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_ t- _ <br />$Q--'~G4665 MOi~GAGE <br />THIS INDF.NTIIRE, >~de-thin 27th - day of August , -19 t{f1.. -, -by---aad~~beew¢ea <br />Netaecio L Ramirez and-Donna Mae Ramirez husband and wife, Parh in hid and-her cam <br />right and as spouse of the-oche <br />of Hdl l County, Nebraska, an mortgagor S ,end Greed Ielard Treat Company of Grand Islgad, n corporetipn- <br />orgnnized and esisting ands the taws of Nebreska with its printpal office ead plats of busiaeae at Grand Is(md, Nebraska, ns-mortgegge- <br />WITNESSETH: That said nrmtgegors~_ ,for and in coneidmation of the sum of <br />Twenty One Thousand One Hundred Seventy Three and ODI1#~~a~aar.~- t, <br />the retei of which ie hereb ackmwt $ t <,~ <br />pt y edged, do by thane Presorts mortgage ord warratttsuo2o eeut algae _r .. _ ~ and assigns: <br />forever, eV the following described real estate, situated N the County of Hd l 1 - <br />aad State of Nebraeke, [o-wit: - - <br />Lot Nine (9) in Block Three (3) in Stewart PTace Subdivision, Being a Part of the North- <br />west Quarter of the Northeast Quarter (NWa NEq) of Section Twenty-nine (29), Townsfiip <br />Eleven (11) North, Range Nine (9) West of the Sixth (6th) P.M., Hall County, Nebraska. <br />Together with all heating, air conditioning, lighting, and plumbing equipment and tiaturea, including screens, awnings, storm windows and <br />doors, and window shades or 6linda, used on or in cannection with said property, w hether [he name are nvw located on said property nr herenker <br />placed thereon. <br />TO HAVE RND TO HOLD THE SAME, together with nU and singular the tenements, hereditements and appurtenances thereunto be~ <br />-langinz„ oc in anywix appertaining, forever, and warrant the title tv the name. Said morgagor _i__ feereby covenant - - _. with said <br />mortgagee that _- t hey _ d re at the ds}ivary hereof, the (awful owner.. S _ of the premix s abave n~nvaynd and described. <br />and-.3rL' ._.... seized of a good and indefeaafble eete[e of inheritance therein, free and clear of all encumbrances, end that..~,he_~t_will <br />warrant end defend the title thereto forever against the claims and demands of sU persons whamscever. <br />PROVIDED ALWAYS, and this instrument is executed and dehvered to setvre the payment of the sum oL. ._..... _ __-_.__.._-_ <br />_TwanY'a QLtE. Thnitsanri nna Flttndr'E~SPyPnt, v~Thrar rinllarc ,~ndDQ4hrsi t9Q_ .....2j_,.1 Z3_.pp--_------1. <br />wick interne[ thereon, together with such charges and advances es may be due and payable to said mortgagee under the terms and cnnditivns <br />of the promissory note of even date herewith and secured hereby, executed by said mortgagor __S. to said mortKagcv, payable ns expmssed <br />is said note, end to secure the pertormsnce of all the [arena and conditions contained therein. The terms of said note are hereby in+rorparatcd <br />herein by this reference. <br />IC is the intention and agreement of the parties hereto that Chia mortgage shell oleo secure any future advances made to raid martgegor..s~_ <br />by eeid mortgagee, and any and all indebtednree N addition to the amount eiwva stated whicl, said murtgagore, ur any of them, may awe to <br />enid motgsgen, however evidorced, wisther by note, bark account oc otherwise. Phis mortgage shall remain in full foae and effect lretwas•n <br />the pertiee hereto and than hefts, personal reprneentatives, succeaeors and assigns, until all nmouata setvred hereunder, inclading future <br />advances, are paid in tuft with interest. <br />1'!re mortgagor~_ hereby aeaigrr _. ~._ to said rtrortgagea all mote end irurome arising nt any and all timna from card I,nrywrty and <br />hereby eutkorize said mortgagee or its agent, at its option, upon de[ault, to take charge of said property end collect all yenta and hcome <br />theretrom ead apply the same Co the payment of tntereet, priacfpsl, inawsace promiutm, texas, aaeeesmente, repnire or improvemealn <br />natxaesry to keep paid property is teoaatable cortditiaa, ar to other charges or paymaate provided for herein or in the note hereby sacured.'Phis <br />teat ~+tigsaapnt nhall tontanue in force unfif Ghe unp^ld balance of said nul,u ~ fully paid. The taking of pnn~^tmsivn heraundrr shall ie nn manner <br />prerea6 or retard said roartgegne is the collection of said eutne 6y [vrnclosure oc otherwise. <br />The Iuifure of the mortgagee la aeanrt my of itn rights hereunder at any time shall not be tonstruatl as a waiver of ih right to assay[ the <br />same nt any later Lima, end m insist upon and entoroe strict compliance with all the tvrmn and pmvinivns of soul note and n( this nvvtgage. <br />If asfd mortgagor S shall ranee to be paid to said mortgagee the entire amount due it herturnrter, scut under the terms sal pmviai,rna <br />of raid torte hereby eewred, including future ndvsocma, end any extorniona or renewals thereof in n cordaoee with the Canna and proviaimra <br />thereof, sad it eefd mortgagor.S_. shall comply with all the Provisions of anal note end o[ tlds mortgage, then these presents shall ba void; <br />otherwfse to remnfn in Taft forte ead effect. ead saki mortgagee shall be entitled tv the poetwexion of ell n( aaW proptvtY. and maY, at its optin^ <br />declare Ciao w~4ole of said rote sad all krdebtatioeea repzeennted thereby to be fmrneduwly dun amt payable, and may iorenlaae this mortgage <br />or take any other legal actimr to PnKect its right. Appraieeatant waived. <br />Thin mortgage shall be bivding upon and shell enure to the benefit of the heirs, exacuWm, adminietreturs, successors and eeaigns of the <br />respective Perttes heteto. <br />1N W[TN ESS WHEREOF, said Mortgagor.S_.. ha Vy<__. hereunto sat ___ the-i.r...._... _... hand __.=the day and year first above <br />written. ~ ; <br />Ne eio L. Ramirez ,~7 r <br />Mae Ramirez <br />