<br />Lender's written agreement or applicable law. Bortower shall pay the amount of all mortgage insurance prcrr^tms in the
<br />manner provided under paragraph 2 hereof.
<br />Any amounts disbursed by Lender pursuant to this paragraph 7, with interest thereon, shall become additional
<br />indebtedness of Borrower secured by this Mortgage. Unless Borrower and Lender agree to other terms of payment, such
<br />amounts shall be payable upon notice from Lender to Borrower requesting payment thereof. and shall hear interest from the
<br />date of disbursement at the rate payable from time to time on outstanding principal under the Note unless payment of
<br />interest at such rate would be contrary to applicable law, in which event such amounts sha!1 hear interest at the highest rate
<br />permissible under applicable law. Nothing contained in this paragraph 7 shall require T_ende-. to incur any expense or take
<br />any action hereunder.
<br />g. Iaspeetion. Lender may make ur cause to he made reasonable entries upon and inspections of :he Property. provided
<br />that Lender shall give Borrower notice prior to any such inspection specifying reasonable cause therefor related to Lender's
<br />interest in the Property.
<br />9. C,oodemnatlon. The proceeds of any award or claim for dama¢es. Direct nr rnnsequentiah in connection with any
<br />condemnation or other taking of the Property, or part thereof, or for conveyance in lieu of condemnation, are hereby assigned
<br />and shall he paid to Lender.
<br />in the event of a total taking of the Property, the proceeds .hall he applicJ in the sums secured by this Mortgage.
<br />with the ceccss, if any. paid to Borrower. in the event of a partial taking of the Property, unless Borrower and Lender
<br />otherwise agree in writing, there shall he applied to the yams securcJ by Chic Mortgage such proportion of the proceeds
<br />as is equal m that proportion which the amount of the elms secured by this Mortgage immediately prior to the date of
<br />raking bears to the fair market value of the Property rmmealiatcly prior to the Date of takin¢ with the balance of the proceeds
<br />paid to Borrower.
<br />Tf the Property is abandoned by Borrower, or if, after notice by Lender to Borrower that the condemnor offers to make
<br />an award nr seine a claim for Damages. Borrower fails to respond to Lender within +6 days after the dare zuch notice is
<br />mailed. Lender is authorized to collect and apply the proceeds. at Lender's option. either to restoration nr repair of the
<br />Property or to the sums secured by this Mortgage.
<br />Unless fender and Borrower otherwise agree in writing, am' such appiicatinn of proceeds to principal shall not extend
<br />nr postpone the Jue Jatr of the monthly installments referred to in paragraphs I and '_ hereof or change the amount of
<br />such installments.
<br />tU. Borrower NN Released. Extension of the time (or payment nr modification of amortization of the sums cecured
<br />by this Mortgage granted by 1_ender to any cuccessor in interest of &trtower shall not operate to release. in any manner,
<br />the Iiabilin' of the original Borrower and Borrower c surcescorc in interest Linder shall not t>r required In commence
<br />proceedings against such cuccessor or refuse to extent time for payment or otherwice modify amortization of the sums
<br />secured by this Mortgage by reason of any demanJ made M Ihr original Bnrrowrr ant Borrower's successors m interest.
<br />!1. Forbeannce by Lender NM a Waiver. \ny G,rhearance by 1 rndcr in rxercieing dm right nr remedy hereunder, or
<br />otherwise afforded by applicable law, shall not he .: wailer nt nr prccluJe the exercise .d un•: such right nr remedy.
<br />The procurement of insurance w the payment of rates nr other liens or charees by Lender shall not he :+ uaivrr +,f LenJer'c
<br />right to acc'elarate the maturity of the indebtedness secure) by elite Morteaer.
<br />12. Remedies Cumuktire. .4I1 rcmeJies pnwided !n this Mortgage arc .listinct and cumulative to am Daher nght nr
<br />remedy tinder [his Mort¢agc ur afforded by law nr cyunv, ant may t+c r5crcisrJ a+nrurrt nUv. indcpcndemly nr wcccssiva•Iv
<br />!S. Successors and .4ssigm Bound: Joint and Several Liability: ('options. fhe c venanrc .end agrcrmenty hrrrm
<br />avntamed shall hind. and the rights hercund4r shall inure .o. the respecuvr succrssorc :rod assigns .+f tender ,mJ Borrower.
