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80- uC.~481Q <br />MORTGAGE <br />MORTGAGE LOAN NO. L 23 .778 <br />IQIOYY ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS:That Richard S. Cavenee and Colleen M. Cavenee, each in his <br />and her own right, and as spouse of each other <br />Mortpgor, whether one or more, io mrsddeation of the sum of <br />Thirty-five Thousand Two Hundred anti Rio/100--------------------------------------=note xRC <br />loaned to aid mortysor by The Equitabk EuwMing aril Wan Association of Grand Island, Nebraska, Mortgages, upon 352 shoes of stork of <br />said ASSOCIA710N, Certifiou No. L 23 , 778 , do hemby gent, convey and mortgage unto the said ASSOCIATION the fotlowiog <br />dnnibed rest estate. situated a Ffall County, Nebraska: <br />LOT SEVEN (7) IN BLOCK FOUR (4) IN CLAUSSEN COUNTRY VIEW <br />ADDITION TO THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA. <br />tshpcther wnh all [he tenements. hemdiuments ,n:l appurtenances thereunto hekmgmg, rncludsrtg attached flour suwrtrtga, all wutduw acroens, <br />window shades, blinds, storm windows, awnings, healing, asr svndslrunmg, and plumbsng amt water eywpmem amt accnaorses thereto, pumps, stoves, <br />rc&perators, and other fixtures and egmpment now or hereafter attscired to or uud m connectwn wnh asd real estate. <br />And whereas the aid mortgagor has agreed and don hereby agree that the mortgagor shall amt well pay all top and aaesvmnts kvterl or <br />aaeued upon aid prcmsss and upon this m+rtgagr aril the lxmd secured therebv before the same shall became dehnytrot; to furnish approved <br />ieswrana upon the buildings <m said premises situated m the sum of s35 , 200 . DO quyabk to sad ASSOCIATION aril to deliver to aid <br />ASSOCtATICNi the policies for sod innuarsse; and met Io mmmn or perms any waste sin oe strove sail prermss; <br />In cue of default in tM ptr(armance of any at the terms anil condmm~s u1 thss nxxtgst[e sir the fxsrul xuwred hereby, the mungagee iluU, <br />sin demand, he entitkd to nnmediate puaeaion sit [hc rnurtgagrd prrnsrses amt the naxigagssr he«hy assigns, transfers and sets uwc to the <br />mutgsgee all tlx rents, revenues and Income to be ~Mrtwd from the mortgaged p«nr~-es dwrrtg sash t±mr as 4hr «K>rtgtgr mJtbtedrmn skull rcmam <br />unpaid; and the rrrwtgagee shall have the ptsvmr to appoint any a¢m sir agmu n may dawn fur IM purpose of repaumg std pmrmar and reatmg <br />the arse and solkcaing the rents, revmnn and ma,mo, soil it may pay out sit stud .n °waC all expenses u! repairing said pntnifn seed tta~ty <br />crommsmems and cxprnYS mswrat in rtntisg and ttunagtng flee acme urd sit eolkctug ttatah therefcum; the bdaece rerrtasnirg, if any, to be <br />applied toward the discharge n{ said mortgage tndeh«dnrss: these rghts o! the mr!r tgalā‚¬e ttuy hr casrc-seed at any time durir~ the eautanoa of >l;ch <br />dafault, unrrytctiw of any letn(ponry waiver of the same. <br />"flits l4exmts, hnwewr, s« upem the t'undnsun,~Ctul rl the sod Murlgsgur slsnll repay sod loan sin .x before the rtuturtty sit sail effuse by <br />payment, toy monthly to sou! AS$(X'IATION of the sum speafred sit thn Ikrnd stsu«d hereby as interest and prmrapal sin east Iwn, sin sir hefom <br />the T,wntreth uy of fade