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r <br />80--e up~588 <br />LOAN NO. ZiOS27131 "MORTGAGE AND SECURITY AGREEMENT' <br />KNOW Att MEN BY THESE PRESENTS - ---~ <br />THAT DAVID V, OSBORN and DIANE B. OSBORN, husband and vlfe, ~ ' <br />each contracting Ln hls oTUa right and as spouse of the other <br />of the Count' of HALL wd Stare of Nebrmkq mortgagee, in consideration of she win of - " <br />THIRTY THOD$AND AND NO/100ths S S30.OOA•00 ~ DpLtARS - . <br />the receiPS whereof n hereby odnowledgad, do hereby SELL AND CONVEY to Sfa1e Federal Swings ord roan Associorion, Beatrice, Nebrako, roorsgugssw _"- <br />the folk>wir,g described real estate siwased, in HALL Count', Sane df Nebr~kq-to whi: - - <br />Lot Slx {6), Bison Meadow, Dontphan, Hall Couniy, Nebraslca~ _ <br />T'ogethar with all buildings, tiers, ,mprwamenn, fixtures o appunenonces n or hereafter a ecr,d thereon, , civding, oh apporatux equipmwst, <br />Rxsur onidas, whether i singleeunits o emrally controlled used ro mpply heor,wgas, ondnionmg wafer, I~ght, power, reFrigaration vemilolion, <br />dishwashing, disposal, or others and ony ari,er thing n « hereafter therein or thereon rrhe fumeh,ng of wh,ch by let s ro lessees n ustomary o <br />appropriate, including screens, window shades, storm doors nndw inflows. Floor co envgs, r n doors, im a~door beds, awnmys,~mvas and wmer hemen (all <br />of which ore de<hred to fie a Don of sod eel estae whether physmaly anaahed thereto o nor) The Morlgvgee ,s hereby subrogoted ro :he righn of all m <br />tgagees, lienhaldee rnd ow s paid off ~byrthe pro Beds of the loan hereby s tad This ongoge nsitores o uriry agree e,a wah respect to the ehareels <br />cwerod hereby and with respect ro the fixtures vuoched ro the above dexdbed rear estate m which mongagae has an ordinary ucur,y mteresr. <br />TO HAYE AND TO HOLD rho said pmpeny, with said 6nidings, eos_ments. imprvvemena, Fixtures, appunenvnan. opparatas and egwpmmr, unto cord <br />Modgogae, ih wccros«s and assigns forever. <br />The ortgagon repreum and c am wnh the mortgagee rh,a they era lawfully ,e xrd .r, lee simply of so,d premise>, ,has they hwe good right and lowtul <br />wrhonry ro sell and < twat' the sa e, ether they o e free and clear from n mbrances. that there c awaond~ng s coat m ests ogomn ony !«rures. n•,d <br />that +hey writ w ant and defend the ride tv said premises against the dmmsuaf oli peoons, and rha+ rhea ore ,m aw,nmdn.g >acw,ry ,morose as w any and aii <br />of the above d~~dbed f,xwras <br />PROVDED, oh+ay> and these pre upon express cand,r,on Thar, whereas +he sa,d m«rgagors hover this dny axes tad n d dalivarad to the sa,d <br />Asmsioean, vn cm ,_s-_s6~„ +r1 st,..,h,wnsry,.adarnt,on wh,ch s m wn4, ,astir s, ov~d<d by s«d note o unl rmodihcahon o exien>ron <br />thereof, and allasv - eea ri shall pay r of ,h-own (ones for taxes wr p m h ~ p parry desa,bed tiara n or future cash od+anee <br />mane mode by th g to th raoregagd- h tact s r m ode for ony purpose vt y t beta h lease and canceller on of rhn mortgage (prrnid <br />ed that the wd ad bts~faTre -' uh'4he p <pal baton a rive err the t me of the s d d em h U of e,ceea the err gmal omoum of the mortgage <br />and provded further, a r,a""T~ring'h`e`r'ui 'rdnlm'hed `shvti be conadared os I~mnmg .he omoums rhnr shall be sewrad hereby when advanced ro praea the securny <br />ccordrnce with the c acts contained herein) shall constitute the debt owing ro a,d Assoaanov and by sa,d n a a,d mongngors promise to pay said <br />debt arsd is»eresr m the Assocwfwn m monthly insraliments os prov,ded .n s«d nine nl even date harewnh Unless mod~hed or wended the final pnymem o due <br />360 month, tram data <br />Mortgagors funkier agree to pay, bef«e delinquency, the su urod hereby, and all to and charges of ev y chnrocrer rns sell or n .v due, under <br />the laws of Nebroskq upon said real esata, and upon rhn mongagesorethe n or dabs se red hereby, m keep the bmld~ngs upon smdapremises m red (or bre <br />and extended c arage r ompany o ompanies o ceptabla ro mortgagee fur an mount nor less than the .slue vl the 6vAd,ng. as derermmeds 6t' them r <br />tgagw or the unpaid balanc of the ban, whmhever is Ims; io kxp all xnpro inners .n good rapmr and candino wndow waste dur,ng the Lle of rhn mongaye, <br />and ro permit morlgogee « As ogeN to enter upon said Dramatis tp examine the condinon ni sa,d improvemenh m wrier ro ensure compimnce herewnh <br />Should defouh ba made in poymem of the s umd hereby, « any pan thereat, and m,d delvuh c ,for s xry 1601 Jays. a should sa,d in ur <br />rot ba promptly eF{ected or taxes err msassmenrs not fie pmd 6alma delnquancy, err default m any of the ra s of the „era ter wh,ch rh,s manguga u ancr <br />or said properly sdd « tronsferrad by deed. contract, option, ea otherwise, wahou, appra al o supplemental applican«, fora umpnon of th scm <br />tgoge and the debt evida,ced thereby, by the Avoeianon, m .n case of ladura w duly observe and vba govam<d by rt,e provs~ons and mnda,ons of the Chonm, <br />By-taw o} w,d As lesion, and colas and regulations of The Fedsml Savings and loon $Y,lem, or .f scoured 6t' mongvge .m a orpo.m:onx m pay .n add- <br />ition tits tM option of the Assxrotian, rho pre s (or said in n r the d,s<overy 6t' the Auocia,on, o ~ olhca rhnr any of the staremanrs contaned <br />n th. applicana, {« the ban executed 6t' mortgagor a lalseroor d a m. lien, addmonol mongoge, mechon,ns hen, o other a umb,anca n tiled of ,a ord <br />which impose o lien nss the above dascobad raalseastota. than the whole of sine mdabredne>s remam~ng unpaid sbdl m thx opnon of rho sod Ass«wnon. <br />becom. due and payobb wdhaur nmVCa, time being the essence of rho contract <br />Should morlgog«s foil to keep the bmldings insured, ns herein ngreed, o, Tint ro pay real estate texas m,d spec~ai asunmanrs an the s,~•-~ n,,,ngagnd pro <br />prry 6elore dehrpuenry, m«tgagea may riled sdd ,ns r ,pay . s and m a pram,vms. «,d all wch payn,anrs, w~rh ,inmost <s p~.~.•aeJ .n the b, sr <br />mortgage r,We ucurod by rhn mortgage, shalt 6a o C«, upon raid prem,u> and secured hereby <br />the morsgagon haroby relinquish all homestead and marital nght> of Query kind in and ro the sod pram,ses <br />For tM purpose of fumahmg fwrha sncunty for the debt sa urod hereby, the mongogon hereby ossyo r.nnslar aaJ se v n the mongoyeu, m bn uppl,ad <br />toward the payment of the noes and all other su tad hereby, . of a defauh .n the pedormonce of any of rho room and cendn,vns vl phis mongaye v <br />rise said MIe, all the renh, revenues, an income to fie denvad from the mortgaged premnas during wch rime ns the mongaye ~ndebtndnnss shell remain unpo,d, <br />and tM mortgagee ehdl hrne power to appoint any vgent, « agents, it may desire far the purpose of repa,nng sod pram~ses o„d of rcn ,rig ,he taco and collect <br />irsg tM belt, rMMYGr, and income, and a may pay our of said n<ome all expnms of ,apon mg sod Dramatis anJ necassmy <ommas~ans. and expenses mcuaoJ <br />n renting and managing the wmr, end of collening reaals theroFrom; rho Lwimce re mng J any, to ba appluJ coward the duohvrge al sa~J m ngoye ,miedted <br />nets Mortgagee shall account for teen actwlly calednd and nor for rho ramol value aF smJ premsm <br />If the indabredness secwed hereby fie guarameed or insubd under the Servmemeri s Readjustment Act. a m„ndad. wch A<r and Rao~lot,ons nsuod share <br />vmisr and in effect on the dare hueof shall gov n Ilse right, dories and tiabiliries of rho Dames hereto, a any pro.inons o4 rh,s o other .nsrrumams a.e,ured <br />m mnnecfron mrh said indebtedna>s which tiro in<omi>tent with aid Act « Regulations are Iubby amended w caalonn the,eio <br />The terms used to designate any of the Dottie, her .poll be deemed tv include rho heat, rapre mat:vus succrosn,s and ass,gas nl sod cw , as nr,J ,ha <br />term "MMgagor' shall abo include any lawful awnec holder « pladgor d any ~ndebradness secured hereby <br />i-9 79I 10R pumt,le) <br />