8Q.,,, O ~ ~ ~ O ~ MORTGAGE
<br />THIS MORTGAGE, made this........?sZ........._......day of.....QA.t-VS~.tt .................. 19...... ~ .._. by....._......_._~.
<br />..JRf...AaR.Pr.....A"AMA.MF.sit.AAR„.AIR.Pich.ALY9..ftVllalS... W~~.......__.._.....
<br />of....~'$At~._IA~8T1~ ................._.._..._...County oE.......~[6~........._... ...aod State of Ntbtaska, hueaRu axerttd [o -
<br />as "Mortgagor," and BENEFICIAL FINANCE CO. OF NEBRASKA, a corpontioa orgardzed and existing under the IawGs pofp tnh~e State oP -.
<br />Nebraska and hating an office and piece of business at.+2~..$QL'}itJ,..j/'.S9t1}i...~~~ (},, ~t...~es_.__.SriGlLiCa,.~___.:
<br />hereafter refereed m as "Mortgagee." - -
<br />WITNESSETH That Ne Mortgagor, in oMU ro secure the paymmt of a certain pmmiaory note of even date herewith fa the Antral Amount - -
<br />ot Loan of 5._~.T(1()().,~........_ .............. togethu with inteteat on unpaid Principal balances, recetpt of the Proceed[ thereof bein6 peaeb),. - - _.
<br />acknowkdgtd, hereby mortgage to the Mortgagee the fo9owdttg deacdbed rte! esate iltuated in Ne County of__ ~1L3,1__„~,,,,.,_.,,,,,,," , _
<br />State of Nebraska, more parUcularty described as fo0ows: - -
<br />The East Seventy Eig3lt (78) Feet of Lot Thirteen (13), except the East
<br />Eighteen (18) feet thereof, in Block Five (5), in Weaterhoffra First
<br />Subdivision in the City of Grand Island, ftebraska, except the South
<br />Thirty (30) Feet thereof deeded to the City of Graald Island fac Street
<br />Purpoaea.
<br />SUB7ECT TO:
<br />together with all the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances ro the same belonging, and all the estate, title dower right of hotnestead,
<br />claims and demands whatsoever of the mortgagor of, in or to said premises or nny part thereof.
<br />TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above described premises, wilt all the privBeges and appurtenances to the said Mortgagee, its suceenor and
<br />assigns, forever;
<br />AND the Mortgagor do COVENANT with the said Mortgagee, its mccessors and assigns, that Ney are lawfully seized in fee of the premises;
<br />that said premises are frce of all encumbrances, except as aforesaid; that they have good right to sell and convey the same as aforesaid; and Nat
<br />they and thew heir Ndl and will toxever WARRANT AND DEFEND the same to the said Mortgagee, its sucecssors and assigns forswu, against
<br />the lawful claims and demands of art persons.
<br />The agreed rote of charge on the afotesaid pmmismry note is 24% pu annum; (2% pu month) on that part of the unpaid prncipd balance ~t
<br />in excess of 51,000: 18% per annum (155% per month) on that part of the unpaid prirtcipd balance exceeding S 1,000 but not exceeding 55,000:
<br />and 15%per annum tl 1/3% pet month) on any remainder of such unpaid balance.
<br />Until the payment in fuB of Ne promissory note evidettcing this loan, according to the tarns thereof, the Mortgagor hereby COYENANT AND
<br />AGREE: ii) To pay aB taxes and assesrmenh on the premises described herein to whomsoevu Itvied and assessed; (2) To kap Ne buBdirtgs
<br />and improvements situated thereon insured against tare and other hazards in such amount and with such inmrance carrier as shag be acceprbie
<br />ro rob -:4fort&~: (3) To maiatdn Nt ptemixa mbatantidiy in ar good condition and repair as they are on the date hereof, and neither m
<br />commit nor to asffer any strip or waste Ntreof; and. (4)To commit no breath of any covenant herein contained.
<br />PROVIDED, NEVERTHELESS, that iC Mortgagor NW pay Ne full amount of Nt loan to the Mortgagee, according to the terms of the note,
<br />and shall perform all of the terms and conditiosu of this mortgage, Nis mortgage, together with the said promissory note, shall cease and be
<br />void. ONetwise it shall remain in tfftct. [n Ne event of any defaWt in the payment of the monthly instahnenta on the loan, Mortgagee, its mc-
<br />ceseors or assigns, may maintain an action at law or equity to recover the unpaid principal baance of said loan plus any acenred and unpaid
<br />chargea•
<br />I(ody one mortgagor be a party to Nis Instrument, aB plural words herein referting to Mortgagor Ne0 be conatnted in the singular,
<br />1N WITNESS WHEREOF, Ne said Mortgagor have hereunto let Heir hands and seals on Ne date about written.
<br />Signed, seah+d and delive by Mortgagon
<br />~in e texnce of: ,//1 ~ n
<br />/ ~ /7 )//~-f~ (seAL)
<br />/%~~ Wtlntta PrinrorT~olMorrggy„r
<br />7j ~ ~r/~~"' Ro ~Y D. Lee
<br />(~ wfineaa `~Yy~ o rt a t r4 ~i`~ - r.~L 4 (SEAL)
<br />Mildred M. yrgenr or Type Narne ojMorgsgar
<br />ss. )
<br />COUNTY OF..,~.~.__ sa
<br />on tnia......2T.........daY of..&,U~y~p:k~ .......................... 19..4....... [retort ma........ old M. Ruth
<br />................................................................................ a
<br />Notary Public, duly appointed and qualified for end reddiog in acid county', perso O D.,,,.„.6 ...................
<br />..6@r..... ko .....................
<br />md...,Mi],dlcad.A1,,. Lae ..............................his wife, to rot known to `
<br />mortgage, and they severally acknow ~ .. ~ -.. Ptlan,, turibed in and wha extxuted Ne wlNin
<br />lodged Ne wne [o be Nair voluntary ~it~i',d'~ N E,'qi +, ', '
<br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I hive hereunto set mY stand and official. sod ~ ~ `~ ~ '
<br />W sold county, the daY and yea[ lut above t n. .« ~. •.•........•._....• ...................
<br />A~ iij~
<br />Print a Typc Noma ofNormu Puatm .. •.. _, _, _ Notary Pubdc in and for said County
<br />MY Coarmisdon Expiru 7
<br />,14
<br />Bor 4NE3B, Ed. Aug. '79
<br />