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1 <br />i <br />t ;_ <br />i <br />r <br />`' <br />I 4 <br />o t 1 <br />f <br />containing in all 1.126 acres, more or less, together wl th all ut the right, title, and Snterest <br />' ~ (now owned or hereof ter acquired) of the Mortgagors In said property, Including all Dul ldings, improvements, fixtures, <br />! or appurtenances thereon or hereafter placetl thereon; all water, !rri gation, and drainage rlgh ts; the tenements, <br />heredl Laments, and appurtenances there co and the rents, issues, crops, and profits arising from s=1d lands; and (if <br />the Mortgagors rigb is in the public SOmain are required by Mortgagee for security purposes) all leases, perml ts, <br />licenses, or privileges, appurtenant cr nonappur tenant to said mortgagetl premises, now or hereafter issued, extended, <br />i or renewetl to the Mortgagors by the Un1 Led States or the state Sn which Lhe above-descriDetl property Is locatetl or <br />arty department, bureau, or agency thereof. <br />t <br />-_ E This mortgage is given Lo secure fl Promissory Note :nd Loan Agreement of even date herewith, antl for all advances. ~ <br />nd <br />Snclud Sng futurz :and addiCl oval advent es, wLth interest accordlnv [a the terms a rondl floras of _••aid note and <br />agreement, prcv ided `oat the focal prim ipal advances ontscand!ne and ^~npald aL any one Lime .shed not exceed Lhe 1 <br />um of g 526.400.00 (1'n is Simi Cation upon prSt:c lpril edvanres shall not restrict [hz Mortgagee from j <br />making 3qY' oT the advances hereof t2C suthOrl fed.) MORTGAI~F,E 1 Ct~P]i'RACTnAi,LY 0!1L1GA1'ED 'CO MARE ADVAti%RS TJ MORTfAGOR j <br />under the terms and conditions oP Lhe Promissory Vote and Loan agreement Car peeled sec out Sn said ncce and <br />~ a~•cement, not to exceed a pz.^1......_ _: Years teem the ils[.e t_. anf. ...a final pxymenL r. ~rlnc lpat and lrterest 1s <br />' ~ i duo and payab _e cn the rirsc day~•tP `,~.lune 2~~9 'hl c -nv~yanca .,!a 1., D' 'meld upcr, the ;: aymer,c <br />`~ ~ oP said pramissory note. <br />~ ,hSS mortgage is ,:uD;ecr r- r,~ provl^1or:c -r -~. r: ¢- i - - -.1 r--.. r <br />[ thereto. The pmrezds of the moan ec red hLr toy vl br .. el :'... h Sarno ,a. sv ec i. ieu u! ..u' ~t e oafs ppll~~ <br />Q cation to said loan and &rLhnri-ad Dy sale Act : <br />The Mortgagors, and each n[ them, hereby war..^ant shat they tie e:e r= owners o1 the mortgaged r+~al Property; chat they <br />! will defend the title against al ,ls imsnts whc•nso~vz! 1 -h .t ~i 'operty i° :roe Prnm :'~ ^. iUrs!ICS -, uit <br />tney wl ll keep =1i the .Tprovtmert PSx ores, and sppa e!ar .' cupt'd and lr Kbod repair' and {. I[. u : t~ .rf <br />waste; and they will eel lnqulsh 1. -ghL cr homesread .n .~.xli t pmt-. e. , 'u~d covenant and xKPPe .l.t. -.rat M-! ~-gagae, <br />//yOy~ p a5 10110w3: <br />W j <br />'1) That Lhey will pay wnen due ell taxes, hens, judgments, ~~r assessments ,vhlrh may h2 iswf~allY assessed ae;alilsc <br />the property herein mprtgaged. <br />i p;arelt <br />~ (21 Thst they will Snsnrz sod Keep Insured bu -'dings or ocher lmprovementc now on ;r which may hereafter be <br />on said premises to the satlstartlon of the Plortgagee, such Insurance pollry shall bF endorsed wl ch a mortgsga clause - <br />with the lass tiler-under to De pxyab l3 Lo Lhe Mortgagee, Any snms rceal ved may 1'~a uno~ '.~~ Pay t'or rzcon;Lr~!-.:+!,•:~ <br />~ o[ the destroyed improvements; or, IY uoL so npptiad, r!sy, ar the option oi' tt!e More vagre, !~~. ~+pp]ted L! Ptymem .. <br />atTr• trdentedness, ma;,ur.^d cr unmat:.lred. secured by chi.^, mortgage. <br />'31 To pay x11 rents, fees, or charges now due or Lo hoonmz :h!e nndzr cha Leans a[ .: ach lease, perms [, Lltanse, c <br />prlvt tege nn the public domain which is appurtena!u. rr nonappnrcenen[ Lo r.he mortgaged ;remises, which has 1• _r ' <br />l sued, extended, or renewed by cha uolr,ed £tatas ~r Lhe ~.t-*e !n wh1-h the aUOVZ de GCt SUf'd proper y t'~cat •!cl <br />- ~ cc perform and observe every set cuvon~!U, ~ortll cloh, .n i ..tlpulacl or! Hera ory cn keep =ach rt iha yne ! <br />i sUanding; u!^- t^ take every nacea aty step Lo secure the reissue, renewal, r _xtens!on -f eats! f h. ~-mi, - <br />i assign, waive, pletlge, ar endorse ca the Yortgapea zsrn lease, perms t, ll: n e, r privilege'. tf M-t L_ µ!rs t1:~ <br />Ln public domain are required by Mortgagee far securl cy purposes. ' <br />' ~ (4) 'Chat In he von- Fr nrtgagee is a tt rv [o .ul lif Sgatlun affect L!g Lhe :'. r;Lr lt} Lhe lieu : " - <br />q <br />3s'~,e SP,.'1',. ~ t .; -(' -R K_9 t- 1-.. > 1 ga,-a _ -.IV ^ +.; 4h !n[ L F r~V, i:4"_;! <br />a ps1•ty tle Pendut n hl~n 1t 1.. Led u[. 1 t khL Lien ! !. lnu r ~nmat uiM ! <br />1 procaedirrPS, he n;M.gagee may Sncur exnen..c, m.. :.u~tii r ,>i,a!,t ..t .weer ae_.. ~ ,,,a. ney ., .. 's. •,t ..i <br />extent prchlbl Led Dy .aw(, tests ex -rases, .:,rat --her [c,.~,. <br />(5J Thst 1n the event t.:e Mortgagor.. tail t, „ay when !y [ax - lien ~aJgm'nt. .r -ts cos neat ~: a- <br />- ~ main Laln lnvurartce as harelnDe Pore , rov ided, -~" tal'~ - } t ![ ~ ~ rg- - n!.1 r [ !: reran -1 -II} ev <br />perms C, license, or Drivl loge; or Mortgagee Is regale ! ~r x. ~. I U- ~~.~ f c :.[t ire .v r a; <br />zxpenses, and other charges In ronnect ion with ilLigat for Im kagee may mike trt i:!vn u!c of I!c~lde u I Ins !r u! e, <br />or incur such obligation, and the amounts paid `.heref t 't tmc i ~~ [ -h ~!d Utah s e ur,i h~°!eDr -h r <br />and p+Ayable immediately, and shall Dear in Lrest from .ne d,ite ~>t ,xymarc •+L he :ame rate as provided for de [nulc <br />.. s- ~ _ in the note. <br />~ ~ ~ <br />J <br />