<br />Sd--- UC)4660
<br />This, t»ade clad ettteted into tbir rah 9 ~" day of ~•~,
<br />19 ~U,by:aedbetweea Dale D. Miller and Charlotte M. Miller, httsband and vrife,
<br />(bereiaJter refereed to u mortgagor) and the Administrator of the Small Businew Admioiatratia~, an agatcy of the.
<br />Govcrnmmt of the United States of America (hereinafter referred-to ae mortgageej, who maiatams-sn-oiGee°aad-
<br />piacesd6ottioastr~t Empire State Building, 19th S Farttam Streets, Omaha,- Nebraska 68IO2
<br />1Pltttssslir8, tbat foe the eoasidtuation 6ecanalter elated,-receipt of which is hereby ttdmmrle~gd, the
<br />tpottgseatr des beeeby mortgage, sell, cereal. asaigu, and convey uato the morgagee, Ilia. sack. ~ a~py: all
<br />of the folbw®g dacrfbed propertq eitnated a»d bang is the Conaty of Hall
<br />State of Nebraska.
<br />Lots Eleven (11) and Thirteen (13) in, Block Seven (7)
<br />in ,College Addition to West-Lawn, in Grand Island, Hall. '
<br />Cotinty; Nebraska.
<br />Together with and including all buildings, all fixtures including bat nut limited to ell plumbing, heating, light-
<br />ing, ventilating, refrigerating, ineineroling, air conditioning apparatus, and elevator (the mortgagor hereby
<br />declaring that it is intended that the items herein enumerated .hall he deemed to have been permanently in-
<br />stalled as part of the realty), and all improvements now ar hereafter existing thereon; the hereditaments and
<br />appurtettenees and all other riithts thereunto belonging, or (n anywise appertafnink, aeai the reversion and re•
<br />vetrions, remainder and remainders, all rights of redemption, and the rants, issues, and profits of the above
<br />described pryperty (provided, however, that the mortgagor shall be entitled io the possession of said properly
<br />and to col[eet and retalrrthe renes,issues,and profits until defu+dl hereunder). To have and to bald the same
<br />unto-the-eewrtgaltee-and'the sueee,:sora in (merest of the mortgagee forever in fee simple nr such other estate,
<br />if any; ae instated herein.
<br />Tbtt inott6ttg~^eoretautp that he-is iawfally gaud and poeseased of and has the right io aa8 acrd convey said
<br />property; that thou game ~ia tree from aiI' enctunbranew a:ceps o bereinabore recited: and tbat he 6eroby binds
<br />6ttoultand hfsaueeessors in interest to warrant and defend rho title aforesaid thereto and every part thereof against
<br />eha olabt»nf wil~pentitr wbmnwever. _
<br />- A y, ~d tee.
<br />'This-instrument is given to seca•re the payment of a promissory note aced
<br />inthe.Qral-rom.of;=• 2Z,49U:,Q9:, ~eigaltd,}ty Dale D, and Charlotte M. Miller, husband and w}Fe.
<br />in Fxd,alf of themselves.
<br />san term 9?; i W.?) rrwlmu rdlaor.r. ns,.MU.
<br />