<br />80-
<br />IQi6w ALL MEN BV THESE PRESEN'(S: That Richard S. Cavenee and Colleen M. Cavenee, each in his
<br />and her own right, and as spouse of each other
<br />Mortgagor, whether one or more, in wntideration of the win of
<br />Eifty-six Thousand and Nol100----------------------------------------------------- DOLLARS
<br />lonxed to sad mortgagor by The 1'quitabk Building and lasso Aswciation of Grand Island, Nebraska, Mortgagee, upon 560 shares of rtodc of
<br />aid ASSO('(ATION. Certificate Nn. L 23,JJJ , do hereby gent, convey and mortgage unto the said ASSOCIATION the folbavitg
<br />described real estate, situated N Hall County, Nebraska:
<br />together sorb all the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenuters thercumo belonging, mchrdrng attache) Ilrxar cvverutgs, ail window sueena,
<br />wirdow shades, blinds, storm windows, awmrsgs, heating, an ~xsndrhumng, and plunrhmg and water equipment aril auxaasries thereto, pum(ra, stoves.
<br />refrigerators, and other f stores and equipment now ur hereafter auadseJ to nr use) m cunnecnun wuh Sara real estate.
<br />And whereas the said nortgagor haz agreed and dues hereby agrcc Nat the morgagor shall and wd7 pay all razes and asse»rnents kvuJ ur
<br />sasessed upon ad premises anJ uprm this rwrtgage and the MmJ xecurcJ thereby Ixlore the ante stall necunx delmyuent, m fumrsh appruv<rl
<br />msuranrx up.w the htddurgs un said pernusrs viwt<d m the sum of 3 56, 000. DO payable to sad AJStx'IATIUN and to deliver t.: asa.i
<br />A.SSIX'IATION the policies h>r and inwranc<; and nut to nsmmrt r.m penmt any waste un ur aMsut sasd premises.
<br />In rax of Jrlault m the prrlwnwnu of any of Nc terms anJ a?ndumnx of Nw mm~gagr ur Uix hunt srcwed huehv, the r:x?rtgagr< shall.
<br />un Jernand, br entitle) lu Immediate possezxrun of N< nnrttgag<d pirmiu•s ;end the I urigagul hereby assrgris, tnitsli•rs and sets ;aver to thr
<br />martgagee all the rents, mr<nttes auJ ma,me m br Jenv<il (« un the nwltgagrJ prcuusee sdunng wch tune as the nwrlgagc indebtedness stall re
<br />unpaiJ ~, and Nr nwngagre shall !save the power to apprunt any agent ur agents n mat' Jesvr (ar the purpose ul repauugt sad pienvuex arai rrntwg
<br />the artre and celktttrtg the rents. rrvenuex and income, and st map pay ant of rid incunrr all expenses .si sz:partmq sad prrruises axi rrrmmry
<br />- re sod expenses :ncu:reJ :r.:eata:g auJ nunagusg lire mrr anJ of cuik~trnq ~e.uais th<r<irum, rn< 6aunte renusturtq, ri any. to he
<br />xp~lieJ tuwarJ ttr< Jrscharge of said rrsortgage mdebreJnrss, ifusn nghis o1 nx• nunl.gagrr nwy he exercise) at any finis Jumag flu rnstancx ut soil!
<br />drtatdr, nrexpcchvrt uF anY t<mpexary waiver of Nr same
<br />fhr~ prexrnta, however, are upon fhe i'unJtt sun. {~+sa: +. urJ Mortgagor ~naf: repay oni i, u - nrtare me nti[wuv ,. rata snares nv
<br />paymenr, ppy nasnthiy w vd AS(x'IAftON of the awn speatirJ m ihr lArnJ sewed Immby as uuerest aaJ pnnapal un aril lose!, uu or h<hsre
<br />the 7WCntulh daY ul each and rrery rrsumh, until roil Juan is (ally pall. pap all t.xes and assrs>menu leveed agxuut via premises and un this Mortgypc
<br />and the Msnd ver:urrJ IherehY, before ilehnyu<ncy: tunush approve) unurancr upset Ihr huadurgx Ihemun m the sum ui s5b , 000. tl(j I~vahk
<br />to ad ASSOI'IATION. repay hs ad ASStA'IATiON upon JrnwnJ ail Iwumy ray n past Gsl such razes, ass<sunena anJ wsurancr wnh unerexr al
<br />tht nlazunum legal rate thereon hum date of paY mm~t all ul whreli Mortgagor hereby agrccs to pay: penmt nu waste un uIJ prrmiws. keep anJ mnsp'y
<br />wise. au Inr agrrernenta awl I;rmdna,ox sn Nr x~,nd tree s 56 000 nn ihn aav glvrn ray Nr xaid M.ntgagor n, .aid .iss(jt-la-rat tN. anJ ,..mph
<br />wnA aft th<reywrerncntx ut thr Cunantutwn anJ tlYdaws of sad A~~CJI'i A'fIUN, then these presents shall hcavnm null anJ volt. .nherwrx they
<br />shall rcrnam m lull force and nuv he IorrsiuatJ at the upUnn of Ne suJ Ati5(X'LAIIaN after tmlurc t.+, Nrre r xuuha w nsahc any of via
<br />pry nrcnts w be there nsunthx m sneer. w niakwg ud nwnl hlY WYUmnts, or to keep and nnuply wnh the agrcenmats anJ e.,nddurtn ut rasa Houu.
