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T.HE MORTGAGOR FURTiIER COVENANTS AND AGREES: <br />That _tlx Mortgagor will pay the iadebted~sa as hereinbefine provided.. <br />_ That the Mortgagor-is.tiie 6wner of said property in fee simple and has goad right and lawful authority to sell and <br />convey the same end that the-ssze•rs (Tee-and-ciearof-any Lien or er+pumbrsnce; and that Mortgagor will warrant and defend the <br />title to said premises against the •ctaims oCalE peiaons whomsoever: <br />7b pay.immeitiafelywhenelue and-Payable aiF-generat taxes; special taxes, special assessments, water charges, sewer serv- <br />ice charges, and other-fazes and charges against said property, and all taxes levied on the debt secured hereby, and to furnish the <br />Mortgagee. upon: ipquest, with the original o; duplicafe receipts therefor The Mortgagor agrees that there shall tee added hr <br />each monthly payment required hereunder or under the evidence of debt secured hereby an amount estimated by the Mortgagee <br />to be su6iclen£ to enable- the tv(ortlPrBee to pay, as they become due, aft taxes, assessments, and similar charges upon the prem- <br />ilea subject thereto; anp deficiency because of the insufficiency of such additional Payments shall he forthwith d?posited by the <br />Mortgagor with the Mortgagee apon demand by the Mortgagee. Any default under this paragraph shall be deemed a default in <br />payment of fazes, assessments, n similar charges ragweed hereunder. <br />The MOtigaKor agrees that there shall also Fre added to each monthly payment of principal and interest required here- <br />under an amount estimated by the Mortgagee to br sufficient to enable the Mortgagee io Pay, as it becomes due, the insuranm <br />premium an any insurance policy delivered [o the Mortgagee. Any deficiency trecause of the insufficiency of such additional Pay- <br />rhents shall he forthwith deposited by the Mortgagor with the Mortgagee upon demand by the Mortgagee. Any default under this <br />paragraph shall be deemed a drfasslt in the payment of insuranm premiums. If the policy or Policies deposited are such as tnrme- <br />owners nr all risk policies, and the deposits are nsufficient. to pay the entire premium, the Mortgagee m apply the de[msrt to <br />., :r ~ ~ pay premiums on risks required to be insured by rthis mortgage. <br />- Payments made by the Mortgagor under the above paragraphs may, at the option of the M1lurtgxgee, he held by it and <br />mingled with other such funds or its own funds for the payment of such items, and unfit so applied, such payments are hereby <br />pledged as security (or the unpaid balance of fhr mortgage indebtedness. <br />To prr>LUre, deliver tn. and maintain tin the benefit .,F fhr \Inrtgager during the life of this mortgage original pohcros and <br />renewals thereof, deliverer} at least ten days before the rxpi ration of any such policiev. m ring against fire noel ether to arable <br />hazards, casualties, and contingencies ua the MortgaKee may require. in an an~ount equal to the indebtednr secured by this <br />Mortgage, and in companies acceptable to the Mortgagee, w+th los:+ payable riausr in favor of nail in form acceptable to the .`.fortga- <br />gee. In the a ant any Policy ~. not r wed + r botore ten days of :t, rxpiraunn, fhr- Almigager m v pmcu re , s < nn fhr <br />improvements, pay the premium therefor, :end .,uch :um shalt immediately +, coil payaMr- ++~ith intrust natvt}m rate- art <br />Curth in staid note until paid and shall he secured 6p this mortgage Failure on the uart ..C ;he >t octgagor to furnish snch ro •++els <br />as are herein required ur failure to par any sums advanced hereunder shall. :rt fhr option of fhr Vl ortgaKer, , unttitutr e default <br />under the term of this mortgage The del:crq- of such puhcies shall. m the .ran[ :d Lrfanlt. u:nxtdutr ;m a..vgnment .d rhr an <br />earned premium. <br />Anv s - .ce „ rhr >t+u[cagre h reason of _s .. mage :.. rd aKa u:et :z- -- -. -_ v.:~d i=v 'he <+c,rtsge.. <br />and applied too-aril rt hr }>a~.ment ::f rhr debt hrrrlsy~ .rr rred.~~ . at t•hr nntrons~sf the M1f ortgagee, >uch ~•~. ... +~Ithrr :v9,.,lh •.r -,, <br />part may tee Paid n r to rhr Mortgagor to t>e used to repn~r snch huil:iings or to hml~i'nr-w i,uiidu;g= ,; iFn~:r r ++ r ., ,.... <br />other purpsrsr :,r oh}art atrstacton• to fhr !blertgaere vv-ithuut afiret:ng fhr;• lien ..n :h,~ mortcagv (nr Uu- full .,. n,.u nr -«+,r rr.