8t}- ~ 0 4 777 .
<br />Umroaxr Cover+ar+-rs. Borrower and Latdcr covens nl and agree as (nlluw~s:
<br />L I'nymcnl a1 Prindpnl nod 4ucresl. Dorrmvrr shall promptly guy when due the prncy,al of :utU. inrcrc3t on the
<br />indebmdness evidcnccd by the NoIC, prepaymtnl anJ laic charges as provided in the Note, and'lhC principal o{ sad interest
<br />on any Future Advances secured by this Mongage.
<br />2. Funds lot Taxes nnU Insurance Subject to applicalilc law or to a written waiver by Lcndcr, llorrower shall pay
<br />ro Lendec on the da}• monthly installments of principal and intcrest arc pa}:dslc under the Note, until the Note is paid in [all,
<br />n sum (herein "Funds"J equal w one-twelfth of the yearly taxes and assessments which may anain priority over this
<br />Mortgbec, and ground rents on the Yropcrty, if any, plus one-twelfth of yrvly premium installments for hazard- insurance,
<br />plus one-twelfth of yearly premium installments for mortgage insurance, if any, ail as rcasnnabiy cstimatcd initially and from
<br />Irnic to time by Lcndcr on the basis of nsscsvncnts and bills mtd reasonable cstinrucs thereof.
<br />The Funds shall he heW in an institution the deposits or acrnants of which arc insured ar guamntccd by a Federal or
<br />state agent}' (including Lcndcr if Lender is such an instimtion). I,ender.xhall apply nc~ Funds to pay said taxes, assessments,
<br />insurance premiums and ground rents. Lender ;na}• not chnrgc for >o hnlJing and ;,pplying the Funds, :malyzing said account,
<br />or verifying and compiling said assessments and bills, unless Lcndcr goys. llorrower intcrest nn the Funds and applicable law
<br />permits Lcndcr to make such a charge. Borrower and Lcndcr may a_r,rce in writing ar the ;ime'of execution of this
<br />Mongage that intcrest on the Funds shall 6e paid to Borrower, and unless such agreement is made or applicable law
<br />rcyuires such interest to be paid, 1-ender shall not be required to pay Bnrnnver any intcrest or earnings on the Funds. Lender
<br />shat) give to llorrower, without charge, an annual necnunung of the Funds showing credits and debits to the FunUs and the
<br />purpose for which cash debit to Ott Funds was made. 'fhc Funds arc plalgnl :~+ additional security for the sums sccurcd
<br />try this Mortgage.
<br />If the amount of the Funds hcid by Lender, together with the future monthly inxudbncnts of Funds payable prior to
<br />the due dates o{ taxes, assessments, insurance premiums and ground rcms, shall exceed the amount required to pay said taxes,
<br />assessments, insurance premiums and ground rents as, they fall due, such excess shall be, at Borrower's option, either
<br />promptly repaid to Borrower or credited to Borrower on monthly installments of Funds. !f rho amount of the Funds
<br />hcid by Lender shell not be sufBCicnt Io pay taxes, assessmems, insur:utcc premiums and ground rents as they tall due,
<br />Borrower shall pay to Lcndcr any amount necessary to make up the deficiency within 30 da}•s from the date notice is mailed
<br />by Leader to Borrower requesting payment thereof.
<br />Upon payment ir, Cull of all sums sccurcd by [his 8lnrtgage, Lcndcr shall promptly reboot lu llorrower any Funds
<br />heW b}• Lcndcr. If under paragraph i5 hcrco( the Propcrq~ is sold nr the 1'ropcny is otherwise acquired by 1_endcr, Lender
<br />shall apply, no lame than immedinttly prior to the sale o! the Property or ns acquisition 6p I,endcr, any Funds held by
<br />Lcndcr at the ^ntc of application as ^ credit against the sums secured by this Mortgage.
<br />7. Applicntion oC 1'o}•menls. Unless applicahk law provides otherwise. all paymculs received by Lcndcr under the
<br />Note and paragraphs I and Z hereof shall 6c applied by Lcndcr fir51 in payment of amounts payable to Lcndcr by Borrower
<br />under yaragraph 2 hereof, then to ioterest payatrle on the Nute, then to the princip;d of the Natt, :uul then la intcrest anU
<br />pnnerpal on any Future Advances.
