<br />En~GwACf.MEtvBYTEIESErRESENTS:Thn Helen M. Nabity, and Stanley F. Nabity, M.D., her husband
<br />-- -_ Mortgagor, abettor one w mom, in coodduatiw of the mm of
<br />Sixty Thousand and No/100---------------------- ---------------______________ DOEd.ARS
<br />loaned to mid mortgagor by The Fquitabk Btdtdirrg and Evan Astaciatioo of Grand Islami, Nebraslu, Mortggee, upon 6OO tltares of stadt of
<br />aid ASSOCIATION. Certlfiate No. L 23, ~~5 , do hereby grant, convey and rnorlgage unm rite said~ASSOCIATION the foHovriog
<br />deambed rat state, ritWted in Hatt Comfy, Nebaska:
<br />toge[tttt with aH the terxments, hercditatmnts and appurtenances thereunto belonging, including attaeEted naar coverings, aH window auvans,
<br />window shades, binds, storm windows, awnings, heating, air condilioning,and plumbing and water cyuipment amt acceaoria (hereto, pumps, rioves,
<br />rNrigerators, and other fixtures and equipment now or hereafter attached to or used in connectmn with miJ real estate.
<br />And whereas the said rstortgagor has agrceJ and does hereby agree that the mortgagor abet and will pay aH !axes and ame9sBtenta levied w
<br />assessed upon said premises and upon this mortgage and the Mmd secured thereby Ixfore the mttx shall becortx delinquent: to furnish approved
<br />inswnna upon the buildings on sad premises situated in the sum of S 6O, OOO. OO payable to mid ASSOCIATION and Io deliver to said
<br />ASSIX'iATi(}N tM polzies for said insttnna: and rtot to commit ur permit env waste on ar about sad prrmiaea;
<br />In :~ ut defuuli irs the perfarmartm u€any of the terms and amditions uF this mortgage or the rand securest hereby, the mortgagce shall,
<br />on tksrxutd, 6e en[rlted to imnxdulc possession of the mortgaged premises and the nortgagor hereby assigns, tnnskn and xis over to the
<br />tttongagce all the rents, rcventms and incatm m he derived from the mortgaged pretnius dwing such time as the mortgage mdebtedmss sitait rcmam
<br />wtpad: and the smsrtgagee arts(( lux the power to uppamt any atycnt ur agrnts it rosy dearc lot the pwpux ut repairotg mid prcsnute and tentis~
<br />fhe sane amt cuHecting the rents, revenues and inetsnm, and it ntay pay um of sad income av cxpensaa of eepairirtg and pttrmsea and netxmry
<br />:,ommnsnnts and expenses mcutscd io renting and sstatuging the come and of collecting renuis ttxrcfrom; flu balance remaining, if any, to he
<br />applied toward the diachuge of sad smrtgage mdehudsress; thew righu of the nwrtgagee may he ezeretmd at any time daring the exirienex of sucEt
<br />default, irteapec[we of any temporary wnvcr u(thc same.
<br />'fhssc Presents, tsoweser, era up,n the Condition, 7'fut if the said Mortgagor shat] repay said loan on ur halixe the rruturity of sad stores by
<br />paymcm: f®Y snnnehly to asni A5#iX'IA9'tON of thr sum apeciPred m the tkmd secured hereby as mtercst and principal on std Iran, on or 6efors
<br />the TwentieN day of rash and every month, anti! said loan is tally peki; pay all taxes and assesnnems levied aguaat said prcmtaea std on the Mwtgago
<br />aal the Bond cured sherchy, before dettnyuency; tmntdt approved inswanw upon the buildings tlxreon m the sum of S 6O , OOO. OO payabb
<br />to said ASSOCIATION; repay to sad ASSIX'IATIUN upon demand all nxsttey by it pad for such taxes, assemosents and inswana verb intercd at
<br />the mutimum regal rate 1Mrcoa Ram date ul peytnent all of wisich Mortgagor hereby agrces to pay; permit no waste sm and premises; keep and lumpy
<br />•::th all the agrcemrnta and condittuna ut the hand fur 3 6O ,OOO. OOtnia day yven by th< std Morlgtigor to sad ASSOE'tATtON, and comply
<br />wth all the requirements of the Ctmstitution std i3y~i.aws of and ASSOCIATION; then these pr<eents shag become null and void, utherwim [trey
<br />shall rcmnn m tali faro and may be fwecio:d at the optmn of the sad ASSOCIATION niter (aduse for throe rmsnths [a make say of ,akl
<br />payments sn M three tsxsaths m azrcurs m uukirsg sad mrnithly fuytoenls, ur to keep and vrnplY with the agreements and condstam ssf mid itund;
<br />and Mortgagor agrees to have a resxtvet appointed forthwith in swh lorcclosme prweedutgs.
<br />If there is any cturtge m awrxrslup of tta real esuto riunlgaged Mrein, Dy sak or uthnrwite, than the entire tenninityt imkbtadnem haroby
<br />secwed shall, st the uptwn of The tiyuitabk Ituitdntg and (.sun Atteacutwn of Grand IsWtd, Nebraska, 6ecut»a immediately due and payabk without
<br />t'mthcr mstisx, asd tM amuum resrasutiryi due under aid Mxati, and any wtur bond for any ndditivnal adnncea made tMerouttder, shall, irom the
<br />date of exarCne of said uptiort, hen trttereri at the rruttirnum kgsd rate, and thin trxxtgtlge tmy then be fweciweJ to mtid'y the amamt duo m sad
<br />bred, and xtty atMt land fw additiurui advances, togsther wfth all xlrtro paid hY eau) 'fhc Ngwnbk Budding and L,uan Atauciatissn ul' Gram! lalaud,
<br />Nebraska fw insurarux, razes atuE assewrrtenta, asd abstracting a:temiim cturgea, with usurcst thervtut, Rum date of MYrant at the nwithum
<br />1qµ1 tau.
<br />As provided in the Hord secured hereby, whik this rrarrtgaga remauts in effect the ns,ngageo may hsreaier advan+x addittorul sums to the
<br />pokers of said H9stJ, their a»ipta w aus:ceawa in interest, which stem shall tae within tlx securt[y of this mungye tiro salty u the funds urigitudly
<br />anetued thereby, the fatal amount of prutefpal sbbt nut ro exceed at say tune the original amount of this tnottgage.
<br />Batt this 3rd ~ day ~ septe~'ier '~, n . lu il0
<br />'ReT"_ a 1~ _~ ___..
<br />Stanley F. Nabity, ~d
<br />STATE OF Nt313RASi[A,~ ~ On thu 3rd. day nr SeUtember Iv 90 .before n+a
<br />COEIN'fY OF FIA41.
<br />the undersigned. a NotuY Public in and for said County. porsoruHy caeto
<br />Nelen M, Nabity, and Stanley F. Nabity, M.O., her husbario was are perwnaHYkstownta
<br />me to he ~who~.idattical person S wMne rtatm S dy'e affixed to the abovro insuttmrad as nwrigagur S and they soveraHy
<br />aChnaw.,.,,a u tbC aald iMtltlm411t to b@ tfiQl r yafnntary aCt Hpd dCbd.
<br />R1TNF3S my fund scot Notuni Sen the date af'oremid. w '1,
<br />MY Canurtiaion expires ~. /,
<br />'- ~ Nutuy pub!u
<br />we.set nt / / c~ dEflfttAE igiMJ1Y-S1YMlYIeasM
<br />IAMEa w. tElsftN
<br />. My Comm. Esp Mao IZ,19g3
<br />