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- THE MORTGAGOR FURTHER COVENANTS AND AGREES: - - <br />F~ _ ... - <br />Thxt the Mortgagor will, pay, the indebtedness aa-hereinbafore provided. ~ V <br />~.. <br />That the -Mortgagor ie ~-the owner of said property in fee simple ~ and has good right and lawful authority to sell and ' ~' ' ' ' <br />convey the same-a>,dthat the same is.tree and.dear of enylien or encainbrerirx•; and that Mortgagor will warrant-sort defaced the ~.::..: <br />title to said .premises against.lhe cl>eina o[alF persona-whomsoever-.~ ~-- - "~- <br />To pay imraedia4ly wham due end payable all geneyiil taxes, epeeist'taxes, special assessments, water charges, sewer serv- <br />~co charges, end other faxes and charges against said properly; and all tastes'levied on the debt secured hereby, and to furnish the <br />Mortgagee, upon request, with the -original or duplicate receipts therefor. The Mortgagor agrees that.'..Alters shall be -added ~ao~ ~: <br />beach monthly payment required hereunder or under the evidence of debt secured hr, reby an amount estimated by the Mortgagee <br />Ito 6e auBtcient to etratiie the Mortgagee to pay, as they become due, all taxes, assessments, and similar charges upon aha-prem• - <br />~ises subject thereto; any deficiency because of the insufficiency of such additional payments shall be forthwith deposited ~ by the - ~ - <br />~Martgagor with the Mortgagee upon demand 6y the Mortgagooe. Any default under this paragraph shall be deemed a <lefault in <br />~paymen! of taxes, assessments, nr similar charges squired hereunder. - - <br />t The Mortgagor agrees that there shall aleo be added to each monthly payment of principal and interest required here- <br />r ~ under an amount eslimatecl by the Mortgagee to he sufficient to enable the Mortgagee to Pay, as it becomes due, the insurance <br />~'. premium un any insurance policy delivered to the MnrtgaROe. Any deficiency her:ause o[ the insufficiency o[ such additional pay <br />manta shell Are forthwith deptsited by the Mortgagor with the Mortgagor upon demand by the Mortgagee. Any default under this <br />paragraph shall 6e deemed a default in the payment of insurance premiums. I( the policy or policies deposited are such as hume~ <br />owners or all risk pcdicies, and the deposits are inxulficient lu Pay the entire Premium. the Mortgagee may apply the deposit to <br />pay premiums on risks squired to be insured by this mortgoge. <br />Pa7ments made by the Mortgagor under the above paragrxphx mxy. at the option M the Mortgagee, tee held by it and ~, <br />commingled with ufher each (ands or its u n lands (err the Payment n[ such items, and until so appliod, such payments are herehy - ~' <br />pledged as security for the unpaid balance u[ the mortgage indebtednes. '~, <br />Tu pnx•ure, deliver to. and n intain far the benefit +.f the ',inrl Ragre during the life of this mortgage onginai ixnicies and ~~i <br />renewals therwrf, delivered at bast to-n days Lefurr ihr exPiratiun of :urY s~ucf. prrlieo•s, insu nnR againxt (ire and other insurable ', <br />hazards, casualties, and contingencies as the Mortgagee may require,.in an amount equal to the indebtedness secured by this <br />Mortgage. and in companies acreptable to the Aortgagee, with loss payable clauses in favor of and in fci~rm accrp[ab{e [o the Mnrtga- I <br />grr. In .the event any policy r. not renewed r r txdore ten rbn•s n( rte at~riiatirnn, the Mortgagee cony procus insurance on the '~ <br />improvements. Vay the premium therefor, and rs sh sum simll hero inrmeyimtely due and payable with interest at the rate set <br />forth in said not.' until paH and shall he .+e•ou red by Ibis mortgage rFadorr nn the pa rl n[ the Mortgagor to furnish such renewals <br />s are herein required or failure to pay n ,ursu advanced hereunder shall, at ihr up4nn of the Mortgagee, c+,mstitute a rlefaulf <br />under the terms o/ this mortgage. 'Phr rirliven• of such poheies shall, rn the e.rnt of drfnult, conxtitute an assignment +d' Ili+• ttm <br />earned premium, <br />Am s .rd by the MirtgaKee by reason of sa ~ dimagr in. red against may h•+ n•tarn.•d kw ihr Mortgage.• <br />nil apphw! award rthe pn~ment o[ tM~ debt hereby sc+. rd, ++ art the option u( the Mortgagee, such some either wholly ur m <br />part may be pxid ~ r to the Mortgagor Gr be used to repair such buildings or to build new bindings m their place ~~r for anv <br />attire Purpuw - abler! ~trsfacmq~ to the Mortgagee without atlrcting thv ben ,m the mnrtgag•• for th+• fill am,n+nr =. cu red hrr.