<br />`; _-
<br />z~ ~ made amd entered into thi. . .~„Lp-~,n d•T et .C1.,.~,aa
<br />14~,hyaadhetweea James E. and .Linda A. Eilta, husband and wife, ~~ii
<br />(hereinafter referred to m rsor[gagor) and the Administrator of the Small Business Adeninistratim, m agency of the:
<br />fovernmevt of the United States of America (hereinafter referred to as mortgagee j, who-maiatairr aa:a6te=and
<br />plaeeofbadaen 't Empire State Building, 19th & Farnam Streets, Omaha, Nebraska 68162
<br />~tt~ra, that Ear the eosauderatioa heeaiaafter stated, receipt of which .is 7 to
<br />mort6agardaes hatehy mortgage, sell, ttran4 astggp, and convey--unto-the ,mortgagee,_his -ate awi~oa~,e11
<br />of the folbwiog described property situated sad beioli is the County of 11911
<br />State of Nebraska.
<br />Lot One, (1) in Joehncks Subdikision H~, Hall, Cotinty, Nebraska.
<br />More expliciaely described in Exhibit !(",., ,See attached.
<br />Together with and including all buildings, ail fixtures including but not limited !o ail plumbing, heating, lght•
<br />ing, ventilating, refrigerat(ng, incinerating, air rnnditioning apparatus, and elevators (the mortgagor hereby
<br />declaring that it in inteadeJ that the items herein enumerated stall hr deemed to have been permanently in-
<br />stalled as part of the rcaltv),and all improvements now ar hereafter existing thereon; the hrreditaments and
<br />appurtettanees and ail other rights thereunto brlongipg, or in anywise appertaining, atu( lire reversion and re-
<br />versions, retttainder and remainders, all rights of redemption, and the rents, issues, and profits of-the above
<br />deseribad preperty (provided, however, that the mortgagor shall hr entitled 'to the possession of said property
<br />and to ealleet and retain the rents, issues, and profits until dtlault hereunder), Tn have and to hold the same
<br />unto the-n-~~e-a:~tl'#lse. t;ue~=attri, is ia~eestsf the tortgagee fot~rer in fra sitrtple or xuch other astute,
<br />if any; as is'stairdheccin.
<br />Ttie'etert~agor coveatttiis thaT ho is lawfully seised and possessed of and hue the right to sell and convey said
<br />property; tliktit tha sattte is Pere fram dl encumbrances except u he[einabove recited; and that he hereby binds
<br />hiweII end his succavson in interest to warrant and deiead the title aforesaid thereto and every part thereof egaiast
<br />the claliw oF' all peewas whomsoever.
<br />This instrument is given to secure the payment o[ a pmmiseory note dated
<br />in,the priappal sum of ii 55, 006, 00 , sigoed'hY James E, and Linda A. F.i1ts .
<br />in l,whalt at, themselves.
<br />,ae r.,,. 99, U-1a) Ind,m rroi.., •.. ob.~•u.
<br />