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<br />8p... 004785 <br />~~TGA~E <br />~~.. : , <br />Thu moet;etse male and entered into tLi. 076 day of AucGls% <br />19 ~~ , by and between J. Dolores Spaacer <br />(hereinafter referred to u mortgagor) and the Adtrtiautrator of the Sma11 Buainda Adminiatratiao, as aaertey of the <br />Government of the United States oI Ameriea (hereinafter inferred to es mortgagee), who maiotaiau an once attd <br />plaeeofbaainewrat Empire State Building; 19th and Farnatn Streets, Omaha, Nebraska 58102'" <br />Wutattssare, that for the oonaideration hereinafter atatad, receipt o~ which is heraby ae45trarlN)P4j, e6e <br />eertgagar dnaa hereby atortgage, sell, Rraot, assign, tend convey tmto the mortgrgee, 6ia aneoerors and'+irri~sy, all <br />of the folbwing deaeribed property aitwted and being_in the Gomty of Hall <br />State of Nebraska. <br />'i <br />I Lot Pour (4) in Block Two (2) in "Capi.><al Heights Fourth i <br />Subdivision`, a Tract of Land Cowprisitig a Fart of the', <br />~ Sauthweat Quarter (SWIy) of Sectita,n,T{~,(2), Township <br />Eleven (11) North, Bangs Ten (10) West of the 6th P.N. <br />'To~tather wLh and including ali buildings, all fixtures includ7nR but nd Bmitad to aU plumhinlt. heaHag, light• <br />knR, vrnNlating, refrigeralin«, ineinerating, air vimditioninµ apiwrulo., and rirvatorx (the morlRagor hrrrhv <br />rierisring that ii ix intentlyd that the ilemx herein rnumrruiett .hail br rirrmrd fe hove hero permaneMh° in• <br />+tailed ax part of thr rrr)ty), and atl improvemrntx now nr herrahrr rxi.tinr eharron; the hered[tamemx amt <br />appurienanrea and a!i ethrr rights thereunto brionAing, ar in anywlre apprMalninR, and the revenMn and re- <br />verxionx, remainder and remainders, di rlRittx tr! redaarvpiion, and the rentx, isxurx, and pre6tx of the above <br />desrrihtet! property (provided, tntwevrr, that the nmrteatc.rr xhaH Fer rntitird io the po..r!*•ion of -aid irrutrrtYy <br />and tardiert and retain the rents, iwnes, Maid pra5t. until drfanlt l.eraunder). 7'o have atui tv. 6oid khe +ame <br />unto the ~ anti t!r westewon its iavatrest of the moHgagra ferwver in fre simple oe vurly athrr ostaie, <br />if wny, as b rtare+i hetrein. <br />Tim-ttsaetgager-earraeatMs that he is iarfsliy awed and poasssaed of gad hrr tYtt right to asU and eonvey acid <br />property;. that the try i. free (earn aU eocnmbraoeea eaeept a. heraiwhove reoiYedt and that has imreby binds <br />hiaaaeN and his suoeessaaa in interest to warewt and defend the tide aforesaid thereto wd every part thereof agaiwt <br />the eiwta at all paragon w6amaaerer. <br />1"his insfrwnent is given to assort the payment of a promiaaury note dried _'r ~ /= i~[~ <br />in:thepal-tom.'ttf~e°IS,>'i~i80~~~8?~d~' J. Dolores Spencer . <br />in i,nhslf of herself . <br />+av ton. +ar ts-aar r,..r... urn...... oaax.. <br /> <br />