$0- i}{i4763
<br />Kxoa ALL MEN BV THFSE PRESENTS:That David L. Linberg and Marjorie J. Li nberg, each in his
<br />and her own right, and as spouse of each other
<br />----------- Mortgagor, whether one or more, in rxutaidention of tlp nsm of
<br />Forty Thousand and No/100-------------•-- ---------------------____-- 1)oLCARs
<br />loaned to said mortgagor by The Equitable Btdlding and Luan Aswcia[ion of Grand Island, Nebraska, Mortgagee, upon 4OO Burp oC ueik of
<br />said ASSOCIATION, Certificate No, L Z3,]]2 , do hereby grant, convey and mortgage unto the said ASSOCIATION t1u foaow3og
<br />described real eatau, dtuated in Hall Cormty, Nebraska:
<br />t"gether with all the tenements, hereditamcnis and appurternn xs thereumu Irelongmg, including attached Hour covering, aU window sateen,
<br />window shades, blinds, storm vnndows, awnings, heating, air conditioning, and plumbing and water eywpment and acaewria thereto pumps, uovea,
<br />tefrigeratars, end other fixtures and egwpntent now or hereafter attached to or used m connect wn wuh sarJ real estate.
<br />And whercu the Bud mortgagor has agreed and dues hereby agree that the nxxtgagor shall and well pay all taxes and amysrronts levied or
<br />asamd upon said premras and upon this mortgage and tht bond secure) t/(r~tr"(gp~r/ge~by efori the same shall become delinquent; to fwnia6 approved
<br />inwrance upon the buildings on card prendas atuattd in [ht sum u(5 4O , V V V . OS payabk [u card ASSOCIATION and to deliver to Hid
<br />ASSIX'lA710N the ps>hcies Cor hid mwrar:<t: amt nut to cummrt ar permit any was!e on ur a~su[ Bard premrsis'.
<br />in case of default w tfk perfurntanrr ul auy +a Ihr terms and a>nJmons of tha nwrtyage ur the Iwnd scored hereby, [he mortgagee stall,
<br />on Demand. be cntukd to rmmedute pussesuon of the nwngageJ prcrmas and the mortgagor hereby assigns, transfers and sits over to 111e
<br />mortgagee sll the rents, revenrret and mcmnx t" t>< Jeturil from [ha nwrtgagril premras dwtrtg such trine as the muergage indzbtrdrvsas shall rom.m
<br />unpud: and the tautgagee shall have the power to appuvrt any agem or agents rt nuY dzstre for else purpose of repairing sad prerrwea and rrn[mg
<br />the sauce and colteitrrtg the rims, mvenxs sod rna+me, amt a Huy par out ++I sad uressme all : xpinsrs :;f rzpairirtg sod prerntss and nzxrxsry
<br />cnrrmrseuins and expenas incurred rn rrnttng and nunagwg ttrr vine anJ of culkrung rentals theufrum; the batons rcrtuming, if any, to he
<br />applied !rnrnrJ t!e^_ dr~Parg of sou! nwrtgagr :nJrbteJrerss: f fxar rights :re the nwrrptvgei Wray tr zxzrcrteJ a! any semi d-wt~ tfm casstznet of such
<br />Jefadr, uresptctrve of any remporarv waver of the saute
<br />'Chrse Prexnts, Iurwever, ur upon the l'ondrtwn, that it the soul Mungag.n shall irfuy vid Linn o n belurc thz mstw rty ui sarJ stores by
<br />paYmene. pay nwnthly m sad ASSO('IA710N of the sum spzafwd m ihr HouJ ,ecurrJ bin rhv a werest end pnnerpal on sod loan, on or !atom
<br />the Twrntreth day ul' each and curry nwnth, until sad hsan is (ally past, pay ail rues and asasstttenu leveed against surd prentms and mt ttm Mortgage
<br />and the Isund ar:ured thtrebv, be(orr Jehnyuency. Iwnralt uppmred insurance upm the buddrngs thrrmn m the sum of S 4O , OOO. OO payabk
<br />to said ASSOCIATION; mp.y to soul ASSOCIATION upm Demand all nwneY by n part tiu sorb taxes, axassmmns anJ nrswance wuh nuerrst at
<br />the rruwmum legal rate !hereon from date of payn.rnt ell ut which Mortgagor hrrebv agrees to pay, perrmt no wane on hid prcmrm: keep and nsmply
<br />wuh all flu agreenrenta anJ arnduwns of ifre Rond for S 4O ,000.OOthu Say grvrn by ttx card hlungagm to card ASSIX'IA f1ON, soil comply
<br />with all [he requuarnants of the Curunlutuw and BY~laws u( sad ASSOI'IA~nON. !bin tetra presentx shall becurne null and vud, utherwta they
<br />sluff remain m full force and rrmY bi iuroduad at the upUOn ut the sad ASSO('IA fiON stele tadwe iw three rnuntha to rtuke anv ++f Bard
<br />payrrKn/s ur tit three rrrrrtriha ur arreus m rnaktng sad nwnthly paYnwnu, w to leap and curnpfy wuh the agreemcnu aid cunduwns ui Bred Hsuril,
<br />and Moregagru ogress to have a rrsa:rver rppruueJ fonhwrth rn srwh furechssure pnu:enlmg.
