�Cr.i�'� �t: :.=:r-..
<br /> _a.:.... ` . . -- —,�t''.'_
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<br /> 1 ' —
<br /> � TQGETFIER YNTH W th� NYxov«nw:ta now ot h�riaftK �r�Ct1d cx� the propwty, and W Ms�nonts. �ppurtww+c�s, and
<br /> i ' Wtwai now or t�eros�ttr�part ot tfe proaCYSy. A!1 rCalacementa 1u�d�dtiitiona mhaN rleo br covoad by thli S�ufly Inatrurcrr►t. -
<br /> ! AM ot the tcHeyoln4la rolar+d to 4�thia Sacurity In:trum�nt as tR� 'Hropwty' _
<br /> t BORR0�4L•R COVENANTS Ihal Barow�c ts Ia�wtuMy saltW of th• �atate haoby ca+r�y�d and l��a Iho ri�hl to y�a:il w�J =
<br /> � conv�y th• Prop�ty and tl►�t tM Propwty Ia unwiaunt+ar�d, exc�pt tor �ncumbnncaa ol r�cord. EiorroK�r warr�nts �nU wYl _
<br /> � d�land gsnar�ly t�a IiW lo Ui�Prop�rty w9a+ni1 W cWrr�s iu+d demands. sub��ct to any�ncumManc�s ot rw.ad (p _
<br /> THIS ScCUHITV tNSTRUMENT comt�fna unilomi cov�nants lor n�tlonal u:� �nd non•unMon� cavmant� w�h �
<br /> �:ri:tlon�by puisd�,.^Ua.�So comlRUta a unilam setwKy In�VUment ceveireg r�al p�opaty
<br />' '; iii�uC'unry+i+ilvcivnivi�. 'rotroW�r�nd i.endwr CcV�rwr�l onci�yrM�a iu:uww. _
<br /> - � 1. Pa�snarit a! Pri�u9p� znd tttt�r�sst� P�a�ayns�M snd Ltl� Cfisrpss.BarowK .h.�promp�M wY w�wf►� --
<br /> ,; dw tha princlp�l ol�nd Inl�r�st a�ti��M�bt wki�nud Gy tha NaTa ond snY pr�ay�na++t�+►d Irlr cTwq�s du�u+tcNr lht Nota � -
<br /> 2. Ftllldt � T�ii�� �nd llllWN7Cl. lwb�cf to�iifcabl�I�w or lo �w��t�n v�raN�t by L�ndw,8orroww thaY WYQ -
<br />--� ! to Und�r or�ih� d�Y Mo+�thly payrcwnb ar� du� w�dw tM Not�. cnW tha��ot� b pald In tuY,• sum ('Fund�") la: (al Ywy� �
<br /> _ taxr� �nd ua�asmint* wldcl► m�y �tNJr► prlorN� ovir IAts SrcurNy Inaltumrnt at � Wn on tM Propw�ty: lb) YwrlY Iws�hold
<br /> ` � WY►rw�ts cx yround ra�t�on IM P►opKty. M�nY� (0) Y�Y Aatard a �xop�rty InwrwncY pr�nium�: (d) Y�Y Uood Ins:u�nce� _
<br /> � prwnfumz,if �ny: (�)ywty mortyay� huuana pr�rJu+ns,q�ny: and(��ny wms p+iy�blY Dy 8o+rowK to Lender In�ccorduice =
<br /> wNh tho ptovlsb�l� Of paruqi'aph B, in Y�u ot th• paymmt ol maty��� Inwr�nc�prwnWms. Th�i� Rema uo c�Y�d 'E:uow
<br /> Itoms.' LendK m�y. �1 any Wn�, CoY�ct and Aold Fwid� In an amount not to �xcMd th�maknum amaunt �bndar ior a
<br /> taiaraliy rNaiW maA�90 ioan may nqu�e ta 8ortowr's osuow account undar th� fodu�!Roal Esta�B SYt1�OM8I1) PfOCOdtlre9 _
<br /> Act o1 1874 u artwidsd kom tim�to Ikrw.12 U.S.C.�2601 �i s�q. ('RESPA'), unl�ss anoth�r 4w that appliss ro the Funda _
<br />' � sNs a las,r�nount. tl so, Lender m�y. tl any tYnR, coll�cl and hotd Funds in�n �mouM nat to azcwd tha bssar �mounl. _
<br /> Lender may atkr�N tM iut►wuft ot Funds �fu� on th� b�sis W curtw►1 dala u�d rasonabl�es1Lr►atsa o1 ex�nciiGuos of lut�ua