<br />subject to the provisions of paragraph I' hereof :\II ttwrnanis and agreemrnn ,d Horn+wrr ,hall hr ;nett .rod ,everal.
<br />The .apoons unJ headings of the psi :_raph, of This tl nrtgage air 'nr :onv'enicnrc ,mlv ,nd .rrc no[ m h use) m
<br />mrcrprct or define the provisions hereof.
<br />Id. Nmice. Esrtpt for any notice reyuircd +rndcr .+pplicahlc law I:, he g!vrn m another manner ..u .env nrH ice M
<br />Bnrrowrr providrJ for in Ihic Mortgage shall hr given by mailing ,nd+ outer M .crlrt3ed n+od addrrs.cd n+ florrnvcr at
<br />the Property 4Jdres, +~r ar ,uch other address as Borrower rout dtsiansrr ht nonce to I cndrr .r ore+vided ha•rcin. and
<br />rhr ;env notce rn 1.enJC1' ,h:dl l,r green ht ~erhfieJ m:ul. remm receipt requested, :r. f cnder'..rJdrass cooed hrrrm or h,
<br />uch uch€r :+dJrcce s L•nJer ntaY designate ha nonce t:+ Hornnarr as ;ttnt;eled hr:n° ~\r;t nnrjrr nrnyr.3rd .rr ;;; this
<br />Mortgage shall he deemed m irate haen grvcn uv Uorn+wrr or I rndcr when riven in the m:mner JecignnteJ herein.
<br />t8. t1niFYrm Mortgage: Governing Law; SrvrrabBily. TTm loan of nn+ngagr n nthinrs umturm c anR ter nauenaf
<br />use anal non-uniform . n'enanrs wuh limited t~a nat!ons by tunwhrnon t...onset u4• a ;uuform s corny uxtnimem +venng
<br />real properiv. This Mortgage shall M gotrnteJ M- Ihr law at the !umdicuon !! which the Pmpern a IorarrJ In Ihr
<br />event that any prowsu+n nr clause rat this Mnngagr ,r the Vote Cnnflici, '.t irh app+IiraMr tau. ~nrh :collier -hall nor .dicer
<br />other pntvicions of this Mortgage nr the Vote wh!rh suit hr given elfect without the .nnlliru ne pow icion. and ro Ihic
<br />cnJ the provisions of rhr Mnrtgnge ant the Vote arc declared .o he severable.
<br />16. borrewrr's Copy. Borrower shall he finmshcJ d conformed copy of the Vole and of !hr. Mnrteage at the nmr
<br />of escrutam ar otter rec ordauwt hereof.
<br />17. Traaater ut the Property; AraYntptioa. IC all •x con part ad rhr Property ur an +nterrst Ihrrem n volt or transferred
<br />by Borrower without tender's pour wnarn consrm, ruludine !ar rhr crrnuon .+t .+ hen .,r cncumhrance sulx+rJmnte Io
<br />this Mortgage. ihl the .rentu+n of ., purchavr money seainn +n0.•rrsl rite housrholJ appliances +rr .+ tandrr be Devise.