and curry month, until sod loan a ftdN pad: pay all taxes and assessments leered sgitnsl soul p«mssn atW nn thn MurtgagC <br />and the &md secured thereby, before tkltnyuencY. turnssh approved inwrancc upm the Awh(mp thereon rn the sum of S 35 , 2DD , DQ paYabk <br />to sad ASSOCIATION: ropy to ad ASSOCIATION upon demand aH mor+ty by r! pad fur such taxes, aaessirnents amt rnsisnnx cart tntemn at <br />the rNaimum kgat mm there,srt from dale of payment all of which Mortgagor hereby agrees to pay, penvut nu vgge sin sod prcnrms:kesp aril comply <br />wlh all the agreements and asnditasna ul the Ikmd {sir S 35 ZOO DDthia day grwn by the sad Mortgagor to ad ASSOCIATION. aril svmply <br />with ail the requuamrnts ul the C'onstuutwn and BY-l,aws of std ASSOCIATION; !hm there pmsertta shall txrunse null and vud, otherwise they <br />shall «nwn m full fora and may be torocWad xt the opium of the sad ASSOC'IA LION stem Isaure for three rmmtlu to matte any +H lid <br />payments sir be lhmr rnunlb in aereua m making ad rrwnthly payments, sir to keep and comply with the agmements and wodnsuns of seise &sru(: <br />and Mnrtgages alpaca ro haw a recerwr aprrxnted forthwith rn xw:h lurecknurr pruceednga. <br />If there n aoY change m owewrhsp sit rho real matt mortgaged lie«m, by sak sir utlrorwitn. then rho enure renuusug smkbtsdnea hereby <br />aewad shall, at the sptimr of Tho Eywabk Budding and Lrsan Aeax:usron of (;rand Nand, Nebnaska,bcwnte imntodutely due and payable wtlwut <br />fwiMr rxxsce, and she xnaaiet mmamtng dot under aid bond, and any utMr bumf fur any sddtttonal adwnm mile lhereuntkr, dWl, from the <br />dam o1 axercne of card opium, beu inlerefl xi the rruitmum legal nee, amt tha naxtgagc may then be iwerkwd to atuty tM armsunt due sin soil <br />bnnd,aad say wMt Msitd Inn additional advasrm, together with aU wnu pod by soil The fgwtabk Bwdusg std f,wn Aasu:astuxi sit (;ram1 tsHnJ, <br />Nebraska isx mswanue, tax¢a and aanmen4, and abntattang eatartaam chuges, wslh wurert thereon, from date sit payment at the mutmwn <br />Itgl rum. <br />Ai (x svided m the Bond aasued hemby, while rh.. mortgage rerrtuns in rt)ecl tM mortgagee may hamatter advance additonal sums to tlso <br />inYtua of ad Buod, then asgrts sx stscsxaasrs m mmmn, which own ilull hr within the recwrry of ttdr mwtgsge the tame as the Yuods urlgittally <br />arewrd thrm_lw, spo festal anruunt rd prmrapal dtbr mn i., vauces) at any tirrw she uriaunl ams+uns of elite nswtgs{a <br />6aiw t x [~~ 3r¢--° day r+: September A o . to NO <br />L ~-.__.~ <br />c 5 aven~ee - ~-~ ~- - ~- <br />~ ':~ <br />Colleen M. Cavenee <br />SPATE oP NEBRASKA, ~ a. fb flits 3rd day of September lv 30 , behxe rtn. <br />COf1NTY OP HALL <br />the urrdenyrresl, a Notary PubUc w amt f or lid County, perumdlY came <br />Richard S. Cavenee and Colleen M. Cavenee, each in his and her own wh~ght, and ~~~:a9o <br />each other are <br />rro to be Ih0 idaatioal ptaidn 5 ~ ', YAga~e `rums S d r F affued lu tM above ugtrumrnt m mortgagor S and t h2y sowraBY <br />adtnawiedged the gi~yltus~timRiif toJaii~ -. `:E>g2i r wlmtuy act and tleert. <br />,YfFTNp$9 mY tssnd aWi ~Nwi4tw Seal the dam atoresard. <br />ij*+Y t:s""'°i~"tl6xyri°s': la~' 7., ~ ~~ ~ ~ ' ~ ~ ' ~_ it <br />Notuy Public <br />swasr tt <br />