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80- G04772 <br />MORTGAGE <br />MORTGAGE [.OAN NO. L 23, 774 <br />IQJOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That Larry L. Leep, a single person <br />Fifty Thousand Six Hundred and NO/100------------- Mortgagor,whether oru or rtmrc,ia conadentioa of the aum of <br />------------------ ------m[,LAAS <br />Ironed to said rtwrtgagor by The Equitabk Building and Luan Association of Crand Island, Nebnaka, Mortgagee, upon 506 sturea of nary of <br />said ASSOCIATION, Certificate No, L 23,774 , Jo hereby grant, convey and mortgage wto the said ASSOCIATION the follaWog <br />deatxibed real estate, situated in HaII Cawry, Nebraska: <br />LOT TWO (2), IN BLOCK FOUR (4) IN BRENTWOOD <br />SUBDIVISION IN THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, <br />HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA. <br />Together with all the tenement;, hercJitaments and appurtenances thereunW belonging, including attache) Hour rwverings, all wurdow screens, <br />window shades, blinds, storm windows, awnings, heating, air conditioning, and plumbing and water eyuipmenl and accessories thercto,pumpa, ;roves, <br />refrigerators, and other fixtures and equipment now or hereafter attached to or umd in connection with miJ real estate. <br />And whereas the mid rtwrtgagm has agreed and dues hereby agree that the mortgagor shall and will pay all taxes and asxissroents levied or <br />amesxid up+m mid premises and upon [his mortgage anJ the bond secure) thereby before tht come shall become delinquent; to furnish approved <br />swance upon the buildings un said premiers situated in the sum of 5 5D, 6DD. DD payable to mid 4SSOCIATION and to deBver to mid <br />ASSOCIATION the policies (or mid insurance; sod net to cmmmit or permit any water un or about sail premises; <br />In case of Default in rhr per(orrnnnce of any of the terms and conJUiuns ul thts rrturtgagc or the bond secured hereby, the mortgagee shall, <br />on demanJ, tsc rnhUed to unrnediatt pusaemion of the mortgage) premrses anJ the mortgagor hereby assigns, transfer anJ xits over W the <br />mortgages all ttrc rents, rexnues anJ income to ht JeriveJ from Iht mortgsgeJ premises during such time as the mortgage indebtedness shall rcrruin <br />unpaid: anJ rhr nwrtgagrt iltall tuvr the power to appoint arty agem or agents it Huy desire for the purpose ul raparting mid premixis artd ranting <br />the same and collecting the tents, revenues anD inc ~ntr, snJ it may pay out of miJ incrnnc all expenses of repairing said prsrttirxs artd rtxesaarry <br />commisums artd expense: mcuretvl in rcmtng and tttanaging the come anJ of rollecung rentals therefrom; the balance rctnsining, if any, to be <br />apgltrd toward the JiaElutgt of said mortgage indebrcdnem; thexi tights o!' the mortgagee may be exrrciud at anY tittle dttring tha existens of such <br />Jetault, uresprc'ttve of any temporary waiver of the same. <br />These Presents, however, are upon the ('unditinn,'7'hat if the mtJ Mortgagor shnll repay miD loan on or before the matunty of sand shatss Ny <br />payment; pay rwnthly Iu mrJ ASSIX'IATION of rhr sum sprcifieJ m the {hntJ se vrcJ hereby as interest anJ principal on miJ loan, on or before <br />the Twrnuelh Jay of rash anJ ev<ry month. until cord loan is fWly pail; pay