80- UC~4'~93
<br />MORTGAGE LOAN NO. LZ3, 776
<br />tOiow ALL MEN BV TFR•SE PRFSFN1S:That Ada I. -Atkinson, a single person
<br />Mortgagor, whr:tha one m more, to oneodnatim of the cam of
<br />Twenty-seven Thousand Six Hundred and No/100-------------------------------------
<br />- OOILkRS
<br />loaned to said mortpgor by The Fquitabk and roan Aslnciattoo of Grand [swat, Nebraska, Mortgagx, upon Z~ 6 abates d'stet of
<br />said ASSOCIATION, Certifinte No. L 26 , do hereby grant, convey and mortgag umu the aid ASSOCIATION the followioB
<br />dr~aihed m1 caste, situated in thll County, Nebraska:
<br />together with all the tereerceots, hereditarran[s and appurtenances thereunto tuksnging, including attarlred flaw rnvermp, all window tureens,
<br />window shades, blinds, storm windows, awnings, healing, air wnditurning,and plumbing amf water equipment and aeoeaoriet IMrcto, prwps,stovea,
<br />rcirigentors, artd other fixtures and equipment now or hereafter attached to ur uanl in swnnectusn with said rcaI estate.
<br />Attd whercaa the said mortgagor has agreed and does hsre6y agree that the nwrtgagesr Qn6 sad will pay all [axes and aasesaatontf lerird m
<br />asscaed upon aid premises and upon this mortgage and the bond secured thereby t~efore the sarce shall become dslupuent; to famish approved
<br />insurance upon tM buadmgs un said prcmiae: ntwtedin the sum of S Z~ , 600.00 payabk to said A.CSOCIATfON and to deliver to soot
<br />ASStlC[ATION the policies Cur said iasarsarx: and not to rommit t permit snY wags nn or about said premises;
<br />in ..r uC default in the per(ormana of any of the terms and conditions of this rmu[gage or the tsond secured hsre6y, the roortgagse shall,
<br />on deasana, be entitka to inunediate pussaion aC the rrmrtpged premrss and the mortgagor hereby amgns, tnnsCers amt sts over to the
<br />-tasortgsge all the rents, revenues ami inwrtx to be aeriscd from tits uaxtgpged premiss dining such tune as the mortgage indebtedtxa shat! remain
<br />unpad: std the rtxutgagee shag love the psrwer to appoint any agent ru agents it asay rhtsire for the pmpuse of repairing said prcniises and rmtireg
<br />tM same and mlk~i~ the rents, reventiss and innme, and it may pay ent of said income dt sapsnsas of aepauing and prcaai>es and tteceaary
<br />commissions and expenses mctuasai in rentirrg amt nrmaguag the ame amt of colkdmg rentals tharokum: the batons rcnrainiltg, if anp, to bs
<br />applied toward th• diseieargs ref sad rex+stgage indebtedness; tMs rights of the raurtgsgee copy bs exercised at any time dttrulg the exfsaemx of aseh
<br />defaut, rrrsspeztire of say tcmponiY wdver of the same.
