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} ~,~.., <br />s°--~U ~7~8 M4R1'GAGE <br />~~ <br />Thi. mort8ap tuna e,tt.tea into thi. ~ ~ aq er '~.~..t..~, <br />19 ~D.hyattdbetwem Francis F. Steffes and Linda L. Steffes, husband and wife, <br />(hereinafter referred to a• tuottgasor) and the Adminiftrator of the Small Bnsindf Administration, an +seecf of the <br />Goverameet of the Udted St:ta of Ameria (hereinafter roEernd to a, mort6asee), who maintains an oboe and <br />plaaaerhtlsi~assat Empire State Building, 19th and Farnam Streets, Omaha, Nebraska 68102 <br />wettarettr~, that ter the oonadergitm het+indter .sited, teeeipe of which i. hmabF atdtaowkd~ed, the <br />~t6+~ ~++ hn+h! ~l+A'a sell, IRatlt. astipb std oonte~ unto the . his sneaeasorf amt amidst aB <br />of the ioBowitts daseribed properq sittuted and being io the Coma of Hall <br />Stall of Nebr88ka. ~ . <br />Lot One (1), Tom's Subdivision, to the Citq of <br />Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska. <br />T..Rethsr with sad itlciadins all 6atildlaRs, aU itctttre. incltfdltyt but not -imiled to all piumblatt, heating, lytht• <br />irtR, veatilatlayt, refritperatGttt. inrinerallttg, air runditioniaa apperatu», and devatnr. (the moHX,aKor herrhv <br />drelrrinR that !t i. intentkd that thr ittmw herrin rnuau•rsted »hali Itr dremed to have born prrmanrnth in- <br />.taBed as parr of thr malty ), rad all impro•ement~ wow sir ttrrcahrr rai»tina thereon; the hereditrmentf rn.i <br />appunenaaee. rnd aH otbsr rittbM therrtlnto belon~in{t, or in anrwiae appertaininit, and the revenien am) rc- <br />vsr.lon., rrmafnder and rsmsinden, rl- eightf of redemluian. wnd the cent», issue,., and prnHu of the abo+r <br />Ao•-rt~fhr~ prttptrt~ f previdrd. }mr.n-ar, tit thr snort KaKor »iwlt irr rntitir,i Io thr Iw..r.viau of vi.l pro(eerty <br />rtx) to relleet and stain the rents, if.nef, utd pre8a ttatiY defaah hereunder). 'fn here aril to hole! tits xmr <br />unto the tttaeyptytse and the weereiwn in intere,q of the nttertgrRee tf.rrver in fee ~impla nr stlrh outer fwlate. <br />if any. a h sated Itarefn. <br />'E1b atwe~ antantaief ehm ha L Iat.toBr fabtsd and pasfered of wd hao the tisht to call aed e+m+1' said <br />prepertr; that tb. fame it tree rtnm alt ettettttlbratleea ettcept m hrroiaabove recited: ud -that he hera6~ bitltb <br />hinrelr attd hq wteeaasan u ioteraft to warrant sad defend the title aforeuid thereto sad every part thereof asaiaw <br />the claims d ttB p+tastr whamsoerar. <br />R <br />Thin inftr.tnee! if Given to fecure the paTment of a protniffory note dated `:~i.~t~~a..1u r ;]~ t ~ tij' ~ ~ . <br />m,thatarlre~altetmorS•It?,OOil.OO .ai;ttrihy Francis F. and Linda L. Steffes . <br />in Mhalf of themselves <br />W COT i3-Tfl P...t.a, iJiow, m OiwW. <br />