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THE MORTGAGO$ FCTRT$E$. COVENANTS AND AGREES: " <br />That-tire Mortgagor wilt pay the re;piovtded-..... - - <br />That. the Mfottgagor is 'the-owner of said property in fee simple. and has good right and lawful authority to sell amt _ ' <br />r mnvey the seine ehd'thar ;the same is fn°r and clear o[ any lien or encumbrance: and that Mortgagor wilC warrant grid defend the - <br />title to said Premises-against the claims of ail-petaom whomsoever. - ~ - ~ - - -~ -- - <br />- To pay immediately`wlien due and peyaUie ell genettit~ta%es,_speciaf taxes, special assessments, water charges, sewer seiv- ' - <br />ire charges, and other taxes'and charges against said property, and all taxes levied on the debt s¢cured hereby, and-to Curniah the - <br />- Mortgagee, upon request with 'the. original ~oi~duplieate •receipts~ therefor. The Mortgagor agrees that haze shall. besadded tot--.- <br />each monthly payment required hereunder or under the evidence of debt secured hereby an amount estimated by the Mortgagee <br />to be sufficieiittb:`enable the Mortgagee-'to pay, as they becr>me due. all fazes, assessments, and similar charges r•.pon.tha prem•, '" <br />lees subject thereto; any deRcienry becmi~., o[ the insufficiency o[ such additional payments shalt be forthwith depasit¢d' by the - <br />' ~ Mortgagor with the Mortgagee upor demand by the Mortgagee.. Any default under this Paragraph shall~iw Beamed a default in <br />CQ payment-of~taxes, assessments, r• similar charges required hereunder. - <br />~ The.Mortgagor. agrees that there shall also be added tn.eaeh monthly payment of principal and interest required-here-, <br />under an amount rstimatrd by the Mortgagee to be sufficient to enable the Mortgagee to pay, as it becomes due, the insurance <br />~'~premium on any insurance policy delivered to the Mortgagee. Any deficiency M•cnuse n( the insufficiency, of such additional Pay- <br />mentx shall be forthwith deptwit¢d by the Mortgagor with the MnrtRegee upon +imand by the Mortgagee. Any default under this <br />paragraph shall be deemed x default in the payment of insuranc¢ Premiums. If the policy or Policies rlepoaited are such a9 home <br />owners or all risk {mliciea, and the JepnsiL err insufficient tq Hay the rntim premium, the Mortgagee may apply the deposit to <br />pay premiums nn risks required to t,e insur+vl by this mortgage. <br />i'aymenis rtwde by the Mortgagor under the aiaovr paragraphs may. at the option of the Mortgagee, beheld-by it and <br />commingled with other such (ands nr iG~ own funds tar the payment of such items, and until so applied; such payments are hereby <br />pledged as security Cor the unpaid belanre. of the mortgage indebtedness. <br />Trr pmcum, deliver tn, earl rnaintarn for the imnrfit u( thc• Mortgaga~e during the life nC this mortgage original policies and <br />renewals thereof, delivrrasl at least ten <3ays Mdme the expiration of :ray such policies, insuring against fire xnd other insu raMe <br />hazards, casualties, and contingencies as the Mortgagee may require, in an amount equal to the indebtedness secured by Phis <br />'Mortgage, and in companies acmptable to the Mortgagee, with loss lrayaMd clause in favor oC and in form acceptable to the ltnrtga- ' <br />gee. In the event any policy i not rene,vexl or fm(o re ten days of itx rxpirat.icn, the Mortgagee may procure insurance on th¢ <br />imprrwements, pay lhe• premium therefor, soil such sum shall become inunediatc•, )' duo and Payable with interest at the rate set <br />forth in said note until paid and shall be srcun•rl by thts tnertgagu_ Failure nn the part of the Mortgagor to 6unish such renewals <br />ar are harem n>quinxi ur (aihue In pay a +u ms erdvanard h••reundar shall. nt the option of the Mortgagoo, r nstitutr a drieult <br />under the terms of this mortgage"'Cho de6~rry ,d such policies shall, m the runt a[ Jrfault. rnnshtute an assignment .,( the um <br />earned premium. <br />Any s •ived by the Mortgagee bg r o „( loss damage i rd against may Ix+ u•txined by the Mortgagor <br />xnd applied coward rthe Payment of the debt herehvasrm, red, r at thv nptum,af the Mnn Kagre, such yams either wholly nr m <br />part may ix• paid ~ r to the Mortgagor to he aged m reps ,ueh hull logs .r to build"new buildings it Ihrir place or far any <br />other purpose nr nhjn•t _wustactnry to the MurtRagee without aflrrti ng rho bon .,n the mortgage (r>r the fait am„u rt •+•rurrd bnrr- <br />hy before such payment ever hwk place. <br />'To prrxnPtly repair, %store a=r rebuild any hwtdings err tmprna-+=mrnt:+ n - „r hrrral lrr on the premurs whrrh m v hn- <br />comr darnaRed or deatruYC+l; to keep said ltrrmmes m ga,d t~,ndiuun and repine nml fn•r from any m,•a•hnnu's lam or other hen ur <br />rtai- of hen riot orprrsai:• suixrdinaivei to for i -n beer„f. o,~r ir..,ufirr <,r Is,rrmt whl us. r.f r _ m s e fn . rat nn <br />sa+d protrrrtY nor m itertrat waste ,a said prrrnisrs, ra,r r., .La atu ~•th,=,r art..