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$~-~- 004577 <br />SHORT FORM <br />PROPlPRTY LMPROVEMENT <br />FORM No. 217 tRSY. 11f7J1 <br />Loan Number_ 45209____ __~_ 5b <br />REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE <br />KNOW ALL MEN BY THGBE PRESENTS <br />~jgjAT,_.____Gldon Dean Sich and Karen JoAnn Sich husband and wifei jointly and each M <br />in their own right, ------------------ <br />`heseirtafter called Mortgagors, is consideration of the farm of_FIVE_THODSAND SEVEN HUNDRED j~I_.„ <br />... ............. .... <br />.....BND..5.811GA.----------------------=--._-.~: ~--..-c.-=.-~ r.-.c.-=-c.-~_ c.:.-~_s~ ~... <br />{S 5, 709.58 ) ~LLARS, ~ retxdFt of which is hereby acknowledged, ~ hereby MORTGAGE <br />and CONVEY an absolute title, indnding all the rights of homest~d and inheritance, unto FIRST <br />FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION OF LINCOLN, NEBRASKA, hereinafter called <br />Mortgagee, its auccesaols and assigns, the following deetxibed reel etttate, situated in.._...._Hall____-,.__,_„,_ <br />County, State of NEBRASKA, to-wit: <br />hot Four (4) in Block Three (3) except the easterly 'two 2) <br />feet thereof i.n Dodd & Marshall's Addition to the mown of <br />Wood River, Hall County, Nebraska. <br />TL IIAb'E AND TO IiOLB the :sal Mate above descril~d, with all appurtenances theteuaW <br />belonging unto the said Mortgagee, forever, provided always, and this mortgage is upon the express con- <br />ditraoH that i# the afare:3aid Mortgagors, theia hairg, esecatora. administrators or areigna shall pay err caure <br />to be paid to the said Mortgagee, its succe~ars err °°°~gas, tht: pxwcipal sum hereinabove set forth. all <br />atxortting to the tenor and effect of a certain installment note of said Mortgagors bearing even date with <br />this mortgage, and shall pay taus and asgeeementa levied upon said real estate, and all other taxes, levies <br />and assessments levied upon this mortgage or the note which this mortgage is given to secure, before the <br />game or any installment thereof becomes delinquent, then the mortgage to be void, otherwise to remain <br />in full force. <br />TT IS FIJRTHER AGREED (1) 't'hat if the said Mortgagor shall fail to pay such taxes, the <br />Mortgag may pay the same and the sum so advanced with interest shall be paid by, said Mortgagors, <br />and this wortgage shall stand as secunty for the same. (2) That Mortgagors covenant with the 1ti4ortgagee <br />that they are lew#u11y seized of ~vd real Mate and covenant to warrant and defend the said real egtate <br />against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever. (3) That in case of a #oreeiosure of this mortgage, <br />the plaia±iff ir. st~h proceedings shaIl 6e entitled to take posss~on of the premises, protect the same and <br />celled the rents, issues sad profile thereof. (4) That a failure to pay any of gaid money or any instsll- <br />ment thereof when the same betxmxes due, or a failure to comply oath any of the foregoing agreements, <br />ghall caui9e the whale sum of money herein secured to bts»me due and collectible at ontx at the option of <br />the Mortgagee. <br />Signed this.-_.~ of .................dugus ...... ...,,................ ............., 19....8 ... <br />~, <br />Karen John Sich <br />sT.~xs of N>;axAS~,a <br />......._......___....Hall.----Cou°tv. ~ ~ <br />the this ........~~. L............ day o! ......._~~~~'.._......., 19».80betore me, the undersigned. a Notary Public, in and for <br />Eldon Dean Sich sad Karen .IoMn Sith, husband and wife, ---- <br />said Coun4y. pecaoneliy came ..............._..........».._._.._._......._..._.._...--_............................_...................._......_............_..............__..._.. <br />peeaOnrlly ~a to me k, be the identical persons where ravaes are armed to the ahovo and foregoing instrument, as <br />mwrlmsgora, and each ackaewledged avid imtr~ent to-6e his or her vduatery act sad dna<I. <br />witaeaa my hand and mtarial sari at......_G._~~1.,...~t~kzz~.alc~......._.........._ .............................................- <br />the date last above written. <br />.. <br />1 t GEatMt XOTARY-at~1, N MNruM'r:::~:f':6.,~,... ..~.,.._~-:: -w`;•.~.-:..-NOtar'Y Prblia .._. <br />i., CONNI£ S. 8A4E8 <br />My ~ -.. ....t ~_.~_~.~~.1f.A9at ».........._......_......».». <br />