80- ~ 0 4 72 8 MORTGAGE
<br />THIS INDEPyIITEE, rtrade this 29th ~Y ~ August Is$~, by-sad betse®
<br />Frank Kosinski and Dorothy A. Kosinski, husband and wife. each in his and her-own-
<br />right and as snnuva of the rather
<br />of Hd1 l coaaty, Nebrmka, as mortgagor._s._, and Grand Ielend Trnst Company of Grand Island, e.corpmation-
<br />organized and eaiaturg under the laws of Nebraska with its principal office and plate ofbusiness at Greed Island, Nebraska,- as mortgagee:
<br />WITNESSETH: Thnt said mwtgagor_S_,fo: andmcomideretion of ttm sma of
<br />Eight Thousand One Hundred Thirty Seven and 00!100 ***'~*****>~t~~8-1~59~~0@~. ~
<br />the receipt of whirh is hereby aclmowledged, da _- 6y these presents mortgage and warrant unto eai~rcts eucoroso ' and ae®gas,
<br />forever, all the fallowing described real estate, shunted in the County of .~~„ua 1 1 ~ • ~ ~ `
<br />ehd State of Nebraska, to-wit: ~ -
<br />Lots One Hundred Twenty-nine(129) and One Hundred Thirty (130} in Belmont, an
<br />Addition to the City of brand Island, HaIT County; Nebraska.
<br />Together with all heating, air tonditioniug, lighting, end plumbing equipment and Factures, including screens. awnings, storm windows and
<br />doors, and window shades or hfinds, used on or in connection with said property, whether the same ere now located nn said pt»peny or heceafCer
<br />placed thereon.
<br />TO HRVE AND TO HOLD THE SAME, together with ell and singular the tenements, hereditaments and appurteoancea thereunto.lm-
<br />- ' kmee rag, ar in anywise apper[enivg, Forever, and warrant Che Citls Co the same. Said morgagor ___._ hereby cm'enant -_ with ^taid
<br />- mortgagee that --~ haY d re , rat Che delivery hereof, the lawful owmr_ i_ of the premises above conveyed and ioscribed.
<br />and _ are ___ seirad of a good end indefeasible estate of fnheritaatre thereto, free and clear of all encumbrances, and that t . he _ ',will
<br />warrant end defend the title thereto forever against the claims and demenda of ell persons whomsoever.
<br />PROVIDED ALWAYS, and this imtnuneat is executed and delivered to secure the payment of the sum of ._._..... _.~_..__-____-_
<br />Fight Thnic~a nd_QDL Httnrirari Thi~~t Seven dOliarc anri J)_Dt!].QQaars lS_ ~
<br />with iateteet tlmreon, together with each charges and advances ee mfly be due and payable w said mortgagee under the termx and conditions
<br />of the promissory vote of even date herewith end secured hereby, executed by said mortgagor..5___ to said mongngtur, Iwyable en exprexaal
<br />is said note, and to secure the performance of all [he Eerma avd conditions contained therein. The terms o[ said ante are hereby incorporntrd
<br />herein by Chia rafinence.
<br />It is the intention end agreement of the parties hereto that this mortgage shall alau secure any future advances made to said mortgagor .S
<br />by said mortgagre, and any and aU iyebtedneea in addition [o the amour.: above stated which said mongagorn, or nny of them, may owe to
<br />said mortgagee, however evidenced, whether by note, book account or otherwise. Thin mortgage shall remain is full force and effect betwevn
<br />the parties hereto and then hairs, personal repreeeotativne, succeaeors and usnigna, until ell amounts secured hereunder, including iutun•
<br />edventes, are pnid in ful! whh internee.
<br />The mortgagor 5 hereby aeaigw ___ Co said mortgagee all rents and bumme arising at nny and all Limns from said prolHrty and
<br />6eraby authorim said mortgages a its agent, et ifs option, upon deteult. to take charge of said property and collect ell rents coal irgemv
<br />therefeom and apply the earns W the payment of iotarwt, printipal, inenrmce premiums, taxee, aeaeaetaenta~, repairs ar improvements
<br />neaesesry W keep said prapeKy or tenantable tendifion, or W other chergea or psymeaw provided for herein or in the note hereby sxcurnd. 'this
<br />re-of. as-sigiamant sltatt taatintm in ton: until tt~a ungaul bakusw of said roux k, fully Fund. The taking of lu>t~.eassinn hereunder shall in nn manner
<br />prevent or retard said moetgnlfre in the rel4actioa of said sumo by foreclosure or otharwian.
<br />The failure of the mnrtgegw to aaeaR any n[ Ira rigde, hereunder at any time shall not bra construeai en n wnivsr of its rrghL w asann 1hn
<br />came st say tatsr time, and W insist upon ergs enforce atriR compliance with ell the terms end provisions of acid note and e.f thin mortgage.
<br />i[ said mortgegor5 shall cause to be paid to said emortgagen the entice amount due it hereunder, amt under the Camera amt pmviainna
<br />of said Hots hereby aeerrred, including Eutura advs~en, a~ say extensions or renewals thateof hr uarordmce with the cerma anJ provisions
<br />theraof, sad if said mortgagor _S-shall wmply with ell the provisions of said note and of this mortgage, than those presents shall bra void;
<br />otherwise to remain in fill force and affect, sad said mortgages shell ba entitled to the possession of ell of said properly, and mnY. at its oplioo,
<br />declare the whdeof eud.mta and all iaddebtadaees repnneated thereby to be imnrndiately dun sad payable, cad may fom:loae Chia mortgage
<br />of take soy other legal action to protect its right. Appraieemant waived.
<br />This awttgega shell be bindmg upon and nhdl enure to the hemfft of the heirs, execuwre, adminietrawro, surxenaoro and ensigns of Cho
<br />respective parties hereto.
<br />IN WITNESS WHSREOF, said Mortgagors, he YE._ hereunto set ... the 7.X' ._ . .. hand S._. the day and year first above
<br />written.
<br />A,
<br />