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~wr~ tr a f <br />~- uo~ s~ 11~~RZ'GAGE <br />cam- <br />This mo::ggs Ada and entered inw th;. 2 4 dag'of ' ~y u S f- <br />14 ~,.byandbetweea Delmer F. and Nancy M. Gross, husband and wife <br />(hereinafter referred to ae mortgagor) and the Admioistntor of the Small Basiness Adminirtratiao, as ageoey of the <br />Goveromeat of the United $tatee of America (hereinafter referred to as mortgagee), who maintain aa~o6x and <br />P~ofnEmpire State Building, 19th & Farnam, Omaha, Nebraska 68102 <br />~1741e68SiTH, .that for the eonddeeation hereinafter stated, receipt of which is hereby' aelcoowlet};;ed,~tlta <br />dos hereby mortgage, sell, grant. resign, and convey tmto the mortgagee, his soeceseata cod assi®os, all <br />of the following•dewxibed property sitaated and beiag,in the Cotmty of Hall <br />cam of. Nebraska <br />" Lot''one (1), in Canital'Heights Seventh Subdiv'i'sion, <br />Halh County, Nebraska. <br />Tagntlur with and including cif buihlings, all fixtures including but nut IimiteJ to atl plumbing, heating, fight- <br />inq, veadlathtq, refeigentinq, incinentiaq, air conJitioning apparatus, anJ elevators (the mortgagor hereby <br />declariwg that it is inienJed tftat.the dents herein enunrrated shall he deemed to have been permanently in- <br />stalletl as part of the realty), anJ all improvements now or hrreafscr existing thereon; the hereJilaments anJ <br />appurtenances and all otherrighls thereunto 6eloaging, or in anywise appertaininK, and the reversion and re- <br />versions, remrinder and remainders, all rights of redemption, and the rents, issues, and profits of the above <br />described property (provided, however, that the mortgagor shell be rnlitleJ to the posae..ion of -,aid property <br />and to eolfeet antf retainthe roots; issuea+, and profits until default hereunder), 'To have and dr hold the same <br />unto the martRattee attd-the stt~essora in intereitt of the mortgagee fareveF in tee simple ur such other estate, <br />if any,~a$iA elated-herein.. - <br />The ntottgagor eovmaats-tLrl ho-lit lawfully eeixad sad porrared of and has the right to sell cad convey said <br />property:;: that the eitrrc~is f[re~Crom~~ill"enetanbnnwexeept ae hereinabove recited; and that he herby binds <br />himself and his auoeesson in intexeet.ta wsrrant and defend the stile aforesaid thereto and every pan thereof against <br />thq cleiio~.of all pei4otr whomaxver. <br />'this inetrumem ~is given to secure the payment of a promissory cots dated g`~ ~"~, ~~ <br />lotthe,principal.etmraft-.}6,-7OP:OO'~,eigaed:by Delmer F. Gross and Nancy M. Gross • <br />in Mi,atF of themselves. <br />sa; coca 44Y (3-i3) Fm4r rdla~r ~n Oheix.. <br />