<br />Thex rresents, however, arc upon the l'unditron,'fhsl it the sad Mortgagor xhafl repay said loan un or before the maimity of said shwas by
<br />payment: pay monthly to soul ASSOCIATION of the sum specifxsl in the flunJ secured hereby as mteresl and pransipal un said Iwo, ua ur before
<br />the Twemkth day o[ cash and every «arasrh, until said loan is fu11Y Phi WY ill taxes and asseaarrrema levied against said promtaas aed un thu MongaBs
<br />and the Boot seamed themby, before aelioyuency; futttiah approved insmantx upon the buadirMS thereon in the sum of 1 Z7 , 600.00 paYabk
<br />to aid ASSOCIATION: repay to said ASSOCIATION upon demand ail money by it pad fm such tarn, aaeavseau and insurarrcc with inktau at
<br />the rrnsirnum kyl me thereon Crom dare of payment all or which Mortgagor hereby agrees to pay; permit no waste on aid premises: keep and comply
<br />with all the agreements and conditions of the Bond for S 2~ , 600.OOthia day given by the said Murtg-gur to sand ASSbCIAT1UN, and wmply
<br />with all the rsquuenrems ul the Constitutmn and Bylaws uC soul ASSOCIATION; then theta pretunta dad! became null and cad, uthervpe ths~
<br />shall rctrraue in Fu6 force and may be foredused at the option of the sad ASSOCIA'f10N aitor faaurc for three months to make any of cud
<br />payrrants or be three mrmths in arrears m ranking caul nwnthly paymm~ta, ur to kap and comply with the agrarrants and conditwm uC said Nund;
<br />and Mortgagor agrees m bare a receiver appuintea fw[hwith in such (aechssure prtuetdings.
<br />IC chore i¢ any Chang w ownership u( the real estate rmrtgaged herein, by ak m uthervise, then the en[ue rernaming utdabtadmr hereby
<br />secured shah, at tM tsptiuv ul' TM 1'gmtabk Building amt l.uan Aax:uitiun of Grand Nand. Nobrariu, became hmwdutety due and gyabk withiwt
<br />further mtia, asd tha aaawM remuning dm tmdar said bond, and soy other fiord f'or any additiunai sdvanas made Ihcrcurtder, shah, fmm the
<br />data ul' 7xercaa o1' awl optwm, boas uuerea at tha niaeintum kpl rate, amt this mortgage may than be Cmeek>aad to sandy the amount duo car awl
<br />bond. acrd any uthw hood fns additiond Wvaawes, logetller with aB surrr paid by said The Fpuitabb Bttt>diog cud torso Aasisoutimt of Grand Had,
<br />Nebraka Cm iruuraase, truss sad aeressrrasnts, std abaruttu{ exmnwEn rdnrges, wiN inareu thereon, from data of p.ytront at the twaimum
<br />k[ai ran.
<br />As rridad m the Bond apcursd haroby, while tlw muttgsg retntins in effect tfro tnurlgsgee may hereafter sdwtnce additirnnl sums to the
<br />makers of cared Burst, tMu saugru or swx~esscus in mtaraw, whuh smw s{wB fie within the security u[ this irrisrtgslde the sarm u the funds orig'rsally
<br />secured thereby, the carol arrtutiat of t>rtm:ipd debt cwt to exceed at any testa the mylitlfi amount of this ttsnpgaye.
<br />Ihtad this ~ 3rd, :ly,,,,r September A. II-, is QO
<br />"~+ "~~)j{7~~ f`
<br />-Ada I. Atkinson
<br />STATF,'OP NEBItASKA.,~m, On this 3rd. say of September ISIIO ,bofwn nee,
<br />COUNTY OF f1A11.
<br />the undersipsed, a Nutasy PubBs: N uta Por awl County, pnraonaBY saux
<br />Ada I. Atkinson, a single person
<br />who 1 S porsurtaBy krtuwn ro
<br />cue to feu the idantied parain whoa wow 1 S aftixca w rho above tnatrwrafavf•as mart ar ana ~ he '~'
<br />aitmswks~a Eke said instrument to bs her voluntary act ana aced. ~.~` .-"'J
<br />pt^iTtrES~ my tuna ana Nutuul Seal the ante aruresaia. / ~ --
<br />My Corot ~ z wCa. _ o....,,. : ~C_ ~ 1 .[ ~~~i~ /~'^~ ~,l~r
<br />QEatRat NataPY [. to ni h'e4tata _-..~,_ ~.r ..r~~-._._~. ._ -._ _~ Y-z+s~'r~.°"~t3__~"
<br />!VY h1 E+1 AlL.LY ~ 'V °tar F"l!pnc
<br />utaur st ~ Air i E smut. 1. 19i1 /---'
<br />