<br />11 !here a anY change m ow"enyp u! chi aa! tstau mortgaged herein, 6y sale ur uUxrwix, then the enure rrrtuwnrg trtdobtadae>z, trarrby
<br />aneured shall, al she opiwn ut The Equable MtrdJrng and Loan Amscutwn of (;cud Island. Nebraska, became atetrsedsatelY Jta amt payabk wuhw,l
<br />further nolrw, and the nrmunt rrrsumrryt Jar under ud bruin, and any other bwd fur anv additiund advancer truJa [hireunJer, dsaH, tram the
<br />date of ixenta of sad opium, hear interest at the nuxrmum legal eau, and lhu nwrtgage Huy then be foredweJ to body ttu utruunt Jui on s..d
<br />bord,and any other bond for adduwnal advanws, together with all soma pad hY sod Tiu Eyw4bk Nodding seat Luus Ararxutwn ui (;ran) Island,
<br />Nebraska lur trtswance, taxes anJ aaaeamenu, anJ abstncnng rxitnawn charges, wuh interest lherum, hom dau .ri paYnent a! the ouxmwm
<br />kpl retc.
<br />As pruvrJed in the Hord acvrtd hereby, whsle !hu nwrlgagi rrtruurs rn rllect the rnssrtgagae Huy huealur aJrancc aJdttruna! sums to the
<br />maken of sad stood, rhea ahyna w suctxusus ut wterost, which Burns dull be wuhm the acurity of this nuutgye the same ax the lunch urtpoaNy
<br />aasvuad IMhby, tM tsrtal amount aC prurespal Jabs nut to rxoaed a! any r,rnr !tar rrrrgrnal artwunt ul thu mortgage.
<br />tbl n 2nd day.+f September ~ rr., I.r ~O
<br />-,
<br />n evg -- -i-- -
<br />Marj _f J. Lin~f rg
<br />STATIi OF NEBRASKA, h. (y,;`~, 2nd la r tieotember .+, •~(?
<br />COUNTY OF HALL y " ,bet<ue Hsi,
<br />the underdgtted, a NutuY Pubbc m and for sad l aunty . perxmatfy rams
<br />David L Linberg and Marjorie J. Linberg, each in his and her own r ht, and as ~~(~se of
<br />each other w~ ,ere n"" y `"'w"t"
<br />ssp to I,e she idrntipllseraonS whose name S die aifued to the alwve rtlau,wn~nt as nwrigagor ~ snJ Lhey +iwraHy
<br />ailcnowkdged the said instrument to be their wduntary act and d2eJ. ff `i _
<br />WITNESS my turd and Notuul Seal the date at""orchid.
<br />My (~OntnnYM)n iapirei ~-`
<br />larY I .~
<br />r-nsw u / ,. '7' •~ ~ GEMERaI MOIMiY•SMS al MAW
<br />f ~ ~ ~ JAMES W. OESON
<br />MP Gant. Eap Nea, ti. igg3
<br />