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80-- fiC~4659 <br />MORTGAGE <br />MoxTCacE LOAN xo. L 23, 768 <br />RNOw ALi. MFN BY THESE PRESENTS: Thac Donald L. Brym and Alberta R. Brym, each in his and - <br />her own right, and as spouse of each other <br />Mortgagor, whether one or mart. is me[ddeutinm o£the ttua td' <br />Twenty-five Thousand and No/100-------------------- ----------------------------- noLl.nRs <br />ktaned to said trartgagor by The Equitable Building and Association of Craod [gland, Nebraska, Mortgagee, upon . ~ 250 shares of siodc of <br />said ASSOCIATION, Certificate No- L 23, 768 , do hereby grant, convey and mortgage unto the said ASSOCIATION the folbarirg- <br />destxibed seal estate, situated in Hall County, Nebraska: - <br />LOT FOURTEEN (74) BLOCK ONE (1), SOUTHERN ACRES <br />ADDITION TO THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA <br />together with all [he tenements, hereditamen[s and appurtenances thereunto belonging, including attached noor coverings, all window screens, <br />window shades, blinds, storm windows, awnings, heating, air conditioning, and plumb6-rg and water equipment and accessories [hereto,pumps, stoves, <br />re(tigera[ors,and other fixtures and equipment now or hereafter attached to or used in connection with said real estate. <br />And whereas the said mortgagor has agreed and does hereby agree that the mortgagor shall and will pay all [axes and assessments levied or <br />assessed upon said premises and upon this mortgage and the bond secured thereby betbre the same shag become delinquent; to fumiah approved <br />insurance upon the buildings on said premises situated in the sum of b 25 , OOO. OO payable to said ASSOCIATION and to deliv'tr to said <br />ASSOCIATION the policies for said insurance; and not t° commit °r permit any waste on or ab°u[ szid premises; <br />In terse of default in the pcrformancz of any o(the terms and conditions of this mortgage or the bond secured hereby, the m°rtgagee shag, <br />on demand, be entitled to immediate possession of [he mortgaged premises and the mortgagor hereby assigns, transfers and sets over to the <br />rnortgagec ate the rents, revenues and inc°mt to be derived from the mortgaged premises during such aline as Iht mortgage indebtedness shall remain <br />unpaid; and the mortgagee shall hasro the power to appoint any agent or agents it may desire for [ha purpose of repairing said premises and renting <br />the satin and collecting the rtnta, revenues and income, and it may pay out of said income all expenses of repaving said premises and necessary <br />commissions and expenses incurred in renting and managing the same and of collecting rentals thereGom; the balance reineining, if any, to be <br />aF^he1 toward ffte discharge of said r,wrtgage indebtedness: these rights of the mortgagee may he exerised at any time during [hz zxistence of such <br />default, irrespeciive of any temporary waiver of the same- <br />These Presents, however, are upon the Condition, Tha[ if the said Mortgagor shall repay said loan on or before the maturity of said shares by <br />payment; pay monthly to said ASSOCIATION of the sum specified in the Bnnd secured hereby as interost and principal on said loan, on or beiorc <br />the Twentitth day of each and every month, until said loan is fully paid; pay all taxes and assessments levied against said premises and on this Mortgage <br />and the Bond secured thereby, before delinquency; furnish approved insurance upon the buildings thereon in the sum of S 25 , OOO.OO payable <br />[o said ASSOCIATION; repay to said ASSOCIATION upon demand a6 money by it paid for such taxes, assessments and insurance with interest at <br />the maximum legal rate thereon from date of payment all of which Mortgagor hereby agrees to pay;pemtit n° waste on said premises; keep and comply <br />with all the agreemens and conditions of the Bond for S 25, OOO.OO this day given by the said M1lor[gagor w said ASSOCIATION, and wmyly <br />with all [he requirements of the Constitution and By-Laws of said ASSOCIATION: then these presents shall become null and void, otherwim [hey <br />shag remain m full fora and logy be foreclosed at the option of the said ASSOCIATION after failure for three months to make any of said <br />payments or be three months in arrears il making said monthly payments, or to ktep and comply with the agreements and conditions of said Bond; <br />end Mortgagor agrees W have a receiver appointed forthwith in such foreclosure protxedings. <br />If there is any change in ownership of the coal estate mortgaged herein, by sale ur otherwise, then the entire remaining indebtedness hereby <br />secured gFCSB, at the option of The L'yuitable Budding and Loan Aswciation of Grand Island, Nebraska, became immediately due and payable without <br />further notice, and the armmnt remaining due under said bond, and any other bond for any additional advances made thereunder, shag, from [he <br />date of exercim of gild option, bear interest at the maximum legal rata and this mortgage may then be foreclosed to satisfy the amount due on said <br />buml,and espy °ther bond for additional advances, together with ill surds paid by said The F,yuitable Buildng and Loan Association of Grand Island, <br />Nebraska foe insurance, lazes and assessments, and abstracting extension charges, with inmreri thereon, Gem date of payment at the maximum <br />legal rate. <br />As provided in the Bnnd secured hereby, while ekes mortgage remains m effect the mortgagee nny hereil'ter advana additional soma to the <br />makers of said bond, then assigns or succexscrrs in interest, which satin ahaB be within the security of this mortgage the same as the funds originally <br />secuted lhemby, the tots) amount of principal deb[ n°I h, exceed at any time the original amount oC this [nortgagt. <br />[hied this 28th. day of August A. n., l~$O <br />Donald 8r m --.---~ / ~• <br />Alberta R. Brym ~- <br />STATEOFNEBRASKA,~~ On [his 26th. der { AU9USt $O <br />COUNTY OF HALL y ° i9 ,before me, <br />the und<rsigricd, n Noury Pubbc in and for said County, personally came <br />Donald L. Brym and Alberta R. Brym, each in his and her own right,~r~d as spo~S~nQt~y~ii~,~rco <br />other are <br />me to he the identi+al perapn S whose name 5 d re affixed to the above instrurr~sdt as mor or 5 and they screraBy <br />' ackrowkdgad the said innrurrrent to be their voluntary act and deed. ~ `~ /~ <br />WITNESS my hand and Notarial Seal the daft aforesaid. i- ~' <br />i,fy Commission ezpues -, ~ ~ ~ c_.iy;l __~~ <br />f 6fgfRAL HUTARY-State of @¢hrassa lilt ~ /j/ Nov Pub' <br />twrwaat ai JOY M. Bc'AZLEY <br />MY t:nrnm. fxp. Sept. 1, 1481 <br />