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<br />80 t304715 <br />UNIFORM COVENANTS. BOfCOw'tr and Lender cnvcnant and agree ;a follow-.: <br />I. Paymrni of Prindpni and In(eresl. Unrm:vtt shall pn,mpdy pay sv4en due the prncipai of and interest on the <br />mdebtedress evidenced by the Note, prepayment and late charges as p rovided m the Note, and the principal of and interest <br />on any Furore .Advances secured by this Mortgage. <br />Z. Funds for Taxes and Insurance. Subject to appticablc law or to a written waiver by Lender, Borrower shat{ pay <br />to Lender on the Jay monthly installments of principal and interest arc p:ryabic under the Note, until the Note is paid in full, <br />a sum (herein "Funds") equal [n one-nvd(th n( the yearly taxes and a ec<mcn1S which may attain priority Duct this <br />Mortgage, and ground rents on the Property, i! any, plus one-twelfth of yearly pn:mium installments for hazard insurance, <br />plus onc•twelfth of yearly p«mium installments (or mangagc insurance, i(:my, all as reasonably estimated initially and from <br />time to time by Lcndcr on the basis of asscssmcros and hills anJ rcasonahk cstimatcs thereof. <br />Thc Funds sfi:dl be held in an institution the deposits nr attrnmts of svhic•h arc insured nr guaranteed by a Fcdcra! or <br />state agency (including Lender if Lender is such an institution). Lcndcr khall :apply the Funds to pay said faxes, assessments, <br />insurance premiums and ground rents. Lcndcr naay not charge for sn hnlJing ;mJ applying the Funds, analyzing said account, <br />or veri(}•ing and compiling said assessments and hills, unless Lender pa}•s Borrower interest nn the Fumes and applicable law <br />penniu Lcndcr .o make such a charge. Bnrrowcr and Lcndcr may agree in x•riting m the lino ~of exeeulion of this <br />Mortgage chat interest on the Funds shall 6e paid to Bnrrowcr, anJ unless such agreement is made or applicable 12w <br />rcyuires such interest to be paid, Lcndcr shall not be rcyuired to pay Borrower :m}• interest or car•~ngs on the Funds. Lender <br />shall give to Borrower, without charge, an annual accounting nC the Funds showing credits and debits to the Funds and the <br />purpose for which each debit to the Funds was made. Thc Funds are pltJgcJ as additional securty for the sums severed <br />by this Mortgage. , <br />I( the amount of the Funds held by Lcndcr, together with the (more monthly inslalbncnts of Funds payable prior to <br />the due dates o! taxes, assessments, insurance premiums and grounJ rents, shall exceed the amount required to pay said-taxes, <br />assessments, insurance premiums and ground rents'arthcy fall due, such excess shall be, al ftorrower's iopiion, either <br />promptly repaid to Borrower or credited to Borrower nn mm~thly installments of Funds. IF the amount ',oC .the Funds <br />held by Lander shall not be sulTicient to pay taxes, assessments, insurajeec premiums ancf ground rcjats~ as '..they fall due; <br />.Borrower shall pay to Lender any amount necessar}• to make up Itia.Jeficiency within 3U days (croft the''date notice is mailed <br />'by Lender to Borrower requesting payment thereof. '. <br />Upon payment in full of all sums secured by this Mm-tgnge, i,cnder shall promptly refund Io Borrower any Funds. <br />held by LcnJcr. IC under paragraph lti hcrcof the Propcny is sold or the !'ropcrty is othcnvist acquired by Lcndcr, Lcndcr <br />shall appl}+, no later than immcdiatcly prior to the sale of the I'r[},,trey ar its, acquisition b}• Leander, any E?unds held fig <br />Lersder at the time o! application as a trail[ against the sums secureef hrv 4his aM nrtgaF;e. <br />J. Application o[ Poyments. Unless appbcahle law provides othenviu. :JI pavrnents received by Lcndcr under the <br />Nine and paragraphs 1 and 2 hcrcof shall be applied by Lcndcr first in p.rv rum nl amounts payable to Lcndcr by borrower <br />under paragraph 2 hcreoL then to intcrest payable nn the Nutc, then to the principal of the Notc, and then to intcrest anJ <br />principal on any Future •idvances. <br />S. Cbarges; Liens. Borrower shall pa)• all talcs, assessments :,rid ,+nc~r chaigcs, fines anti impositions altribWabic to <br />the Propcny which may auxin a priority over this Morleage. anJ IcascholJ payments nr ground rents, if any, io the manner <br />prucrJcd unJcr paragraph 2 htrcoi or, rf not paid in such manner, b) ILxinn•er making payment, when due, duccdy to the <br />payee rhe«u!. Borrower sh:dl promptly furnish k, LcnJcr all notices n( :un nu nix due muter tbis paragraph, and in the event <br />IJorroxer shall make payment ,lirectly, Uorrowcr shall promptly hmush to Lcndcr rcccipis evidcnetng such payments. <br />Borrower shall promptly discharge mty lien which has priority over this Mongaec: prr.ciJed, than Borrower shall not be <br />rniwrcd w Jischar ge any such lien so long'u Borrower shall agree i .r rn in}; !, ^:c pa}nunt of the nlrhgation secured b}' <br />urh hen in a manner acceptable to t-coder, or shall in good fai[h conm.r such hen hy, or d, lent cal orecmtnt of such lien in, <br />Ieg:J proc'cedrngs which operate to prevent the enl<rccmrnt of the ben nr furfdnut of tru: Propene or any part thereat. <br />5. Ilazxrd insurance. Borrower shall keep the improccmnue nrnc r,ist u,c or !,ereaAcr ereemtl nn the Pn}petty insured <br />against loss by fire, hazards included within the term "extendcJ ai+acragu" .anJ sr h n;her hazards as Lcndcr a:ay require <br />:usJ m wch amounts ar,d (oc' such periods as Lcndcr may require; prosldc J, that L,''ndcr ;hall out require ti,at the nnwunl of <br />such e::vragc exceed tha; amount nC coverage required to pay the sums nr.4:!:eJ tw ibis .`.fun gage. <br />Thc insurance carrier providing the insurance shall be chosen hry Uurrm, cr suhicct to ;q}proval L Lcndcr, pruv:ded, <br />that wch approval shalt not he unrtasonahly u•ithhc W. :\II i,rcmiunn nn m.a,.: ntc pnlincs sh:di 6c paid :n the manner <br />ryovidcd under paragraph 2 hcrcof ar, if not paid in such manner, hp I1nn a+ctr making payment, when due, directly to the <br />insurance carrier. <br />All insurance politics anJ renewals thorn( shall be in form actepteblc n, I ender anJ si,all include a standard mortgage <br />clause in Lrvor of and in form aeecptable to Lcndcr. Lcndcr snail have the i fight to hold the policies :nut re ntw:Js thereof, <br />and Borross•er shall promptly furnish to Lcndcr all renewal notices and :dl rnapn ul paid prenuunn. In the event of loss, <br />Uorrmver shall give prompt notice to the msuranee ca trier and 1 cnJtr. I coati mu) snake prom a( loss it not made pr~mpd)' <br />6y Borrmvcr. <br />Unless LcnJcr anJ lorrowcr othrnvisc agree m ,s citing, incur;utrc pro. all shall he applicrl to resew atiun or repair ur <br />the Property damagcJ, proviJcJ such restoratwn or tcp:ur is cconnnuraliyt lc:nihlc anJ the zecunty of ibis fit nrtgugc is <br />not thereby impaired. Ii such restoratwn or repair is not economically Ica.rble or if Ole stew sty of this .,V ongugt would <br />be impaired, the insurance proceeds shall be applied to the minx seemed h) this Mnng.rge, ,nth the excess, if ;my, Paul <br />to Borrower. 