$0--~ Q 4 ~ g 4 MORTGAGE
<br />THIS MORTGAGE. made this.......2J.`kkt............deY of.,~l?8~?~.ti .................._.. 19.._~........, bY......_S3ID@H A._ Flhit@..Slld _.......
<br />..........Ll7Gi.17.@...gs~Qllti :.............................................. ... _ f
<br />of...._ a~C.t3L3f1..~6.~~iS3 .............................CouatY of..._H~1.................................._.......sad State of Nebassks, beraafter refeead to. ..
<br />as "Mortgagors," and BENEFICIAL FINANCE CO. OF NEBRASKA, a corporation organized and ezistlng under tGhsetlaws o[ the Stan aP -
<br />Nebraska and having an office and place of Mrsineas at....~~i~....~a..WC~X!..~a.x.. i~'i~s...j$aft.n...HSi1~[a...__ ............._..
<br />hereafter referred m as "Mortgagee."
<br />WITNESSETH That the Mortgagors, in order to secatre the payment of a certain promimory note of even date herewith in the Attud-Amours! -
<br />of Loco of 5......._1,~}ZSa~~1 ..................... together with interest on unpaid principal balances. receipt of the proceeds timreof bring hereby
<br />acknowledged, hereby mortgage to the Mortgagee the followvtg described red estate situated fi the Cotmty of_....~r ............................_ ,
<br />State of Nebraska, more particularly dexdbed as foIIowa: .-,
<br />Lot Five (5}, in Block (5)r in ~~@ BotaHh 2nd Subdivieioa,Hall Colmty, Ne6eHalaa
<br />together with all the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances to the same belotrging, and aII the elate, Htle dower right oC homestead,
<br />claims and demands whatsoever of the mortgagors of, in or to aril pnmixs or any part thereof.
<br />TO HAV£ AND TU HOLD the above daxribed premises, with all the priWegea and appurtenances to the aril Mortgagce, its successors and
<br />assigns, forever;
<br />AND the Mortgagors do COVENANT with the said Mortgagce, its successors and assigns, that they azc lawfully seized in fee of the premises:
<br />that aril premises are free of all encumbrances, except as aforeaad; that they have good right to sell and convey the same as aforesdd; and Nat
<br />they and thew heirs shall and will forever WARRANT AND DEFEND the same to the said Mortgagee, its wccessors sad assigns forever, agsitsat
<br />the lawful claims and demands of all perwns.
<br />The agreed rata of charge on the aforesaid promissory note is 24% per annttm; (2% per month) on that part of the unpaid prncipd balance not
<br />in excess of S I,U00: 15% per annum (IYs% per month) on that part of the unpad prncipd baance exceeding 51,000 but not exceeding 55,000:
<br />and ISw per annum (1 tl3% per month) on any remdnder of wch unpad baance.
<br />UntB the payment in full of Use promissory note evidencing [his loan, according to the corms thereof, the Mortgagors hereby COVENANT AND
<br />AGREE: (I) To pay ad taxes and assessments on the pratnises described hezeirs w whan:soevet levieA and assessed: C2) 7'o keep the buBdings
<br />and tmprovements situated dtereon inwred agdnst fire and other hazards to such amount and with such Insurance carrier as shall be acceptable
<br />to $re Mo;,gagze: (3} To mavttain the premises wbatandaily in ss good eonditlon and repair as they a .n the date hereof, and neither to
<br />commit nor to suffer any strip or waste thereof; rod, (4}To commit no breach of any covenant herein contained.
<br />FROVtDED, NEVERTHELESS, that it Mortgagors shall pay the Cull amount of the loan to the Mortgagee, according to [he terms of the noro,
<br />and shaII perform all of the remts end conditions of this mortgage, this mortgage, together with the said promissory nore, sisatl ccax and be
<br />void. Otherwise it shag remdn in effect. In the event of any default in the payment of the monthly instalments on the loan, Mortgagee, its wr
<br />ceaaorr or assigns, may maintain an action at law or equity to recover the unpaid prncipd baance of said loan plus any accrued and unpaid
<br />charges.
<br />IC ody one mortgagor be a party to this instrument, all plural words heroin referring to Mortgagors shell be construed in the singular.
<br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the aril Mortgagors have hereunto xt their hands and seals on the date above written.
<br />Signed, soled and delivered by Mortgagon
<br />in the ~o/f/y~~/j}./-~
<br />-'!.'( ~~~ ..~~ (S'
<br />s /ra5.~ t~R~ /• i' ~~ {~ LAL)
<br />rmess H A. tdhit~nar of rove n'nme o/nfo.graa,.,
<br />~'
<br />"' ~~l~~c_t~~t ~1 i~L~_L~~~c_ isEAL,
<br />Wt teas
<br />Lucille K. WYIJ/DWr or'l'vvc Name ~l arorrgaxor
<br />ss, ss.
<br />COUNTYooO~~F..... ~1 ......................... )
<br />On thta.ryth.......day ol.....,(k1781I~~.- ................... 19.~~......... hafota ma....._~'~Aa,f~,..Me...f.~}1GkA.............................................. a
<br />Notary PubUa, duly appointed and qualitled t'or and reaiding in said county, persondly uppaared... rZ91P):id...kM....ttA,
<br />................ ...............
<br />attdldltlia.3.e....~s.....~i6 ............................ . has wife, to ma known to be the Identicd parsons described In and wlto executed Rte wtthln
<br />mortgage, sad they severally acknowledged the same to be their vole deed.
<br />a. ......... R
<br />tN WITNESS WHEREOF',1 have hereunto xt my hand and o pp{fi ~' ~~1.$F.?ace..P.ie.' .............................................
<br />Foot ~M~ ^'i .....
<br />in raid county, the daY and yaaz last above 71BIt[yn. ~+~
<br />Notary Yu61ic in and Cor said County
<br />My Commisalon Expires
<br />Bor 4NE3B, Ed. Aug.'79
<br />