<br />;;'� Escrow Itama or oth�twlt�In �ccordwnce with y�plicabw law. -
<br />� Th�Fund�sluY b�Mid in an InsGtutbn whora dapasita ua insurod dy a tada�l ayency,InstrumentxGry.or enlily(u�dudinfl -
<br /> Lender, d Lender 4 sucA an Instilutlon)or In any Fsd�ra Home Lan Bank. La►der shW apply the Funds to pay tha Esuow
<br /> ttems. Land�r may not clwfle Bortowx for holding�nd�p,plylnQ the Funda. annwlly an�tyzlny the sscrow account, or ve�fyin9
<br /> tha Escrow Ilrna, unks� Laxlx pays Borrow� Int�ai on th+ Funds iuid applicabte law p�mw,s l�►der eo ma.ke such a
<br /> charye. Howwa�. Lendx m�y rpuir� Bortowr to pay a otH-tkn� charfle tor an Independent rwl �state tax reporW�y sarvke
<br />- ussd by Lender fn connectlon wdh lAls ban, unNss appliuWe 4w provfdas otherwise. Unbss an agr�trt►�nt is made w _
<br /> � appYCaDN law rsqukes interoat to ba pold. L�ndx sMdl not be ra{�iY�d to pay Bortowa any intenst or wnhgs on the Funds. _
<br /> � Bartow�r and L�nder m�y agn� h wriling. how�vx. that intarost shall ba pald oa the Funds. L�nder ahaY give io Bortower.
<br /> � without charg�, an anrw�l �ceounting o1 the Fwtids,showing credits and dabits to the Funds and tho purpose for wAich wch
<br /> dd�d to ll�t Fundt was ma�. The Fw�ds an p�edged as additional sKx►rity tor aY sums sec�usd by th�Sscurity Instrumatil
<br /> - R the Funds held by Len�er exeeed the amounts pemvtted to ba hdd by applicable law.Lendar shaY�ccount to Barrower
<br /> tor the excess Funds in a�ce with the nquirerr►anls ot appik.abta Vw. H ths amount o1 th� Funds hqd by Lender tl sny
<br /> tAne ts not sul�cl�nt to p�y the Escrow R�ns when dw, Undar rtyy so noUy Bortowar h wti6r►g.and, in such case Bortow�r
<br />-- shall pay to lender the�raunt n�cvsssry to make up ths d�Gci�nry. Bortawx sf�ll m�ic�up the d�fCir►cy in no mors tt►an
<br /> ' tw�lve monih�l WY�'�b.� UnbR's soi�disontia�.
<br /> Upon paynw�t irt tul of vi sums s�a.+rod by thla S�cudhj lastrwttient. Lentier ahaN proR+pyy;r+ehtnd fln Boerow�r ony Funds
<br /> = heid by lender. M.under parag�aph 21, lQnrJar shaY accµik�or sail th�Property, Lender.pri,x ta ttw a�wa�ion or sa(�ot tha
<br /> ; Roperty,sltua➢a,�y any Fundi hrd by ��r.�ae at th�tirt►e ot aeGulsition a sal�as a crecW aq�inst ti�s�.�s sacut�d by thts
<br /> ' ��on of Paym�ttts. Unie�ss �PDWcabie law provldes othen�ris�. a11 paym�+ta ro��►cd by lend�r under
<br /> paayraphs 1�nd 2 shal bc s�ti�cl: first, to any pnpaynwnt charpes due under th�t3cte:s�cond,to anwunts pn}s�4e und�r
<br /> pua9raph 2;tAUd,to interest d:e:fawth,to princip�l due;and tast,to any lats cFwyes c9�ce under the Nots.
