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Cr~,.~ u <br />~} <br />' 17tu m ttgde .sd aatazed into,ths, say of ry ..` ~', 9 _ ~' o, <br />19 .by and)retween Gerald: E. Kelley <br />(heeeinafter referred to as mortgagor) avd the Administrator o[ the Small Basinns Adminietntim, an-ageaey of the: <br />Govemmmt of the Uoited States of America (hereina[tet referred to u mortgagee); who soai6taiaas an'-o!iee'and <br />plaeeofbusineeeat Empire State Building, 19th 6 Farnam, Omaha, Nebraska 6$102 <br />Aeligssis8,. t4at for the coseideraliou Leeeinafter elated, eeceipt of whieh_ia: beteli~ rtes <br />~te.atgagor'da<es heeeby mortgage, cell. IRant. aeeiga, and convey tmto the; mortgagee; hi- wec~eosv atad~ aaiges, aII <br />of the foUoerfns.deaceibed property eiueated attd 6eiag in the Cotmty of gall <br />State af• Nebraska. - <br />Lot Forty-Eight (4$) in Ravenwood Subdivision, Being a I <br />,.Tract of Land Comprising a Part Of The,'South Half of <br />The $;outheast Quarter (S~SE~) of Section Thirteen (13),' <br />Township Eleven (11) North, Range Nine'(9) West 'of the <br />' 6th P~.,M. <br />'i'o(tether with-and igclvding all buildings, alt fixtures includivR but,not limited to all plumbing, hratinq, fight- <br />ing, ventilating, refrfgeralinq, incinerating, air eoaditioning apparatus, and elevators (the ntortgaRor herrby <br /> the! it is intended That Ibe.items herein enumerated shall be deemed to have been permanently in- <br />,talled as part of the really), andalf improvenirnts now or hereafter existinK thereonq the hereditumenls and <br />appuneteanres amt elf other rights Ihareunlo belonging, or in anywise appertaining, and the reversion and re• <br />version+, remainder and remainders, elf rights u[ redemption, and the rents, issues, end pmtits of the above <br />dlmerittedproperty (provided, howevaq that the mortgagor shall hr rntilled )o the possession of wid properly <br />and to ralfertand vataiti-the cents, issues; anelprofits until-default-hereunder), -`f'n Nava and-to iaold the same <br />unto the mort[segee and the suaxasora in fnteresi of the mortgagee forrver-in fee simple or stteh other eaiste, <br />if any, ae to stated herein.: <br />'bra ~erig~k~ covesaeb thabhe~ie latrfnlly seised aitd possessed of and hu the right to self and convey said <br />property:tlhirtbe.satin 14 free-from'afl attetumbraneee~except ae heroinafwvc recited; and that he herobp binds <br />himeelf:.aml<his:sueaaeors in iaterest,to wurant.wd defend the title aforesaid thereto-and every part thereof agaioet <br />P~ <br />t1kt+fl~aft~ cal is vetehiugpeoeyer. <br />.~~ Ki~ secure the payment of a protniseory note dated ~ '" " ''~ t'•." ~'~ <br />in;tha._prineipal~u,nn•of.5-•1?-,000:00-~-~eiHnad'by Gerald E. Kelley . <br />in lwhalf of himself - <br />sap €„4 s;p es»xei`rx•{=sxavra..:a oe,at <br />