all taxes aoJ assessments leveed against said prcmixis anJ un this Mortgage <br />and the &md xicureJ thereby, txti,rr Jchnyuency; furnish approved insurance upon rhr huJJings the[eun in the sum of S 50, 6DD , DD payable <br />to aul ASSSOCIATIUN: repay to mid ASSCCIATION upon JrtnxnJ all money by n pniJ Ibr such taxes, assessments and instusnsx wnh uuerest at <br />the maximum legal rate thereon Irom Jate of payment all of which Mortgagor hereby agrees b pay; permit nu waste on cord premises: keep and comply <br />with all the agrcernems and wnditiuns u( the Bond fm S 5D,6DD • DDlhia Jay given by rhr miJ Mortgagor to mid ASSOCIATION, anJ comply <br />wuh all the requherrtents nt the Corotitutusn and By~Laws of cord A.SSt]CIATION; then these prcsants shall become null anJ vuiJ, otherwixi they <br />shall wrnnm in toll fmcs and rruy br fursa;luseJ at the optwn of the msJ ASSOCIATION after failure fat these months to make any of sat) <br />paytmnts ue bt three tnwtths in arrears rn nwking cool monthly ptyrttrnts, ur to kcep anJ comply with the agreettxnts anJ conditmns of miJ BonJ; <br />sad Mongagur agrees to barn a mrsivar aPpnrmed forlhwnh in >rxh lurrclumrr pruttsdings. <br />It tttrre h any change m owasrshrp cell rhr real estam ttwrtgageJ herout, by sale or otherwise, thin the colas tertyvnipg mdebtednem leereby <br />xictsrcJ shall, at rhr optitm ut Tha Equitable Buiding anJ Loan Association of (;rand Island, Nebraska, becrotne imnwdLtely dos and payable without <br />(urttrer rwttm, and the am+wnt remaining Jar under card bon), and any uthes bon) fur any ndditiorul adva»txs ntaJe themwJer, shall, from the <br />Jets of ettercixe of suJ optisw, bear inttrcst at rho rnaxtmum legal raft, and thu rnungagt Huy then Ar Ibrecloxid to satiny the arrrount due on satd <br />bom1, and arty other band fat additrcrna; stivanv-ss, togrtber with all sums puJ by said 9'ite Equigbk Budding alai Luan Axsracutron of t;raenl Is1anJ, <br />Nehraria for inwrana, taxaa and asaaazrrcma, anJ abanctmg extensson eliCrgty, with interest thereon, from date at payrrrnt at the rttaximum <br />1^pd rate. <br />Aa provided in rhr Band xitwed herobY. while this rtaxtgaga rrrnauta rn eft'rct the nwrtgagsc Hwy hereafter advance adduwsuJ sums w the <br />tttakarz of said Bawd, rhea nzsigns ur zuaxzatuz in intorrst, wha:h swu shat) bt within rhr srcuruy of This tnuftgago the zatne as the fwda oltgttnl(y <br />axuted theeby, the total amowt of principal debt colt ut exceed a any tune rhr original amuwt uC this rtsungaga <br />;, 29th Jlypl A~gust A AO <br />~~Larry L. cep ~_..r = _~----- <br />STATE OF NEBRASICA, ~m On this 24th JaY of AUg USt W $D .before nx, <br />COUNTY OF HALL <br /> the wderxigswd, a Notary Public m and fur sand l'uwty, psrzurwBy uinte <br />Larry L. Leep, a single perso _, <br /> who 1 S perxmslly kauwn w <br />ear to be the idaatial person w ~ _•• ••}$ ' "c "~y(('sxed to (he abctvt <br />acknowle-0g¢d the wid sutrvment to 11,5 votWS(niyj`-tYNi <br />H <br />and dscd. <br />. mstrumrnt as tttongagut and f)L' )tykMlig~( <br />ti <br />7 <br />WITNL•SS m Nana slits <br />~`"N}tanaf EeiYdre datoamrt~aid. <br />Y - <br />~ <br />. i; <br />MY Comrtetaston exp~ea.. l~ ~;-~y ~ ~. fi ~ <br />_ <br />~f „~ <br />r <br />~ !/_ <br /> <br />tataau m .,.. -~ J <br />~; <br />~ <br />tt <br /> <br />