+-hereby the prolyrty hrzebynce .r E'vedr,,hal! .hen mr <br />,n , <br />ices valuably our to dinririat m+,air it .a,ua he c r.v aaf r -i - „-n. 6r a t to r. o,p~. ..;th .dl rvn an rrmrutr nC brw with re•sprrt <br />to the murtgagrd premisex and the use thereat. <br />Tttat sv4oold she prrrr=isrs or any part .h._•.±•:?t is taken or .Isms#ed hs r. -~.n ..t a,r, rruhlrr amµrovrm.:nt ,,.:..r,ri~r:,nau.,n <br />pro:-eMlind. ur under the nght of eminent domain. ur m ,toy other manner th Mangagve ~.+hall M• onutlyd to all a.mpensauortn, <br />awards, and any other paymrnl ur rcfirf thrr+•fur, and shalt he rntilhvl, at its option, !n eommencw. apixtar in and prcwa+~ulr m its <br />own name any aruun ur pnx~rerlinR. r.r to make any cumt+n,tntse or settlrmrut ut ronnecunn with sorb taking ..r damag•• Ali such <br />tanpeaeation. trtaatds, duasa+•a, right of action sad prrw•reda are herrhY assigned to the Mortgagee. who may, +rftcr deducltna <br />tlrarofmm elk its eaparraea celeaaa any moneys w rr><rtvad by it or apply lhr some on any indebtedness secured hereby Thr• Mort• <br />gagor saran to wzecuta rush further aaaepnmrutr o[ any ceunix•nsahon, awards, damages, and rights uC artAUn anJ pnxwrdn ax the <br />MortaaKee may regain!. <br />'That m ease! of failure to preform any of tttr rrrvrnants by rein- tM• MOrt RrrRoC may +lo .m the Mortgagoi s hehaH rvrrvthing <br />an t»venantad: that the Mortgagee may also do any art it may Berm n ~•swrry to pndect the Ern thrrr+rf; that Ihr MnrtRaanr wdl <br />repay uprtn +lemsr~ any munryx Paid nr diburm•d hY the Mortgagoe !nr any of the shove Purtxees, ami xurh moneys wgethrr wtth <br />interwi thereon st the rate pnrvidrd in said note xha11 Itscomr xo much addilonal indrlnvdnrxx hr eehY rr+•urr+1 and may M in• <br />cluderl in any decree furrchwlnR this nturigagr slut tar l.atd .art. of d+v crate or pox'+uaix of sail of said Itrnmwra d mt! uthrrwiw <br />paid; tMl it chaff oat br oWi;story open the Morgagov to uryutn• uun thr rahdity o[ any hon. rnaumhrames, or claim m arF <br />vattotzyt mtatrya as ttbwa authanrad, but mtthing heroin ntntunsrl shalt lrr, amstruwf m rrquinng the Mortgagee to a+hama• :uty <br />taanaya Irw any wrap purtraaa rri,r w ~ any set hrnuedet; and that Mortgagee shall nut incur any trrrtu,nal liability F r:xuw „{ any- <br />thing it ttuq. do nC +anit hr do hereu>mar. <br />In the even! ut thr default by Mortgagor to tho lwyntrnt of any mrtalimrnt. m rrquirxl by thv Nofr .rear+tii hereby ,a <br />in the par{omtartrn of the +tb}iaatitm in this morigagn w to the twar rxeurert thereby, the btartgagar shall be .-nuHai to drelarr the <br />+1=t_rt.a€•ratrrd hrrrlg ittg' a?'it!_t?a?''abt? wtlhout n incr. asr~ the 61a.r~agea- -hall t .ntrtte l sit. +=pti*, with.=ut , ~ rth.:r h.:ts.if <br />nr hX a n+txivez h! 6e aptnuntazl by ttrr court thrrrtJ, an+l wrth:wt regent to the adrrluacy ut any rerurity for tb,- ~nrirhtrrlnesr r•~ <br />cacao hateby+ to enter-upon and kake fxzirtraion nC the murtaagrd -Premiers, amt to .+oiir.~t and rariv.• Ihr r.~nls. ++surs and pr.,Rts <br />theraa[, and apply the setae, .Ina crab ut reparation oral +nllrMir.n. up.n flee irrd•htrdmae srrueed by this mr,rtgaae; raid rexb, <br />leas sad pmHfa hait>g-herekry atai#nrd M the MoNgagee ax furttuv seretrity far lha PaYmrnt .d all itulrbtrrlnrrr serura•tl hrrrhy <br />Thr Mortgages shall have the power to appoint env agrttt nr aRvnts tt rosy rfrsirr• fur the purPraa+ nt rr{aairing raid pr.•m <br />lees; rerrttng flee seine; SukketigY-the rxnb, revenue amt imamr. amt tl mrty 1>ay out of snrd tmvmw all rs{rrnrrr ~m-nrrett m rrnf- <br />irtr and tnmtttgtrwr the aarrtr and of cniterting the cantata [F±rret rant The hntaner rrmainlnR. if ally, shall M• applied urward the <br />dierharge ut the mortgage inde6tednrea, This siuigrtmrnt it tr+ ivrminat+• and hw•+airr~ null and vino ugrn rrietirr u( Ihir martgagx. <br />~.-. J <br /> <br />