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<br /> TtX'iF:THER WlTH MI!the im�mvenx�uv m�w or hertaftcr ercctt�cl c►+�ttse prnperty.:uxi •.ill u.tiLments,1���!!�Rl3��nJ
<br /> fixturea nuw• �x hereafter r� �wrt uf the prc�eny. All rt�luccments nnd addieio�u shrll •rlw be roverzd by this Socurity
<br /> l�utrunzent.All of thc fi�rcboing is rcferrca!to in this Securit�r lutitrun�,nt s►s the"Pr�+erty."
<br /> BURRnWER CO�'ENAN7'S ttwt&►rruw•er is lawfully seised of 1hc cstate hereby runveyeJ wnd ha.s the�yght to grnnt and
<br /> run��ey she Pn�x.rty :ui.f tlwt the Praperty is un�iuumberal, er.cepc for encumbra�u:.:s of r�:cr,d. �rraw�er warr�nts wul will
<br /> �{�iw i�iK,iaii3 a�i:=SZ�'r'Z:S��:C.�Y'C�.::f�:.o»�!SSj�II;Irimc�lu��I.�mrrrl.,cnh�w•t tn ony encumhrano�c nf rott�Td. .
<br /> ' 'THIS SECURII'Y lN5'tRUA1E.N7'combincs uniform coveiwnts for natiw�a;u�e anc!nan-unifu�m cavenans with limited
<br /> varizti����.c hy jurisdictior�to conuitut.,a uniform securit��instivment co�•ering rca! pmpeny
<br /> UN1F0ltM CUV�NANTS.Borrow•er anci[.ender c.��•enant and ugree as fallow•s:
<br /> 1. Payme�t ot PriuciEwl iwd Iuterrest: F'r�payruevt � Lxte Ch�trgcx. Ik�rrow•cr siiall promptlY paY wt�eu Jue, the
<br /> pri�u;i�.:al of�.�d interest on the deM eviden.^cd by the Note an.i any prcpayment and latc ch:u�es duc unde�thc Note.
<br /> 2. F�nds tbr Taxes�wd lasurance. Subja;t ta applicable law or to a wriuen waiver by l.endcr, Borrower shall pay to
<br /> l.et�lcr on thc day monthly paymu�tc are due under the Note, until the Note is paid in full,a sum("Funds")for:(u)yearly taxes
<br /> a�xi asscssnxnts which n�y att�in priarity over this Security Irutrum�:nt as a lien on thr Property;(b)yearly leasehold payments
<br /> or graund ren[s at tlu:HvpeKy,if any;(c)ycar(y hazard or property insur.uue premiums:(d)yeurly flcad inwr•utice premiunu,
<br /> if any; (e)ycatl,y nx►rtgage insur,�t►c:,pm.miums, if any; a��d (fl anY sums payuble by Borrower to L,endcr, in acrnrdv�ce With
<br /> the provisions of parag�aph 3. in lieu of the payment of nu�rtgage insura��-e premiums.7'hese items are called 'Escrow Items."
<br /> Le�xier may, at any time, cullcct ar�d hold Fundc in an a��uwnt nat to exceac! the maximum anwunt a lender for a fodettilty
<br /> related mongage laan n�ay rr.quire for Bonower's escraw aacaum under tlts ferleruE Rr:�t Bstate Setdement Prooeduees Act of
<br /> 1474 as an�e�kd from time to tin�e. 12 U.S.C.SECtion 2601 et seq. ("RFSPA"),unless another law that applies to the Funds
<br /> sels a lesser amount. lf so, Lender m�y. at any tin�e, collect arxl hold Funds in an an►ount not ta enceed the lesser an�ount.
<br /> i,ender rr�y estimate the am�wnt of Fwids due on the basis of current data and reasonable estimates of expenditurrs of future
<br /> Escrow Iteanc or otherwise in accorciance with ap�licable law.
<br /> 'I'iie Funcis slutll be held in an institution whose dtposits are insured by a federal agency. uutrumentu�ity, or entity
<br /> (includiag Lencter,if Lender is such an institution)or in any Federal T;ome L,oan Bznk.Lender shap upply the Funds to pay the
<br /> Escrow Iten�s. I,ct►�s rnay not charge Borrower for holding and applying the Funds, annually analyzing the escrow acoount,or
<br /> verifying the Escrow Items, unless L.ender p�ys Borrou•er interest on the Funds and applic~.rble taw permits Lender to malce such
<br /> a charge.However,I.ender may roquire Bonower to pay a one-time charge for an independent resil estate tax reporting service
<br /> used by l.ender in connectian with this loan, unless applicable law provides otherwise. Unless an agreement is made or '
<br /> applicable law requires intemst to be paid, Lender shall not be requirecl to p�y Borruwer any interest ar eamings on the Funds.
