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SO- t~G4649 <br />prior to entry of a iudgmen? eviotcing this Mortgage if: (a) Borrower pays Lender all sums which would be then due under <br />this Mortgage. the No.^ and notes securing Future Advances. it any. had no acceleration occurred: (bl Borrower tares alt- <br />breaches of any other covenants or agreements of Borrower contained in this Mortgage; (c7 Borower pays aB reasaaabk <br />expenses incurred by Lender in enforcing the covenants and agreements of Borrower contained in this Mortgage and in <br />enforcing-Leoder's~remedies as provided in paragraph 18 hereof. including, but not limited to, reasonable attorney's fees; and - <br />(d) Borrower takes such action as Lender may reasonably require to assure that the lien .of this Mortgage, Lender's interest <br />in the Propetty and Borrowei s obligation to pay the sums secured by this Mortgage shall continue unimpaired. Upon sach- <br />payment and cure by Borrower, this Mortgage and the obligations secured hereby shall remain in full force and effect as if <br />no acceleration had occurred. - <br />20. Assignment of Rems: Appointment of Receiver, Lender in Possession. As additional security' hereunder, Borrowtr <br />hettby assigns to Lrnder the rents cf the Property, provided that Borrower shall, prior to acceleration under paragtap6 18 <br />hereof or abandonment of the Property, have the right to collect and retain such rents as the? became due and -payabk.- <br />Upon acceleration under paragraph 18'hereof or abandonment of the Property, Lender, in person, by agent or by <br />judicially` appointed receiver, shall be entitled to enter upon, take possession of and manage the Property and to collect the <br />rents of the Propem•. including those pan.due. All rents collec[ed by Lender or the receiver shall be applied first to payment <br />of the costs of management of the Property and collection of rents. including, but not limited to, receiver's fees. premiums on <br />receivers bonds and reasonable attorney's fees, and then to the sums secured by this Mottgage. Lender and the receiver <br />shall be liable to account only for those rents actually received. <br />•- 21. Future Advances. Upor. request of Borrower, Lender, at Lender's option prior to release of this Mortgage. may <br />make Furors Advances to Borrower. Such Future Advances, with interes? thereon. shall be secured-by this Mortgagt when <br />evidenced by pmmissory notes stating. that said notes are secured hereby. AI no time. shall. the principal amounu of the. <br />indeb[edaess secured by this Mortgage, ttorincluding sw~s advanced in accordance herewith to protectlthe~security lof Chin. <br />Mortgage, sxceed the original amount of the Note plus USS:..rt•3!tS.Op:....... ' <br />22. Release. Upon payment of all sums secured by this Mongagt, Lender. shall discharge this Mortgage withota ' <br />.charge to Borrower. Borrower shall pay all costs of reeordaxion, it any. <br />Ih tWi't'tat;ss Wllaxaoa, Borrower has executed this Mor[gage. <br />r <br />1 ' <br />~.. ...... `.... KJ . ' <br />.~'. l~... ~.. ~........... . <br />Ra and W. Rollins ~0f1OW`r <br />. - <br />Deanna K. Rollins ~OffOV°' <br />Srars of Nssxasra, .... }&~? .................................. County ss: <br />On this...... ~ of....$uSlz~I......., ]9.89., before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public <br />duly commissioned and yytutiiSed for said coutttp, personally came....1z~Y!npr{d W„ ,Rq~j.j,lt~, .and .11~dAStd. K.. , <br />...... Rolliusr,husband,and,wife ................,,,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,,,,,to meimownto be the <br />identical person(s),whoae name(s) are subscribed to the fomgoing instrument and acknowiWged the exactttion <br />zhereofto ht. .tneir.,,..,,,,voluntary act and deed. <br />Witness my hand and notarial sezl at...~ran~, Is~;and .in said connn, the <br />.......................... <br />date afoze3sid. ~ <br />My Commission expires: ~dG-~JSjas/f't~ <br />~~~~~~ Nobry PWiic <br />~IIOItlAS B.1~M0116 <br />M((COlaa- 4. NtF M 1Mt <br />tsw« e•tow rn~s un• a•s•rws rer lsne.r •no R.«rao <br />