<br />d., Clotjrs; Liens- Dorrawrr shall pay all taxes. awcssments ;rnU rn her +har res, bees ;uxl impositions altrihutable to
<br />the Yroptny which may attain a priority over this t.tongagc, :uxl kacchnld p;,cmc;tts or rmund rents, if any, in the manner
<br />pruvrded under paragraph ?hcrco( or, if nnl paid in Such manner, by Ilonower making pavntent. when due, directly to the
<br />payee thereof. llorrower shall p:ompdy furnish w Lender ell ^aices of :unounto due under rhrz pars{;rtph, and in the event
<br />Borrua~cr shall make payment .:ire.rly, If nrrosvcr shall pn,mpOy hinush in Lcndcr rt ~ciph evidencing such paynunts.
<br />Burro+ccr shall promptly discharge a •r Len winch has I+unrily (,vcr this \Iungaer'. pre--ndrrt, That Borrower shah nbl bC
<br />requird to discharge ary such hen so gong as Barruuror shall agree m ++rnmr to the pay.ncm ul the ahligation sccurcd b}~
<br />ouch teen m a manner acceptable to Lcndcr, or >hall in goad larch mate.( sorb hen hy, nr d, ~•nd eniorcemcut of such lien in,
<br />legal proretdmgi which operate to prevent the enforcement of the Len ar L,rtalurc of fir, Property nr any pact thereof.
<br />S. llazard Insurance. Ilorroa•cr shall keep the :;upros rtntms now csni a+); ur herrafirr erec tee! on Ole 1'ral:Cr:y insured
<br />agamu loss by fire, hazards irehtdcd :vithm the term "catcne)cd .uvcorge'-, umI e+a•h oUwr hazards :u bender may require
<br />and to such :m7nu nos anti fur such prnods as Lender n?;1Y rrqurrr; ,urn pied. t!:a: Ixxnicr ;ha'I not fcq:u rc :h:d :h :;a;n;:n: of
<br />such cover ags eaceeU that amount of coverage required m pny the suntc .cn:, e;l by etas htongagc
<br />'1 he :ssuranre Barrier ,.euvrt;ing tsc insurun c ..hail he th,+sen i,v tt-. j - -- - p - - - h} l.- - ~rowrltd,
<br />that sorb approval shall not be ante sunahl} ni hLClal. ;\Il pr: mium. - ;-: I'.-_ s =. -II - -mid --t a.nntr
<br />pr ovidtd under paragraph Z hcrco[ or, it nut paid to such mamtcr, Pr H -n ,.cr makhl, p.ryntcnt when dos. d rc..tly to the
<br />m3u tonic elf rice.
<br />All insurancC policies and renewals tbercof shall bC in tarot anepoihlr h, I ender and shell urBhulc n standard moorage
<br />clause m favor of and in furor ncccptahlc to Lcndcr. Lcndcr sh;dl haver the ; irht m hold the pohrics end ~cncsvak tltetn,f.
<br />and Borrower shall promptly furnish to Lender all renewal notices :uW .ell i.'srq,ts ul paW preen umn. In the es,m of lugs-,
<br />Born,+vcr shall glue prompt noueC us the insurance earner anti l.cnda 1 code miry mnkc pnn,t ,+( loss d nut made prouyatl}
<br />try ilv;ra,var,
<br />Unicss Lcndcr .ruJ Uorravrr ahenvise agrC4 in urilirtg, invrra nCe pr urcr.ls shall 6c appbcd to resturaliuu .'.r' repair of
<br />she Progeny damajed, provWCJ such rtstorauon cr tCpau is eennamie .rlly tca+ihle and the ucurny of this !=irngagc a
<br />not Igrrtby tmpaued. 1f such rcstoratron or rep:ur rs oat ccanumically fc,rsdde or ;t rho sccut,iy of dos !+hutgagt would
<br />bs impaued, the insurance proceeds shall bs up{9icd to the soots stewed b} this Martgagc, wnh the ctcess, d any, parU
<br />ru Borruwcr. IE the Nroperty is abandoneU by Borrnwcr, or d Batn,wer Lilt+!o rc:p;,nd to ! ceder ^:+rthm '.. d;sts ;ro+„ the
<br />dale nuhCS is madeil by Lander to llorrower thnl Orr insurance cattier ndet+ m .rah' a cLum for +nvuanre 6r nrUU, Lcndcr
<br />n uuUwnzrd to Collect and apply the insurpnrr prorecds al Lcndcr's apt use either to rauuauun <a repair ut the i'rupaa}
<br />ur to the sums seetusd try this Martjaja.