• <br />6y '.mi++re ku+•h ~pa.~m"nt ever t+.•k place- <br />"1'o promptly repair, restun• ~ n•I+und any bu ldtngx , r tmprovmenls now ..r hrrv•atum nn the prrmiars which may M•- <br />ran.e darnaRart or dextmyc-d; to kocp xaid premisrx ur K!x+d condi tine ;rpd rrpau sort tr+••• from am mrchamc'= tom a :,thee ben n <br />rterrn of ben nut expressly suM+nitnxtrd to the hr•n hereii, nut hr sut(rr or la=emir any uriawtul u. of ur any nun,sore to ex+xt on <br />sa+d prup_.rly n!•a to trrrm+t waste +:n said {ervmi~w. our !o d,+ anY o!!r.•r a.~! who rrhv t!w pn+twr!y herrtey :~.+. v.•yrd shat! !vt-cme <br />lens valuable. our ti diminish ur impair its value icy any act or omixsj,m to art, to Gran plt with alt nqutrern••nts •o( taw with n•spert <br />to #ha mruigagad premixos and the usc+ rhrr*-of <br />'l tort xlrould thv pn - < pert theuad br taken ..r damaged by r+-u><o! o[ any pihl : ~mpn.vriooet or •oo+L•iN~aUon <br />pnx-eedinx. ur under the riKh[++uf rmtnent domain, ur tit my other manner, the AlurtgaK~• shall 6a nnlrtlwi to ail rumlmnsattmts, <br />awards, and airy other payment or rrliaf iherrhrr. and shall Ire entitled, at its option, to commence. appear in ana pnxracute in ila <br />own name any action ur Pna-rwling, c r h, make :my cnmpnmuse ur settlemon[ a cnon+•e•han with such taking or damage Ail :ueh <br />r.-anpetrwtion, xwanls, damages, tight of aciiun and Prxeerlx n •• hereby asxiKnwi u> the hiortgaxw•, wlro may, xflnr deducting <br />therefrrart all i4 tsxpenees, ralraar any moneys ao retvived by it or apply the :ratrm un any rmiebtednass securni itrreby~ Thr Mort <br />gagor agsea t+r exeNtt each furihar aasignmentx oil arty comtrertxatwn, awarcis, damages, and rights of action xmt pruewwts as the <br />Mortgages may squire. <br />That m cane +d failure ur perform an}• of the cuvananta hrreur. the Mortgagee may du on the MortKagor's twhalf everything <br />w covenanted; that the Mortgagee may alw du any act it may Beam nw-Y•sanry h+ prnhct the lien thrrwrf, that the Mortgaxor wni ' <br />spay uprar damami any moneys !arid or dishursarl by the Mortgagoe fur any of the aMwa purirnwen, and such mrmeya togNUrr with <br /> tharaan aE the rata prcridad in said oats sha{I Itaeuma en mar.-h additional indahtadnaa. Anratry ,scored and may ha in. <br />cludad in any dacrae Iorat'Irraing this mwtgagr and trt• pail oil of the rents or prrx•«wle cd sale of said premtsrx d nut utM•rwtse <br />paid; that it shall nut be oWigatary uyon the Mortgagee to inquire into Ihr vahdpy of any hen, apcumhrancex, or clam m ad~ <br />vandteg tnrmsys ar aMwe trufhuritud. but ta±thinK herein cunlarnad +dtall 6a cunstruad as ragmritrg the MoNaattea lu adva»ce mry <br />mvrrays fvr any web taurtx»a nw in dtr any act hereunder; and that Martgaaea shall met incur any parwnal liability Ix+eauaa of any- <br /> may do ur -.,tit m rto hereunder. <br />In eha avant of lhn default by Murlgaaur in Ihr payment of any uwtalimrnt, as raquirwl by the Notr xecusd hprohy, nr <br />in the performanrs+ of the vhligattan in thin mortgage ur in the cute secured thereby, the htartgagre shall he antitlad to dariare the <br />dabs alttured herehy due and payable without notice, and the Martaaara shalt ba antitlad at iia option, withoat notrcr. either try itaait <br />ut by a iecaivrr ttr be a}ppoinlad by the cratrt thrteit, an+i without regard to the adequacy o/ any aertirity ter the indehttdntrae sa~ <br />cured hereby, to enter upon -and !aka poa4tirlaiuti aT the martgarsad premitxsa, std to eolket six! retwiva the rents, iaxuaa and pw(ita <br />LMraol, anti apply the assns. lssu copta tit ttlteralinn sod collection, ugrn the indahttrintw aeaurad by this martgttaa; said rents. <br />isrrw taxi preAta Using hereby sw/grwd to the Mortgagee ao furihar rtncurity for kha payment tit ail indrhtadttPrw xerurrti hereby <br />Thr Mortgaaee shall have the peewee to aplxrint any agent or agxMx it may d~alre for the Purttuaa of repairing srid prom• <br />lass; renting tho twnr; enlleeting the rents, rnvrnura and irteomo, and it may pay out o/ sale! iravrma all exryattttra itieirrred rn snt• <br />iitg and mansging the wtrie and of cultertina !fie rentals tharefmm. `tire balance srnaining, tf qny. shell br aVRlred toward the <br />dtacirarge of the tnurtgage inderbtnlneas. Thi. aasignmanl is to terminate and bn •une null and void u{rtm rrlraxr ul Chia mortpae. <br /> <br />