<br />and Mortgagw agrees lu have a rrcrrvrr apprnnlrJ furthwnh m inch (urcdoswe prucr<J wgs
<br />II tlmro is any change m ownership of the real errata uwrtgagrJ luwui, ray sale ullmiwixe, Ihrn the noise rcanmuig indebtedness h<ieby
<br />sacureJ shall, at th<uptxsn ui T'hr byuiiabk Liuddinq anJ L.wn Assos:ianun ui (~ranJ Ixiarid, Neblaska,n«unm mwurlulely Jut and Igyabk wnhuut
<br />further nulnx, and the auxswu rruunung Jut unJer sad bon), anJ any unmr burr! fur nnv aJJrtiunal aJvaneex nsaJe th<munder, etWl, Iruw the
<br />Jale ul ezrrciar ul ad uptxw, heat vnrrcn at the nraxunum Mgal late. anJ this mortgage nWy Ihen 1>e lureclus<J ar sorry Ihr anxnuu due on swJ
<br />twud, anJ arty uttmi Lxnul ter adduanrxl aJvnnsxa, wgcthei wJh all >unu part by via Itm 1 yunahk Mudduyt and !.ran Aaxaurtarn ul l,larvil IaWsJ,
<br />N<braak^ tin mswanrr, tors anJ asrauimina, and abstracting rxrennuu dim gas, woh uumcvt Iherm>n, hum Jare ..t yuYnmm .n tltc nuxnnuw
<br />legal rate.
<br />As roriJsd m the IiwW mau<J herrny, while Uus nxurgage. rerimuu m rtirei rtrr uxntgsg<r nay hrreattm ailrailse aJJtbursal runts lu the
<br />liadteu of arJ tlupJ, IMu soughs ~+r w.~rarnx m nurrrxi, wh,ch awns :hall hr wnhm the zr. uruY ut Nts nwngage Inc unm ax the IunJs mgcmxlly
<br />secured tnrrchY, thr.unal axx,wri ..t pill utsal Jclal out to r xrrrJ rat any Irene Ihr olrgwxl amunw ut Nla mrutgagr
<br />IhltgNlhu 3,rei- Jar err tiNpt @IIIGk!' n Is Iv ;;ll
<br />f
<br />'R hard C,a ~ her ' f ~- .
<br />Colleen M. Cavenee
<br />S'tA`fE OF NEllItASKA. ~ ~ ante,,, 3rd aar "% `-eptc~nber ,~, As; hrtoie rrw.
<br />+hr unJrrwgneA, a Notary Puhhc m anJ Iw via ['uunry, la:rvnsxUY rnirc
<br />Richard S, Cavene~aRd. Colleen Iq. Cavenee, Hach In his and her own ritlht, ,ultt a, .(,r,u•,o t,r
<br />each other. ,.+r+, ar-r, Irorx.rnallY trlnwn iu
<br />ere to be the Idrmgi}penam S wfwspan,aa~rtm S d Y'e atlixrJ t,r the aMrve msouumm m unn tgaqur auJ C tl r`V ?rveralh
<br />a inowlaJgrd tiq-said matrumm~t to 6t :yr:f i r vufuntxrv act awi Je<J
<br />WITNESS rm hard pod-Nota,¢al ties! the date alorcail.
<br />My Curirmiwxsn eanues - .- ,
<br />. v„talx rnmla
<br />iwaxu ai
<br />