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<br />ma:,gage male sad wterod ittto Ibis -~' 3 dap ~ -~" cf
<br />14 $Q , by sod betwew Frank M. Meister and Donna J. Meister, husband and wife-
<br />(hereinafter referred to u mortgagor) and the Administrator of thn Small Btrsinesa Admiaiatratisa. ut agmcp of t!•_c
<br />(,overomeat of the United States of Aineriea (heroinafter referred to a. mortgagee). who maintaiaa m'oiScer--wf
<br />plaasafbosiaessat Empire State Building, 19th & Farttam, Omaha, Nebraska 68102
<br />Rttrtwutera, that for the consideration hemioaftar weed, receipt of which is hetebp •ekosrwledgw?;11te
<br />eoctgs~trr des harelip moetgage, sell, tRan4 aw6a sad conrep tmto the mortgagee, his rmeoessoeo utd ttri~,ns,.aB
<br />of the foBowieg tiasrribed ptnpertp situated sad being in the Cotmq of Hall
<br />State of Nebraska.
<br />Lot Two (2) in O`Neill Subdivision, being a
<br />Subdivision of a portion of Block Three (3),
<br />Pleasant Home Subdivision in the City of Grand Island,
<br />Hall County, Nebraska.
<br />Together Nitb and inrlwling all 6uildinga. all tiaturre ineluding but not Nmited to aU plumbintt, heating, light.
<br />lag, vrrttilating, refrigerati»g, inrineratiag, air ro»ditia»ina ultpsralu+, and clrratur+ (the mortgalt»r 6.~rrhv
<br />derlaritig thrt it i,, iotendral tlusf Iha item. barrio rnuurarated hhall hr. deemrd to havr krerrt prrruanrntly in-
<br />,taikd au part .ef the rratt}'l, and all impnr.rnrrnt, noX or hrrrafter e~i.tinK thrreatr; the hereditaments and
<br />appuNenarrree and ail ether right+ Ihettuate belonging, or in anywise a}rpertainin>t, and the revrreiun and re-
<br />veniom, rrrmaindrr and rrmainderta all right. of tw+kntption, and thr rrnt., iswurw, and pnrfita of the abuvr
<br />-deyerihed-prolreMy (provided, however, that tttr more gaKor +haH irr rniittrd in thr pns,r+.ion ,.f .aid propery•
<br />and to rrdlrrt and retain thr rents, isatren, and prnlito n»til- tkfaoH hrreuadrr). '1'o base and t+r hold the wrmr
<br />unto the morlgngre and the =.uceensors in idterest of thr mortgagee forever in fee +imple nr wurh other estate,
<br />if anp, u is stated horein.
<br />Tbs mortgagor eore~nta that he is tawfltllp seised and possessed of and hu the riglst to rill sad owtvsp said
<br />property: that the tune bfree-from all eaetuebrstteea esnpt r hereinabore readied; sad that he hereby binds
<br />hitaeeN sad his aueeeswn in interest to wurant sad defend the title aforrssid thereto sad sorry part thereof sinN
<br />drs cYi#w of oll-piitsaes wbsrsoaver. ~:
<br />Tltia iwitrttmmt ie given to secure the payment of a promissory note dated -- t °, ('sF,; \\\
<br />ie_tlmsluf-!! 2n; 984:f19,,.,;d'bY Frank M. Meister and Donna .1. Meister
<br />i» hah$lf of themselves.
<br />+ah rqw W7 ta-rel rn,lew Gla.., .n O\w4x.
<br />