<br /> 4. Chu�s; lJ�ns. 6oerowr stwl pay dl taxa. Assassmenb. chargss. fin�s �r►d impasiUons aivibutabio to the
<br /> Proo«tv whkh�wv atlaY► orioriN ov�r thl: S�auilv Instrum�n4 and Iws�hold WYmw►ts or ground raits. N any. Borroww shaN
<br /> - P�Y thsse �tknz fn tl�e minrter provkfed �n peaQraph 2� or d not p�ld k► that m�uu+r� Botrowr shaY pay th�tn on tirn�
<br /> - d'ractly to the F+erson owsd pa}�t. Borrower sh�ll prompUy fiurdsh to L�nd�r aM notkas ot amo�x�ts to ba p�ld undr this
<br /> puaqraph. fl Bortower makes ti�+e payrtKnts diroctly. BoROw� ch+�Y promptly fumish to Lenda� noeipts wid�ndnp th�
<br /> payments.
<br /> = Borrower sFMI promptty dia:..`arge any fien whkh has pdortty ovK thls Seauiry tnstrument unMsa Barrowr: (a)ayn�s ln
<br /> writi►g to the payrtNnt o1 the obligatlon securoJ by the Ben h a mvuiar axapt�bM to Le�d�: (b) ooet�sts in yood iafth th�
<br /> - Y�n by, a d�lend�a�Yist entorcMnent of the lien h, le9d procadinas w� in tha L�►da's opK►ios opxat�to pnwr►1 the
<br /> r►fotcwrwnt of th�li�n:or(c�s�cures lrom th� holder of ths lien�r►ag�s+►2 sa8stactory to Lenda s.�ordinatiny th�Wn to
<br /> Lhis S�cwiry InsLrument.H lendr d�tKmin�s that �ny part at t�e Property is suDjed to i riqn whlah rtky attah pdaiRy aac+r ttds
<br /> Security Inahunent.L�d�r�/gis•� BorrowK a naUc�kieRO�'pi�ths Wn.BoROwr sbaT �' the lie�or Uke one a caon d
<br /> - tM ac�ions sal forth above v�A�10 d�ys of th� givh9 of no�.
<br /> 5. Hazrb`d Or P�Op�� In:u►�tIC�. Borrowr sha! keop the improvements now exlsYny a heraher ereded on the
<br /> Prop�Ay ir.sured aq�inst bas by bro. hazards Indud�d withln the tertn 'e�Q�nd�d coven�' �nd any c!h«�hazuds. indudinfl
<br /> lbods or Aoo6ny,tor wh{ch L� rpukes Msunnce. This inswance shall be maint�rssd In tho art�oi:rt:�s and tor the pe�ioda
<br /> that L�nd�►��. The hscuance carti�r provldny the fnsurartce shaN be chosen 6k Forrowr subject to Lender's approva!
<br /> whkh sh�M not b uruMCOnvC�r wfhhotd. H Botrowec f�s to m�irttain covaage d�,sa�"aW abov�. I.�nder may,at Laide►'s
<br /> optbn. oEtaln covKa�to prot�et LandK•e righ�s in th•Propwty in.ccordance with p�agv��h 7.
<br /> Ar hsw�nce policMe and nn�w�h a�.s�L DB �cc�ptable to Under and ahal fnckads a sSandud�na'�ar,,�s cvr:sa. La►dx
<br /> sha�havo'th�ri9h1 to hold tM poicNs �nd nnwwls. d L�nder roqttiros,Borrowr shal promptty qivt Ec�Qir+c&r�C�eeelpts of
<br /> D�P��s and rw�ewal notk�s. In the event o1(oss. Barowar ahar pive prompt notic�W th�hsu�r.ee e�fier aad Lendar.
