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(- <br />80--~G47be <br />MORTGAGE <br />MORTGAGE LOAN NO. L 23.773 <br />iIIiOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That David W. Stull and Norma C. Stull, each in his and her <br />own rights and as spouse of each other <br />Mortgagor, whether one or more, in mmitkratbn of tits sum of <br />Fourteen Thousand Nine Hundred and No/100----------------------------------------- pp1rsl~c <br />ketmd to sad ttrorigagttr by The Fquiabk Building and lrun Association of Geared Island, Nebruka, Mortgagee, upon 149 sharsa rsf story of <br />said ASSOClAT10N, Certifinrc No. L 23 .773 , do hereby gent, mnwy and enmtgage unto the said ASSOCIATION the togoadog <br />detsibed real estate, attocted k HaB County. Nebruka: <br />LOT FOUR (4) BLOCK TWO (2j BOGGS AND HILL'S ADDITION TO THE <br />CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA. <br />together with all [he tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto helungeng, including attached noor wwrtngs, all wnndow semem, <br />winMw shades, blinds, storm windows, awnings, heating, a,r cunditiening, and plumbing and water ryuipment and ac emrin thereto, pwnpa, stows, <br />refrigerators, and other fixtures and equipment stow ur hereafter attached to or used m cunnec4un with said scat estate. <br />And whereas the said mortgagor ttu agreed and dues hereby agrtt that the mortgagor shall and well pay all eases and auemnenls kited or <br />assessed upon said premises and upon this mortgage and the bond secured thercbv before the same zltaa 6ewme dehnqusat; to twmsh approved <br />insurance upon the buildings oo sad premises situated in the sum ui 5 14 , 90D . DD payabk to sad ASSOCIATION amf to deliver to sad <br />ASSOCIATION the policies for said instuanm; and nut to commit ur permit any waste un ur about sail premises: <br />In nse of default in the performan[x ui u,y of the terms and vndniuns of this nmrtgage ur [he iwnd secwtd hereby, the mortgagee shag, <br />un Jsrmtd, ht en{riled lu emmedute pmrsaton of [hc rtwrtgaged prcmrsss and the rtwrtgagor hercbv asugtts, traRalErs and ores over to the <br />rrwrtga~ sii [hs rents, reventus and utcome to be derived (rum the nasrtgaged premises during xuch Dine a the rmsregage uutehtedrlca shalt renuut <br />unpad: and the mungtsgee street haw the power to apposite any agent or agents n nxty drsrre (or the [xupuse ,d rrrpeuusg eel premises amt reflt.ftE <br />the same and wlkctiryt the rents, revenues and incotnr, and d tiny pay out ~±f sad cocaine aii espenrass ,+( repausng sad prettttsea std rteceraitry <br />~stturtt~wru u!d rspanees mcwrsd m rsnting and rrunagvtg the same and of ealkcttn; rrrttala the:rtrum; tEs t>alsrta rertnrrdrtg.:i any, ra 6r <br />applied toward ehr dtschargt ui seed mortgage tndebiedness: these rights nl thr mortgages may t+r exerctsd at anv trine dunng [ht exutemx of such <br />dr(auh, rrtespectrw of any trmparary weever td the sarrx. <br />These Premnts, Fwwever, are upon the lbnditton. Tlut d~ th< seed Mungagur stta0 repay sad roan on or hanxe the nutunty of sod slaves by <br />pay nsent; pay monthly w sad AS5(ICIA'fION ul the sum spn:ihed m the FIunJ seeurcd herehv n mteteu and prmett>al on wd loan, on m t,afars <br />the TW<ntkth day ul