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<br />80--004687 <br />li~i~RAG <br />c <br />~~~~ ~ , <br />Thi. tnoregaga-made amf etttered into this o`~ / d.y mt <br />19 ~,.,-byaad between Gerald E. Harming-and Sharon.J.-Manning, husband-and wife, - <br />ihereiasfter retorted to as mortgagor) end the Administrator of the Small Bnsinee Admiaistratioq to agertcy of the <br />Govecnmeat of the United States of America (hereinafter referred to as-mortgagee), who maintains-an-u~ec--and <br />phiceofborioessat Empire State Building, 19th 5 Farnam Streets, Omaha, Nebraska-68I`©2 <br />pt~a, that for the coodderation hereinafter stated,.reeeipt of which is 6exhy aekagwledgpil, the <br />mortgagor~dod hereby mortgage, sell, Brant, assrga, and convey onto the mortgagee, hie etteeasota and-a~rgw;,_all <br />Hof the folMwing.deseribed properq sittuted a~ being fn the Cotmty of Hall - <br />State of Nebraska. <br />Part of the Southeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter (SF}4SF34),of Section' <br />Twenty One (21} in Township Eleven (11) North,,Range Nine (9) West of the <br />6th P.M. More Particularly Described as Follows: Coumtencing At,A Point <br />Three Hundred Sixty Three (363') Feet West of the Southeast Corner of Said, <br />Section, Thence Running North One Hundred Sixty Five (165') Feet, Thence <br />West Sixty Six (66') Feet; Thence South One Hundred~~Sixty Five (165') Feet <br />and Thence East Sixty Six (66!) Feet to the Place of Beginning. <br />Together with and iurluding aH buiWiagn, all fixtures including bat nut limited to all plumbing, heating, tighb <br />ing, vrnlilating, rrCrigerating, incinerating, air cwulitioning nppurotu+, and elevator. (the mortgagor hereiry <br />declsriryt that it i. intruded that the items herein enumerated ,hall he drented to have. been permanently in- <br />+taHed an part of Ihr realty), and all improvrntent, now or hcrenf4•r ezi-,tin;; thrreun; Ihr hrreditamenlti tmd <br />appnrtenence~ and all other rigletn thereunto belonging, or in anywise appertaining, and the reversion and re- <br />verrions, remainder and remainders, ail righta of redemption, and Ihr rent., issues, and prufits of the above <br />described property (provided, howevor, that the nwrtgagor ..hall Iw entitled 4r the po+.rsiun oi'+aid properly <br />and to softest and retain the rents, isuues, and profits umii drCauli hereunder}, 'Po have and to hold the sears <br />auto the mortgwgre and the xuecessors in interest of the mortgagee forever in fee simple or su.~h other estate, <br />iF any, ea is stated herein.. <br />T~s mortgagor coveaaab chat he is lawfully seised and possessed of and has the right to sell and rnavep said <br />property; that the same is fees from a}- e+reumbratrces czcept as heninabove excited: and that he hereby binds <br />himself and his successors in interest to warrant sad defend the tide aforesaid thereto and every part thereof ag-iwt <br />tLe olaiw of alt penon- tvbotpaoever. <br />This instrumentee given to secure the payment of a pramieaory note dated `) , <br />io_~the~pr~oc~pal;wtm,oCS-39~7t)0:00 .aigagd-:by Gerald F.. Manning and Sharon J. Manning husband <br />ialwhsltuC themselves. and wife <br />.ae rb.~a ss: ta-sa> r.,.+~. sera...,.. oe.,r,c.. <br /> <br />