<br />llydsss lrcndrr and Bu[[uwer ethrrw he egret rn u~rnmg, any such apple. utran al prevrrds ._ ; r~nc-: p;,l .h:,l`: n,. t c._trt,U
<br />of fb31 pn11C the due dale tl( the In4,nthll' mY1811mCrli3 le(l'rfe [I ill In p:1P.r g.t ,tphs 1 amt ? l`e[ev,l ter ~hanec ':I~r ~:. .,rot yt
<br />such uulallntents. l7 wadse paragraph l8 hereof (tic I"raptrty rs acyuu cd h+ Lcndcr, ail right, :.,Ic and rntres. ,.t ~ik~;r n:err
<br />in and Io any urounnec polsries and u1 artU Eo Ihr prncC•cds thereat rceulu ng it+, nr J.unagt• to the Proper;. p .. 4t; s,rtc
<br />or acquisition shah pass ta Lrndc[ to live rzrent of (fie sums xeun=d h) the Rtoopare :nrneduuuy- pn,ar !~, =u•h ,a:r =v
<br />`acgviSaie=n, -
<br />D, Yte3eh asivu and 141atulrnance a1 Yrupsn~, Lraarh Ile; (-nndnnnnium+, l'Iaw+rd l+rf iP eehrprr -_•• ~~•
<br />Shall keep the PPdpatty in goad rrpau ar3 shall ern eomgtt- astc nr pcunu uupau mrm ar c-rl r stun I lac 1,o1 ct 17
<br />and shall Comply u~uh the pravssroas of any lease d this M1lnngajc ix ,,n ., Ic_a,rhnld If the ao:rgagc ~ ,_,+ _, _ ,a a
<br />rondmnrnnutt ar a planned unit devripntent, Burrower shall pcffnnn .ell ,+{ Um u,u Br's obhratrons <+:dsr ;etc :!. ci~ar at:ou
<br />ur cuvatann crcntmj ur governing the condonunurm ur planned unn d:+rlapnu•r+l, the by~las++ utsl rcgutnuon, .•1 the
<br />condmnmmnt ur planned unit Uevelopntent, anJ ronsliatrm docuutants It :+ ceutdunuwuns or a n,ed ~~. ,ir.uhq,n+c:-a
<br />s idu is cxttused by Ifor{o:wer and taeorded tognher wrtb this Mor rgagc. the ,. ovcuuul•, .rod ~.g: ee rteu!.. ., .rch r:e;cr
<br />shalt bs mcarparated teen and shall amend and suplsleotcnt the cm•Cn:uns and agrccnmms of th,. Slur tga!te ;rs a tl:r Wrier
<br />were a parr hereof.
<br />7, 1'ratrction o{ Lander'a Sccarity. IC llorrowsr lath to pcifarm the a,vcn,uus ;,nd agncntcuts contau;cd :r dos
<br />Mongage, or ii any action ar proceeding is cwnmencrd whu'h materially a(h•C is Le ndet's wturest m fhc 1'mpcn r,
<br />rncludtng, but not limited to, eminent domain, insolvency, code cnforecmem. nr arrangmnenK ..,r proceedings invulvurg a
<br />bankrupt or Uecedenl, then Lander at Lcnderi apron, uintn notice us ISon m.cr. Wray make -+u~h nppc;uanccs, disburse such
<br />sums and take such action as is nccnsary to protect Lcndsr's intcrest, rn.ludmg, trot n InnemU cu, dixbsn'semrm of
<br />rcasonablc attorney's (eta and sorry upon the Prupcrt}• to tnakC tepees !f ! zudu required n,. ;,gage insuranec ns
<br />wndlliun of making the loan sccurcd by this Afongagc, Borroacr sh:dl guy the prcnuunu : •nuuai ;u maintain sudr
<br />insu[ancc id ehtct anti! such Ome as tht reyuirrntent (or such mzw ante to miunles :n ac: orda nee with fkx rower's and
<br />