~ -,. r. <br />by before _uch payment r .. r t«,k nlaec. <br />To promptly revair esmre rr•buiiri any nu d:imgs ~ r vents n .. r:aft~r •-n :. . +-,_. purr}: +,,.,, .. <br />corer :IamaKell ur destroy rd; [o keep card premises : ,rxi :~ .uditum and rnrl,arr .end frrv f. , ..; hn u!+~~ I_ -4h,~r -., ,, ,.~ <br />ilaim ..... c. ~xpiessly .,.,: dinar rd r.. .e ... .. ... .... .. •afr... :!t I _.f I +~_. f +_n. - i._, --_r ~.+ <br />aid Prop tty~n [ to prrmitUwaa[e +r .arri r{:rrmr~r~u nr , ,ri:, •:m+ ,thee -t +hrrrh+ th:•• ~•n:l ~: 'r ~. rr n. :... ,, .., <br />5 o n :r ' <br />less valaablr, our to dmrm[ah ,:r impair its vahre by .mv nil :.r „n,;...:,:n :,+i m,a•, ~.. nn ..ii :.~yo::.~n:.~uu .-. .:... ..: n., ~ ,~,+.€ <br />to the mortgaged premises :+nd the use tl.rreoL <br />That should tha• premrsr•s n v part thrnvf Vn~ taken .u ,icon:+gvd by r .,: .•t :,,,, i,ubh.~ nnpn:vr~nn•nl ~ ,,:r.ur r._rat;nn <br />proceeding. or under the right of eminent domain. ..r In nny other manna-r Ihr ~U:¢lcagrr -hull b,• .~ontt,~d :o ,II ,~,m r•:-n.,+In.n- <br />awards, and any other payment or relief therefor. and -,hall tee entitled, at ih :~phun, in eommrnrr, appear in and pnx++'LUtr r Its <br />own name any action ur proceedinK.: r to make a w nvmsr :, .ettlrmr~N : , n eetron wnh ~ uh taking or d:mtage .V! ~urh <br />cnmpenaetion. awards, damages, right n( action anri proceeds a r hereby assrgnrd rr nt h.• Mortgagee. who may. alter :Irdurt mg <br />therefrom all Its expenses. release any moneys so rs•+:r[ved by u : apply the .sine .m :u:Y mdrbtedness secured hereby. Thr Meru <br />geROr agrees to execute such further aas,gnmrnts of nny +rmPr•neaGOn, awards, damages, and nghts rf action and pnxrrds as fhr <br />Mortgagee may require. <br />That m exsa or( failure to perform any ul' the rvvrnants hr n•u+, fhr Mortgagee rosy do :n the Mortgagor's behalf rvrrvthing <br />so covenanted; that the MurlRagee may olio du any act rt m Jr•r-m ~ .•. r lu pnnoct rho ben thereof. that the Jlur lgagur will <br />repay upon demand Hoy n Heys pa+d or Atnbu rsed by tfio MartRORrr for any of fhr shove pu rpr«.«•s. and vurh moneys togrtlirr with <br />- et fhr• rat ~+ .vUed i .rid pore =hn^ !a• r reh :uldrtrm,ni mdeMrvlnrss lu•rehv .u red :coil cony M> <br />eluded 4n nny decree forrchreing this mortgage and 1.- pan! r tit ..l trhr r •nu .:r pn ails .+( wlr c.l .aid prnmrses if nut orhrr.v+-~• <br />pe?d; that it shall not Ix• obligatory a}rott fhr Mortgagee h, urgwre into the vahdrty of any lien, r mhrancrs, ..r rimm ~ ad- <br />vaneinR moneys as above authorised, but nothing herein rontained nhali }xr couxtru vl r[s rrquirinq ihr Mortgagee to advancer any <br />- ttwneys-far any such purpose nm to do any act hnrrunder, and that Mortgagee shill not incur any prroonal hahdiry trr•eauw• of any- <br />. thing it rt[ay do nr omit to do hereunder. <br />In the event of the default by Mortgagor in fhr {rament o[ any matallmrnt, as reywrrd by rhr M1lotr <ecu reJ her.-by. <br />in ehr perlunnnncr of the obligation in this mor(gage ur in the note smvrrri Thereby, fhr Morig:[g.•r• -:boll be eniided io dre tare fhr <br />debt secured hereby due and payable without notmc, and fhr Mortgagee xhall be rntitlcd nt n:+ uPtmn, w+thout nohcr•, either by ~4xrll <br />or by a receiver to 6e appointed by the court thereaC, and without regard to the adequacy of any - roily for ihr indeherdrrar se~ <br />cured hereby, to enter upon and take }mssessind oC the mortgaged premiers, and to mllrr•t anri re yr fhr rene~. ~+wu>s anri profits <br />thoreoC.and apply the same, .less costs n[ operation and rollectia n, upon [hr indebtedness securedr by thix mortgage; said rents, <br />issues artd Rra41a being hereby assigned to the Mortgagee A_v further security !or the payment of all indeMedne.•.. srrun•d he€rhy. <br />TFm Mortgagee shall have the power to appoint any agent or agents it may desire for fhr pu rprne tit rrpm ri ng surd ••-, <br />ices; renting the same; rnllecting the rents, revenues and income, and it may pay nut n( said m. all r•xµ•n rs mrurreJ m rent- <br />ing and managing the same and of collecting the rentals therefrom. The balance remaining, if any, shrill hrsapplied toward lbw <br />discharge oC the mortgsge iodebtedrtesa. Thin assignment ix to terminnfr and became nut: and void upon rrlresr of this mortgage. <br />