1( the Properl} is nbandoncd by Uorrox•er, or it Barn,+vcr LnI~ in rc. punJ to 1 ender within i0 days from the <br />J:nc nmiee i; nulled 6y Ltndcr to Bnrrowcr Ih;u the insura ncc e:urier often io vnlc :; claim fur nuur:mcc hcncfus, Lcndcr <br />s uwhmized to tolled and apply the msura ncc proceeds at LenJet'x upiuw c:tircr m res(m seam or repair of the 1'n>pcrt} <br />or la dtt sums scarred by this Mortgage. <br />Unless Lender and Dofrower olhtnvise agrcc in ss citing, ^ny such appGaaiu,n of proett•ds to pima pal ,hall nn1 extend <br />or postpone the Clue dolt of the monthly inslallnsents n-l ttred n, in paragraph. I anJ 2 hcrcof ur change tht :unounl ul <br />wch uutallments. ll under paragraph 18 hereof the I'roix•ny a acquucJ bj i ~~nJer, all right, ante :nut intere>: of Ilorrnx er <br />in and In .ln)' InSOranee policies and in am! Io the proceeds thcrcol :tudw,g !r,+m d;unage h, ;he Propcrt) pn,rt Iv !tic sale <br />or acquisnioo shat: pas to Lcndcr to : hs tsetse cf the -suns aecnn•d b. rh,s '.,,,rig;, rc unn,edrdrlg pno: r. wch salt- or <br />acquizit can. <br />b. Prestn~atimt and ttainlumnce o[ Properq-; Leaseholds; (~nndnmiuiunts: Planned Unit he, chryaucnts. Uorrowcr <br />>hall keep the Property in good repair and shall not comma m•asle or per nut :mp:m meat or Jeteriuranon , . .,:c Property <br />and zhall 2omply with the provisions o[ an}' lease 1t thu hfongage is nn a Icasch,+IJ. I( ova >turtgaga is ,,, ~, n,it m a <br />condominium or a planned unit development, Borrower sh:dl perform ,II o1 Iku n, ohhg.aions ;.: nicr the deciararion <br />or eoveruuus cre:ning or governing the condominium or planned unit dee;;lopmeut. the b)Jasss anJ ;cgulat u+n, „! the <br />condominium or planned unit development, and consiiurnn +bcumenrs II :, onJnrnmiurn o LuusJ uu.; :ic+el.,pmer~ <br />rider is cseculed by Bnrrowcr and recorded together wdh this klm y;age, the .avcmm~r• an,f a cnunh of such ndcr <br />shall be incorporated into and shalt amend anJ supplement the covennnt.c and agreements of thu ~trkor tgngc .n rf the rider <br />were a part hcrcof. <br />7. 1'rotcdion o[ Lenders Security. I( Borrower fails lu pa form the t rants and .:grccnx•uts t,vrimr,cd m tha <br />Mortgage, or if any action or proceeding is commenced which maa•rialk .Vflcctx Lender's nut: est m the Property. <br />including, but not limited lo, eminent domain, insolvency, code solo recment, n' arrangement.::, .eecdinln :nwh: mg a <br />bankrupt or decedent, then Lcndcr al tender i option, upon notice to Uorrowcr, nun• make sod, :y,pcanmccs, drxhurse raci} <br />scans and take such action as is necessary [o protect Lender's ime«st, inchnling, but not tanned tu, daburement of <br />«asonablc attorney's leas and entry upon the Property Iv make repass. If Lcndcr rt nri nuvq;agc innuanec as a <br />emtdnion of making tha loan sctU«d 6y Ibis Mortgage, Uorrowcr sh:Jl nu}- the premi,nns :egatrnJ to mcinl;un such <br />insuranet in eBcct until such time as the requiremem for such invu sort rt•rminnlts m ac,:nnlarce cash Rurtosccr~s and <br />~- <br />