ESTATE MORTGAGE-(With Tax Clause) (Revised 1982) 7La Ha<bmra Gmzd eawty iisaae, Llamla, xehr.
<br />~[INOW ALL MT"N B~'TFIESE PRESENTS: That Robert B. Ralph and Hazel N. Ralph, Husband
<br />and Wife
<br />of Hall County, and State of Nebraska , in consideration of the sum of
<br />Fottrteen Thousand Six Hundred and 00/100---________________________~_____~ DOLIAR3..
<br />in hand paid, do hereby SELL and CONVEY unto FIVE POINTS BANK
<br />of H811 County, State of Nebraska thefollowingdescribedpremierseituated-
<br />in Hall County, and State of Nebraska , to-wi;:
<br />The Westerly Thirty-Eigh~ (38) Feet of Lot Four (4), and all 0~ Lot
<br />Five (5) in Block Nineteen (19) in Morrill's Addition to the City
<br />of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska
<br />The intention being to convey hereby an nbsolute title in fee simpie, induding all the rights of homestead and dower.
<br />TO HAVE AND 'CCI HOLD the Premises above described, with all the appurtenances thereunto belonging, unW the said
<br />mortgagee(s) and to his, her or thou hetrs and assigns fuceve r, provided always, and these presents are upon the ezpreee
<br />condition that iC the said mortgagor(s), his, her or thou heirs, ezecutore, adminiatratara or assigns shall pay or cause W 6e
<br />paid to the said mortgagee(s), his, her or their heirs, ezecutora, administrators or assigns. the principal sum of $14, 600.00
<br />payable es follows, W wit:
<br />Sept. 3, 1980
<br />with interest »cconting W the tenor and uRed u( the mortgagors written promissory nalu txwring raven date rntit:Slta~~oWZ
<br />and shall Pay all taxes and assessments levievi uiwn said real rstate, end nil other tnzas. laviua and aasesstnenrs Ivied u)mn this
<br />mortgage or Chu note which this martaage is given to secure, before Chu name becomrra dnltnyusnl. and keuP the twiWinge on ~'
<br />said premises insured tar the sum of j 14,600,00 ,loss, if any, pnyablr to the said moNgageu. Chun lhrsu Pruaenta
<br />to he void, atherwias to Fie, and remain in full force.
<br />I'P IS FURTHER AGR4;ED (() That i( the avid mortgagor shall tail W tmy such lazes ur pn>f:are such insuranco, the
<br />said mortgagee may PaY such taxes and pn,eure such insurance; and rho sum art advaneevt, with interest at 14 per
<br />a!tt6 shall be repaid by said rmrrtgaxor, amt this moMBage ahaH stand na security for the xams. (.) 't'hat a fullers to pay any ~,
<br />at said money, either Princt pal or interest, when the same Gecotnea due, or a faikure to avxnply with anY of the foregoing ',
<br />agreement. shalt cause the whalo sum of money herein secured to become due and cullsctiblu ai anee at khe aptiun of the
<br />mortgagaa.
<br />~~
<br />Sigaed thhr 3rd der of September t8 80l ~ l:~~
<br />/` ..
<br />la tvrsense ut •~... .. .}y}y~~_~i ......__.... ... .
<br />~ F~ -..
<br />j STATE OF.,....... ,.NFeSI~I,... _... .County at- __ 1lal.l_..._
<br />} Hafnn tna,a irotarY Puhlk: quakifiud far raid cauntY, Pars onnlly cams R9beCt H, Ralph and Hazel N. -
<br />j Ralph. RuOband and Wife
<br />i known tai ma fo br the identical Person of penana who sign ad the turnguing inatrumont and nc4nuwterigud Chu nxerulian !
<br />theraot to be his, her or their voluntary act am) dead
<br />~ - Wttnaaa my head and ~'~-- ~.~~Pte>Qber _1..~ ~ r 8Q1 -.'+ '
<br />My commission azpf w~1ii#M~-. / ~.~.~~~rg~.~r', •~~ f r ....- NoWY fLhitc.
<br />~~~~, ; SPATE OF ..............................._.........,.._.........._....._.....) EnWted on nutaeri index untt flied far record
<br />!' ~ CountY ..................................._.._,..........,......-................ )t ~ in the Ragi.ter at Doads OBke of said Carroty tke '
<br />j af...........,....-.........._...................., t9............. at..........,...._...............o'dock and................. _.....,_...mtnutas ._.....__.... _. ..M.,
<br />C
<br />'~ anal ratatrda$ in $ page.........,.............,............._._...
<br />.........._.........._......_ .............~......_.................._........_Reg. of 17aede
<br />By ......................................_.__..,,_..._..._._..........................f7eputy
<br />