<br />HARRY L. LILIENTH.°,L AND WANDA R. LILIENTHAL, husband and wife
<br />of We County or HALL and State of . NEBRASKA t,eretnafter called We party of the Cant part, is
<br />consideraUoa of-TWENTY THREE THOUSAND E I DHT HIINDRFD AND ND/ I OD---------------------- DLf;AItS
<br />In hand paid, do hereby grant, bargain, sell and convey unto the Home Fedetal Savings & Iaan A~odatian a£ Grand )wined.
<br />Grand Island, Nebraska, and its autxa?asots and assigns, the following real rotate, aittutted is HALL
<br />Comfy, State of NEBRASKA ,. ,town:
<br />Together with all the appurtenances thereunto belonging, and all coveti'ants in`~11 the title deeds ~,cuaninB with said real estate,
<br />and all the rents, issues and profits arfaing therefrom after default in perForrtisnce of any covenant or condition herein coo-
<br />twined: and warrants the title thereto perfect and clear except for thisl, mdrtgage. '.
<br />During the time this mortgage is in force the mortgagors agree:
<br />Fitst. To pay all taxes sad special assessments levied against said premises, including all taxes and assessments levied
<br />upon this mortgage, or the debt secured 6y this mortgage.
<br />Second. To keep all buildings thereon insured against loss by fire, lightning and tornado in some company, to be ap
<br />proved by the said Home Federal Savings & T.oan Assodation of Grand Island in the sum of $ i nsurab I e va I ue „for
<br />the benefit of the said Association, and its successors or assigns; and to deposit said policies with said Association. and shall not
<br />commit or suffer any waste on said premises, and shall put and keep said real estate 6uildlttga and improvements In good
<br />order.
<br />Third. To pay or cause to be paid to the Home Federal Savings & T.oan Association of Grand Inland its aueeessors oz
<br />ensigns, the sum at ~WENTI' THREE THOUSAND FIGHT HUND4i'~'~~ ANi7, Nc~/I+iO------------------DGt.r•att¢,
<br />payable as follows:
<br />yI},t:1~o.1}„ i?',i!: cIi_F'ifad^tER I, !ytt!
<br />with interest thereon payable, aceordIng to the tenor and effect of the one certain first mortgag+f n~~oj`n o[ said mortgagors,
<br />bearing even date with tbese presents. After maturity said bond draws interest at the rate o~ti'IQrk cent per annum.
<br />Tf said taxes and assessments ere not paid when due, or if the buildings on said premises are not insured as above pro-
<br />vided, or it any of said interest is not paid when due, then avid ,w 1{nE,~t~t shall became dun immadiatrly, at the option of the
<br />said Asaoclatlon, and shall Wemaftar draw interest at the rate o!`~ per cant par annum.
<br />The mortgagari__ hereby as°+„Q* _ to said mortgagee all rents and income arising at aqv and ali times from quid
<br />proporty and hereby aulhorixe Raid mortgagee or its agent, at its option, upon default, to take chargr of said property and
<br />rolled alt rents end income WereGom and aDPly the same to the payment of interest, principal, insurance premiums, taxes,
<br />assessments, repairs nr improvements nacessery to keep said property in tenantable condition, or to other charges ar pay-
<br />ments provided for herein or in the note hereby secured. TdW rant assignment ahaU continue in tome until Lhn unpaid bal-
<br />aare of said note u tally paid, Tha taking of poaaeaaion hereunder shall in no msnaar prevent or rrtar[I said mortgagee in
<br />Wn collnrtion of said sums by foreclosure or ntberwisn.
<br />Whether said debt heramea due by tapes of time, or 6y reason of the failure aY the party ut the firs[ part to comply
<br />with any condition heroin, the Bald Aome Federal Savings & L.uan Association of Crand island, the su~rrssors and assigns,
<br />ehaU have the right to begin Nn foreclosure of this mortgage at Dora ou tba whole debt hereby secured, sad to include
<br />therein alt taxes, axaesatnnnta, inauraaae premiuaw Bud Banta, paid 6y It ut them; or said Asauclatlaa. its aureeaavrs ar
<br />aaaigmt, may iorecloae nifty as to the swn past dun, wlWout injury [o thin mortgage, or the displacement ur impairmaut
<br />of tba Ilnn Wateof,
<br />And the old first party sad the makero of said note, especially ugron and dnrlarn that the separate estate ~,t each and
<br />every uns of them, lttrduding bosh that now owned sad Waf hnraaftar aeguired, ie pledged and bound #ar Wr payment oC
<br />the debt hereby aecure[!-
<br />After We commencement of any salt in foreclosure thu plaintltt therein shaD bn entitled to the immediate posdtwsion at
<br />aa±d promises sad the appaiatme[tt of a receiver therefor, notwithstanding Way may be the homestead of the occupant and
<br />notwiWataadlag the parties liable [or the debt may be solvent, and We first party hereby consents to the nppoiMmtmt et a
<br />Retelvat upaa flu pr'oduCtfon of thin indenture, wlWout outer evidence.
<br />The foregoing eondltiooa a~ agreameoU, all and singular, being tttll7 performed, this conveyanen shat! be void, other-
<br />wise to fie and rwaagl[I In full farce and effect.
<br />'9t Pt A ~~~ust `SQ
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