<br /> Lender rtwy m�k�proaf of bss�nat rtrd�prompty 6y Bortnwer.
<br /> Unlas Und�r�nd Barrow�r othwwisa a�M in wtiang,hsunnce procNds shaU br appll�d to �stastion a rapar of th�
<br /> �a�v��.K the nstaaslu, «repai�is econon�icaAy te4siae and Lenda�'a s.au�Y.y ts eoe bssened.u tne rostorava, or
<br /> �ep�ir is not�ocv�omicaly irablQ or L�nder's s�curiry would bo kssaned.the insurance peoasds shall bs appli�d to the sums
<br /> s�pu�d py thls S�xuiRyr tnstr+m�nt. wh�th�r or not th� dw, wAh any �xc�sa p�(d ta Bo+rowrr. I( Bortowar�basdons th�
<br /> — Rroputy, or doea not �nswer within 90 days a notic�irom Lender that the Insunnu caniw has otf«�ed to s�tlt a cl�kr►,then
<br /> L�nclr rtwy cowd th�hwranee procs�ds. L�ndrr trry use tM proc�eds to repair or naton the Prop�rty a to pay wma
<br /> skur�d by 1Ns S�auiry M►sirumen� wMther or not U�n dw. The 30�y p�iod wiY b�+wlwf th�notic�is gwn.
<br /> - - LM�!!!� Le!!der and 9or!owe! cuMrwi�e �ree tn wri�4M. .ny �.�do� at �xoa.ds to �xinetoat shai �ot �dmd w ,
<br /> __ postpon�tM dw d�t�of the monthN WYmmts rNerr�d to In para¢apAs t and 2 w cfwtiqe the art�au►t o: tn�payrr�ents. M
<br /> und�r p�raynpA 21 tM Prop«ty Is acqufnd by Lmd�►. e«rowK's ri9ht to�ny Inwranc� paYcbs and procMds resul�ny irom
<br /> dwrrqe to th� ProMrty prior to tM�cqutsRion ahaM pass to Lendar to the a�4�nt ot th� wrtw by this S�cutily InsUument
<br />--- ��Y P�►to tlt��cquitkfo�.
<br /> - 6. Occup�ncy� Pns�rvatbn, 1Aslt�t��snc� aod Probctton of th� Pro�rty; Borrow�r's Loan
<br /> _ AppliCSUon; L�1101d�. BarowK sh�ll occupy. �st�biith, �nd us�the Ropwty as Borrowr's principat res�d�nce withln
<br /> sbdy days aAk the ax�aidon ol tlib Securiry fns6umK►t �r►d shall continue to occupy tM Propsrty as Bwroww's principal
<br /> r�sWrna ta at Nast otw y�v alter the d�b of occup�r►cy.unl�es L�nd�r otherwlso�yre�s in writiny. whlch consw►i shal not
<br /> __= be unr�atorpbly v/+thh�W, or unkss �xtanwthy ciraunstanca �xist wh(ch u� b�yond Bortow�r's control. Bortowar shal not
<br /> destroy. damryo or irt�lr the Prop�rty. alow tM P�o;�ty to d�tKiorat�� or cormwt wast� on th�Pro�ty. Borroww shsY b� in
<br /> "-� dMauR if�ny to�rture actlon a proc�sding, whethK dvi or uiminal. is beyun that in Lenda's yood failh judgment could re�uk
<br />:-;� in fat�iture ol th�P►opaty or othwwls�mat�i�y impair th�Yan txMt�d by this S�curity Instrunwnt or Lond�r's s�curity intenst.
<br />.�-k^�
<br />-,- F131b.UAG(T95) ww 2 a s �_
<br /> 95216
<br />