each and every rnunth, unu} seed loan u (Wry pad; pay al! rues amt aearwrwnis leased agunst sad premrses and un this Mortgage <br />and the Bond secured thereby, tretore delinyuencY• lurnedt approved mwrance upon the butWmgs therean to the sum ul S 1 4 ~ ADD, (1D payable <br />to »id ASSOCIATTION; repay to sod A!S()<'IATION upon dermnd all rrtwxy by it pad hit such rues, assemnenu amt insurance wish intereu at <br />the tnuinrum bga) role lhereasn from date ut pay mein >!1 of wtus:h Mortgagor trrcby egress ts+pay. perrmt no warte..n sod prcnuses, keep and wmpty <br />with all the agreerrents and wrduruna ul the Bund tut 1 14 , 900. DOthu day even 6i the aaW Ntx r io sad ASS(X'IATION, utd ~vmplY <br />wrlh aii the rtxptuereartts,>f the C.mpnuttun and BY-laws of sad ASSUI'tA'1lON, then these lecsvnts stall hrcyrrese suit and vuW, uthenrus thoy <br />dull renuut m (till Iota and rruY L>E tweelwed at the upwn .d the oast ASS(ll'IA770N alter Fadure tar three mtmths to make ar«Y of seed <br />Inymems !u ie tMte rrsmths to arrears in rtuktng seed ttxxxhtf l,aynents, tx to keep and :empty wish the agreements and wduxsm of sad &md, <br />and AMrtggrsr +17ws to haw a resxrver appmnted Iwthwuh in >ueh Iwech.wrr powedrryu <br />It tderc a aay chuyr in uwnerslttp of the teat note mwigagarl heron, ny oak .n .xterwtac, ehea the ensue rarwrtugt mdrbtednea hereby <br />mctued shall, at the optiws ul The i'gwtabk Buddutg and Agacnttun o1 t:ramf Island. NeMaslu, Mousse ttnnedutely due and payable anthuut <br />twther rxsttee, snd the arrrrunt remuntrtg dear trtttkr sad bard, anJ any art het twmd tar anv xlddwrul adwtK<s mWr ehrreunder, shalt, from the <br />date of samrae of >isd op/rtm, bear tmereu ai the ttwsunwrt kttai rats, and ttto rnortgyr maa than toe torsdosad W tatuty eht artxxud due on .aid <br />brxd,aid any other hotW for additrurW advance, together with all sums pad Msad -ilre I~.ywtabk Brrddmg and Loan Aisuuuttssrt ut (:semi Isl+ind, <br />Nslxaska [m ttuuraasce, rases and awaurlents, and ahstrultrq, esteruam s:huges, wish wtsrnr tttorenn, tnmt date u1 payrmrit at the nsaaunwn <br />IeMI uu <br />Aa ptnakd to the Baui secure) hereby, while tMs ertwtgage rantamr in meet the rnxtgagee rmY hereafter advtmu addnwrul sums to the <br />makes sd sad tltsnd, tlrau asagru w sttcGaastsra w interest, whta}t surm shall i.e within ttlc sauruv .+i rhrs rtaxtgagr the acne as the ttuds urrymilY <br />sar:wed thereby'. the total alnatmt of prirtrrpai tfab[ twr to r'sreed a any erne etx ,xguui amtsunt .wt tins rtwrrgage <br />sated tip. 2nd d•Y of September A. n . iv t10 <br />r ' <br />Not=ma C. Stull <br />STATE OF NEBRASKA, l ~, On th„ 2nd ,ray u( Sev tember t+t ~(U , natwe mc, <br />COUNTY OF HALL ` <br />the undersrglted, a Notary Wbhc m snd (or wd Ibmty, persuruUy cams <br />David W. Stull and Norma C. Stull, each in his and her own right, iw~td as spouse of Each <br />other ° else I~^otullY known to <br />me to be tM identieal person $ whp'g setae ~ 5. else alrxed to the above imtrument as mortgagor S and they severauy <br />aslstto.!k~ad the said ir~ruaseat to be tAe1 r wlwtuy x;t aid dxd. <br />WITNESS ttw hard and Nos+anl Sail the dots a(we ,td_ <br />MY L'amtt»ubnsapires /:2-~-'~.~ /•t '~~y ~.Y '-' r~'~ /1 <br />Notary Public_ <br />tease at <br />