<br />desrun or hY „perauon .d law upon rhr death ,rt a aunt rcn:mt +,r I,I! the gram of ant IcasehNJ nnerevt .-d Ihrer Lean or Irss
<br />not c ,niatnrng a +,puun r„ purchase, t enter neat, .u I rmici~, „piton Deviate .ill ;nr gums . a !rJ h. !lily \torigaKa' +•, hr
<br />imrnrdmtrh Jue .rod payable. I cndrr shall have w r rrJ s +ch ,.puoa I:, ,uacirrute il. pn+a Ia !hr -.dc ~ r i+ansfer i cndrr
<br />ant rhr person n, wham the Pn+pern is a+ ha• sold ar rransmirrJ rreah agrrentcm ! wrung That :hr , edit nl . ich ha•non
<br />sab«i artnn sa i euckr .,rx1 that the mterrsl pav,rhir ,m the ,ant, +rnued ht Inn Mongagc shall iu- ar rsurh laic s i ender
<br />sbull rcyttrst If i cndrr has warvrd rhr opuun n~ .+,rcier.rrc prm a3cJ i+ rho paragraph ! mJ ii Ik+rrnwcr-~ .uevruor i
<br />interest hits rxrcmrJ a wnttru as;,mpnun agreement acccpteJ m .•rrung by I cnsWr. I atJCr ,hall :rkavr Harrow-rr 'rum .JI
<br />sAvitjjrusxrn unJrr rhr+ Mortgage and the Note.
<br />If tenter earrcrvrs sua'h opunn R+ arcrlrraR• 1 enter •~h.ili coat Its+rn+wcr notrn• ~. ~i .ccleruton .+ <. c,ualamr 'soh
<br />fwragraph IS berme Surfi nnuce ,hall provuh s Iwrnni ,a not Ir«. Ihan a0 dais !tom the date the natac +, + raJs•d tvnhm
<br />which t3orn,wer may pat the writs sirclarrsl due If Bomreyr I:uis :.+ pat .uah -wit. pn„r o: rho ry>rrsl!:+n ~-I -u, h pr rn uL
<br />Leader cony.. wuhuut hrrther nnucr or +i€mami on 14.rza.wrr..nsnke .rot !rrnrdres ;~rir+.utted Lt paragraph -:` '+crcot
<br />Non-U*itruant ('oven an n Borrower .mJ 1 rnJ€r horhri .nvruanl anal agree as h+Ilows
<br />ltl. AcnkrNbe; Rexledkr. Exaxpt ab irovided ip paragrsph f7 hrreul. ugrn Borrower's Arew'h s.t any suvrnanl err
<br />agraemem set burrower in th6 Msr~tlgage, irreludiag Ihr cYV enrnln lu pa.1 when clot any tum+ +ea•ured by rhia 11or1grge,
<br />I.eadrr prior to areekralioa s1ut8 mail entice to Borrower w provided in prrapmpA i1 hereof +poa•ityiag: tit rbe breach;
<br />f21 the ratira rewind to cure loch herach: IJI a dNe, not lex. Ihra SU dav+ Truro the drlr the smticr i+ nmilrA to &vrruwrr.
<br />by vrhkh sarA breach mart hr cured; and Idl that faBun to Burr .uch breach un sx before the date spea'ifieA in +ha Holier
<br />may «ark is arcekrNMm of the sYmv ucnred by thkr Murglagr, Tnreclstsun 6y judicial procrrding anA vNr rA thy Proprrly.
<br />The oefke shay foefher iaFors Borrower srf the right tY reunrirae a/let accelerNfun and rhr right to aasrrY in the torav'Isrwurr
<br />ptoresrdtag the noesalslerue set a defaaN sx awe other rkfenre of borrower Io accrkrriina amt turclnrurr. It she Itrcach
<br />b not tared rte M hsetore fhe daft 5pQC18!!d io Ili! mltke, 1.rtWer al I.rrlBrr'n uplhm may Jrclurc Wl of the vum>, secured Av
<br />i-k Motgage Isf ere immedately doe aad payaltk without further ikmand reed may furn•hv+r try judkirl prvrteediaa. I.rnder
<br />ritab he es/kkd to coberl in each precseediag oY eapeaan rvf lsweclowre. isu•Ird{rg, het not IimileA to, csuas of dorumemary
<br />er{deatt. rftgrack aad INk reports,
<br />f9. bortewet'a Rigbl b Rtiaante. NotwtthsWnaiing 1 rndcr-s ,i.ceteraton ..t the .con. , tared ray Ihr Mortgage.
<br />33orruwer shall have rhr right !o hav€ ony pn_vrredis!gs t~guit ht I ender !:• cn!orre rho tfe+r!gagc •?lose*ntinucd .+t any time
<br />