and the bond secured [hereby before the same shall Mwme deenyueM: to furnish appeuved <br />mstsrana upon the bwldings nn sad premises sitwted'in the sum tit S 37 , 000. UO payable to sad .ASStx'IATION asW to drllver la sad <br />ASSOCIATION the p,licres far said imunna; and not w wmmu or permit any warm on os aMsm sod prem+us. <br />In cox tit default m the performance of any tit the terms and cundmuns of the nntrtgage ur tlu IwnJ sewrcd hereby, the rsaxtpgae atoll, <br />tin Jermrsd, M rnutkJ to imrrodrle pusartsmn of the rtwrtgaged premises and the nwngagar hereby assigns, t-ansim and xets oser to the <br />rsxutgagee aB rhr rents, reyentms and rnwme to be Jenved from the murtgagal prcnuxs duruyt such rinse as the rrwrtgap mdebtedsuas shall remain <br />unpaid: and the nturtgagee shall taro; rhr power to appssent any agent tit agents n Huy JCme !sir rhr purpusa ul raparstsg sad prcmtta sad rcrttiug <br />the same sad etsikaing the Tenn, revanteet utd incumo, and +t may pay out tit sad +nwmr a#1 rx,prnsea of rcparrutg rod Pserrrud arsd rwa5ary <br />oomrmauons and cxprnsca incurred +n rentsng and rranagmg rhr soma and ul wtkcting rtlnuta therelmm; ter baiancR ratmtnfng, rf any, W ba <br />applied Iuwud Iho Discharge of sod nwrtgage rndebtedneu; !hest r+glstx ul the nwrlgager Huy lstt rxarcned al any taro dining rhr eaWana of wdt <br />stsfadt, arz~u-rive of anY temporary waivsr of tM samz. <br />Those Proxtlnts, however, are upon tlx Cordnwn, That rf rhr sad Mortgagor shall rcpav sand loan tin sir before the nutwny tit sad xturas by <br />pytront; p,y monthly w sad ASSOCIATION of the sum spealied m the &md secmed hereby as interest and pruurpal tin sad loan, on or Metre <br />the Twent+elh Jay of cacti anJ mty month. until sod loan a tally pa+J; pay all taxes anJ asxexarrontx kvreJ agauw sad premnss and tin this Murtgap <br />and the &snd secured thereby, before Jehngtrency, tum+sh appmveJ irourance upon the buddmgs thereon in the sum ul 4 J7, OOO. OO !arable <br />to said ASSOCIATION: repay to sod ASSOCIATION upon demanJ all nwrov by it pad tar such texas, asseumems and msuran < wnh u+trrcu at <br />tM rnaxsmum legal rate thereon Irum dale of payntenl all ul which Mortgagor hereby agreex to Fay. pernw no room tin sad prrm,ses, keep and asmply <br />with aB the agreements and cundnwns of the Bunt fur S 37 ,000.OO this day given by the sad Mortgagor iu sod ASSOCIATION, a+ut comply <br />wiU aB the reyuuemen[s of the Corutnutwn and By-Lawn tit said ASSOCIATION, then these peasants shall ha:umc null and rod, wherwssa the, <br />s1oB remain m full furor amt uuy br Iwe,:ls,aed at she opunn tit rhr sass! ASS(7('IAt10N atirr !adore lur three rrnsnths to nuke any r,t .s+J <br />paYtwms or be ihra rtwnths m arrears m moron{ sad tttonthlY P+Ymems, or h> keep anJ asmply wnh the atueerronts and tvnd+twm or ud N+ntJ, <br />anJ Mortgagor agreex w have a rcrxiver appumtad forthwuh m such lorrckas+rc pnsexduigs. <br />If thorn u anY clu/sge m uwrorshsp of rho real owu mortgyrd hemm, by sale sir utherwue, than rhr onurc remauwsg udeMadneta Mroby <br />sactued rhaB, a Ihs option ssf The Eywubk Building and Loan Aatucrtwn ssl C7rand Idusd, Nebraska, Mwrro +mrnedulelY due amt pyabk wulwut <br />frutlrer rswstt, and the ananust retsumiry due under tad tsund, and anY other bond tar any addrtwtul adnnus nude thercundar, dtaB, tram the <br />date of eaerestr of Yd option, bear mtereu at tM maauuum legal ate, and this nwnltage may then M torccksrJ to satW y rhr amount due on sad <br />hand, anA any otbrr hssrrd for adddasnd advusees, ttgethes with all sums pawl by said TM hyunabk Budding ant Lwn Asaa:tatsws ul t ~ramf Idirrd, <br />Nabnaka fro ussusana, rues std asavauronu, and abrnttuytestenuun chugea, with mtaroat thereon, fnsm Jate of payment st rhr rruxrmuxn <br />bpI ate. <br />M sit rhr &srd aecwrd iursby, while this rsrurlgage wrrums +n effect the rmxtgagar rruY hereafter advanw addnruul sums to sM <br />ataeava said Baed, tlteu aaWpia w sr/sxamn m murM, welch sums shag M within rhr *ecusny of this mortgage the same a the raids urrgtnally <br />srtasted theroby, the tsnal tmi,unt of pruserful debt rot tss ras:rd at anY trine rhr ossgwl anwunt of the sswrtga~ <br />o ter ""} 28th. Jay .,t August A It.IV80 <br />i <br />Gary R. aC~ n <br />STATE OF NEBRASIU. ~ ~ (in this 28th. Jar nt August IvBU . Mwre nu. <br />CY)UN7'Y (M HALL <br />rise undersigtwd, a Notary Pubhc m and lus sad !'aunty, perwnally -sere <br />Gary R. Jacobson, a single person wnu is parsunally knuwnw <br />ma to bs the Idaotipl paean wlroar name 1 5 atnxad to the aiwve umrumnns ax mortgagor wIJ Ite gll0#NY <br />acJtnotvk,Jgad ilia slid 'uratrmnastl to he h 1 S wluntuY act u+d dint. f~ ~ . <br />WITNI?SS mY rand ud Notate! Sea! rhr Jatr stu:nwal. i. <br />#y CommWktn exgrtas ~ ~ - ~ <br />~ .. y' .- /!) ~- ` __ .. Vutuy Public <br />INNM hi l (iflffg~l f/~tARY ~ c,,d!e ,~t Nrhi asks <br />_A.r'.~ tv ~ ;~.i <br />~Yj'C'*a My L'a ~ -_'• Nr. ~~1 ~, i9a3 <br />