<br /> Borrower�nct Lea�der may agree in v��riting,however, that iaterest steall b�r paid on the Funds. Lencier st�al!give to Bomower.
<br /> without chuge, an annual accounting of the I�ut�ds,SI1ow�RF CrediLc;�debits to the Funds and the pterpose for which each
<br /> 3e1ti.4 to the Funds was m�de.The Funds are pledged:►s ad3�t:,.�.-rat s��wiry for all swns sec:urod by this Secur.tv Iu.axr�xnt.
<br /> ��'ehe Funds held by L.ender execed the amoaats per�icD.�,:cu De I�eld by applicabla law. Lettidar shall aca�t W Dorrower
<br /> fer t�e�excess Funds in aocordance with the nzquirements of applicable law. If the amount of tha Funds held by I.esxkr at any
<br /> time is cwt suftx;ieni to pay the Escrow iterns v►�hen due, I,ender may so notify Bonower in writing,anA,in such case Borrower
<br /> shalt pay to I,eader the smount neti:essary to make up the deficiency. Borrower st�U make up the deficie�cy in na moc+e t�s:z
<br /> tw•E.;�r monthly Wymenu,at Ixx�der's sole discretion.
<br /> L�lt�n�A1yuc,a iu �ui� u��tii�tuiu xtu:a; uy ii;i5 �w.ii.-.ay ;,-Li'udn�ciu. 'a.r.Puci SiM11 !' 4"'i Fiii"' n_..-.»...._�; .
<br /> �W� 1b IY �V {I�AVVM�rI
<br /> Funds held by Lender. If,under parzgraph 21. Lender st�all acquire or sell the Property,Lender,prior to the acquisition or saie
<br /> of the Property,shall apply any Funds held by Lender at the time of acquisition or sale as�crodit against the sums socured b}
<br /> this Securiry Iactrument.
<br /> 3. Appiicatiou of Paymmt9.Unless applicable law pmvides otherwise.�11 payments received by Lender un�.;�rs�raplu
<br /> 1�i�d 2 s}�ll be�ppGal:first.tv anY Prepayment charges duc under the Note: stmnd,to amounts pay�ble undar r�sragt�ph 2;
<br /> t}urd,cu interat due;fourth.to principal due;and last.co s�y late charges due undu the riote. .
<br /> � 4. Charges;I.ieas.Borrower shall ga,atl taxes. ass�:ssments, charU�s,fines and ia��aitioac sm�ibutable to the Propert}� .
<br /> w3�icG may attain priority over this Saur9�}Qrstrument, oad le�sehold,�?�rnents or �:�d i�ats. :f any. Bormwer shall pay
<br /> t�c obligations in the manncr pro�•ided irt paxagraph 2,Ar�Fnoi paid in that n�uu�er,Fwrrower sha:i pay theru on time dirady
<br /> to cbe persoa owed payment.&x:ower slsaii Qromptly fur�is.�to Lender all notiees of acnounu to be paid undu this pstagraph.
<br /> If SOttower m�lces these paymenu direcdy,E�xrower shall prompdy fumish to Lender rxeipts evidencing the paymenu.
<br /> Borrower s}�II pmmptly discharge any Si�n which has priority over this Secwiry Iactnunent ucLe.ss Borrower:(a)agreac in
<br /> writing to the p�yme�u of the obGgation s�an�by the liea in a m�nner�cceptable to l.ender; (b)avx�sts in good faith thG liea
<br /> b}, or defends against enfor��raent of the lien in, legal proceedings which in the I.ender's opinioA operate w prevent the
<br /> er_fmrcea�ent of the lien:or(c)secures from the bolder of c6e lien an agreement s�tisfactory to i,�nder subordia:�tiag the Iien to
<br /> , this Socuriry lnstrument.If i.enda detemvt�es that any �t of the Property is subject to a lien which may aitain priority ova
<br /> this Socurity Instrument,Lender may give F.�;�rower a notice identifying the lien. Borrower shall s:tl,ist}•�he lien or take one oc
<br /> more of che�cxiorLS sct forth above within i4c:ays of the giving of notice.
<br /> � Faea�3028 9►90
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