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'_ _ ~ . <br />REAL ESTATE NORT6ASE FoaN fLa :ma (aev rnl <br />,= <br />pate Augllsf 2$, 1980 <br />'~ 80--004623 1 <br />Max J. Rauert, Jr. (also known as Max Rauert, Jr.) sad Irene E. Rauert (also known ~'' <br />;;s as Irene Rauert), husband and wife " <br />~ nortgagors, ~'~' <br />! of Hall County, Nebraska ,. .in consideration of /,-~ <br />the advance of the principal sum recLted In the note hereinafter described, receipt of w111chis-&dkooaledged, hereby ~~- <br />- mortgage and convey to -. - .. ~ - ~ - <br />THE FEDERAL LAND BANN OF OMAHA, a Corporation, - - - ~ ( <br />° of Omaha, Douglas County, Nebraska, whose address - - I - <br />is Farm Credit Building, Omaha, Nebraska 68100, -- - ~ <br />'~; <br />(7ortaagen (sub,l act tD oil, gas, and mineral rights owned Dy parties other than Mortgagors' exlstlog ees~ents of <br />i record; reservations Sn United States and State patents; and the rights of the publle 1n all liigheays J-, fife folldt7ing- S, _,, <br />+ described real estate in Hall county, Nebraska - <br />' ~ SEC. TMP. RB.. - ~-a`~- '. <br />~. ) N'gNW'~ and N'~SW7,NWtZ (except 1 acre, more or less,, .conveyed ) <br />- by Survivorship Warranty Deed and recorded as Document - ~- <br />1178-002889, and except 1.88 acres, more or less',' conveyed <br />`` '~ by Survivorship Warranty Deed and recorded as Doctmment <br />~1 1179-006574, all in the office of the Register of 'Deeds) - - - 17 12N 9 W bth P.M. ~ ; <br />~, <br />Z . i~ ~ °' ~ <br />e .s 1" ~ ~' f <br />C ~, <br />"' "97.Y1 <br />I ~cn+al Bing acres, more. ar less, together cal th all of the right, title, and interest <br />now nwnsd or t!ernatte_r acquired) df the Mortgagors in :+a id ~repnrty, including ali DulidSr.AS, improvements, Ll xturss, _ <br />- - or appurtenances thereon or hereafter placed thereon: all water. irrigation, and drainage rights; the tenements, <br />- i:eretli t.ments, and appurtenances thereto :rnd the rents, issues, crops. and prod is arls Ina from said lands; and (if <br />- the Mortgagors r3 gh cs in the publle domain are regal red by Mortgagee for security purposes] all leases, permits, ' <br />-' licenses, or prl vi leges, appurtenant or nonappur tenant to said mortgaged preml ses, now or here¢t ter issued, extendetl, <br />cr renewed co the Mortgagors Dy the Unlcetl States or the sts to in which the above-tlescr iDed Droper ty is located or <br />any department, bureau, or ¢ga[tcy thereof. <br />T'h is mort page is R.1 van to secure a promissory note of even date herewith, executed by Mortgagors to Mor[gaP,e a, Lt ~~ <br />' ' the prmeipal sum of FORTY-TWO THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED APID NO/100 - - - - - - - - - - - DoL1.AHS, <br />~. pay able with interest acrordlnq to the terms of said note, the LSnal payment Deing due antl payable on the first Aay ' <br />of April, 2000 ?his con veyauce shad be void upon the payment of said Uromissuzy note. <br />j Thls mortgage is suDJ set to the provi dons of THE FAftM CHE-IT ACT and all acts amendatory thereof or supplemental <br />- thereto. The Proceeds of the lean secured hereby will be used for' She purposes speclfletl In Lhe Mortgflgors~ appli- <br />' I, cation for ssld loan sad authorized Dy said Act. <br />fI The Mortgagors, and each of Chem, hereby warrant that they +ue fee ownere of the mortgaged real property; chat Choy <br />-- i will defend the title against all clsimsnCS whomsoever, and that saitl property is tree from all encumOrances; that <br />they will keeF all the improvements, fixtures, anU appurtenances occupied and In good repair and permit no acts et <br />waste; acrd they will tell aguish all rights of homestead In said preen lses, antl covenant and agree cal th the Mortgagee, <br />ns follows: <br />', ~ (1) That they will Fay when due sll taxes, Hens,ludgmen ts, or assessments which may he lswfully assessed against <br />the property herein mortgaged. <br />I <br />' ! (M) TDat they will insure and keeF insured buildings er' other Imprnvnmonts anw en cr which may heresicsr he pis^ed - <br />i on said pram isos to the sn[Ssfactlon of the Mortgagee, such insurance pulley shall be endorsed with a mortAage lease ' <br />_ with the loss thereunder to be psyable to the Mortgagee. Aqv scans recelveA may ba used w pay for reruns Cru etl on <br />: j of the destroyed improvements; or, if nut so appal ed, may, at tt±e option of the Mortgagee, De npplie; :n payment of <br />-', ~ any ]ndeb tedness, matured or mwatured, securnd Dy tnls mortgage. <br />_~._ 1 (g) '*o gay all rents, Ines, or charges now due or to become due under the terms of each lease, perm iC, license, or <br />~ privilege on the pub llc domain which is appurtenant or nonappurtenant to the mortgaged Dremisas, which has boen <br />~ issued, extendetl, or renewed Dy the Iptl fed Stales or the state In wh lch the above-described property is located; a_' <br />- to perform and observe every act, covenant, road Stl on, and stlpulatlon necessary to keep each of the same In good <br />- standing; and to take every necessary step to secure the re Issue, renewal, or extension Dt each of the same; and to <br />-'. ~ sssi gn. waive, pledge, or endorse to the Mortgagee Bach lease, permit, license, or privilege IT Mortgagors rights <br />_ ~ in public dcmaln are required Dy Mortgagee for seeurl ty purposes. <br />(a) That-Sn the event the Mortgagee Ss a party to arty 11 t1 gatl on affecting the seeurl ty or the Ilan of Sts mor t- <br />~! j Aage, Snc lading any cult Dy the Mortgagee Co tUCeclOSe this mortgage or aqv salt In which the Mortgagee may he named <br />a party defendant 1n which it S5 ob ll ga fed to ;.^otect its rights or lien, including condemnatl on and bankruptcy <br />~ ~' j proceedings, the Mortgagee may Incur expenses and advance payment for sbstract tees, attorney tees (exc epc to the <br />Ik extent RrohSDlfed Ay law), costs, axFnnsss, sad pther chases. <br />' ~ (5) 'abet Sn the event the Mortgagors tail to pay when due any taxes, ISens, `udgmants, or assessments, or tall tc <br />:, i maintain insurance as hereinhefore providnd, or fail to pay rents, fens, or ehnrges tinder the terms oT arty lease, <br />I permit, llcens¢, ar Rrlvilege: or Mortgagee Ss raga iretl to incur expenses for aDStract less, attorney tees, costs, <br />- expanses, and aclisr eflacgea in connection wills li clgati on, Mortaagas may make such payment or provide such insurance, <br />'; j or incur ~uah obis gation, and the amaunts paid therefor shall Decoms a pare of the indnb tallness sncured hereby tlua , <br />~. ~ grid Dayable immediately, and shall bear interest from the dace of payment at the same rstn as provided for detau It <br />Sn the notn. <br />i <br />