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<br />g~ _,t) U 4 5 7 6 ~ A ~ RTGAG E
<br />THIS INDENTUkE, mods thle 26th day of AUQUSt. ,..Ig,~~. _-
<br />6y and-`bakeroaa
<br />Oene E. Haying-and Carol J. Haying, husband and°wife,-each in his dad..her own r'i`i~d:
<br />as spouse of the other,
<br />~ Ha 11 County, Nebraska, ea mortgagor S ,and Grand Island Trust Company. of Grand:Islmd.. a corperaticn
<br />organised and erieting under the laws of Nebraska with its prendpel office and-place of business at G"tend Island, ~Nelimaka, as mortgagee:
<br />WITNESSETH: Thateaid mortgagor S , for aml in trousideratfon of the enm of _ - - -
<br />the receipt of which es hereby aolmowledged, do _ by these pteaente mortgage and warratrt'f~n -
<br />foeever, aU the folbwing described real estate, situated N the County of __. _._._~ Hd l 1 ~ ~•~
<br />azd State o[ Nebraska, w•wet:
<br />The North One-Half (Nz) of Lot Forty-Two (42) in Block "p" in Parkview
<br />Subdivision of a Part of the West Half (W~) of the Northwest Quarter (NWq}
<br />of Section Twenty-Eight (28) and the East Half (Et--2) of the Northeast Quarter
<br />(NE) of Section Twenty-Nine (29), Both in Township, El even (11) North, Range
<br />Nine (9}, West of the Sixth (6th) P.M., In Hall County, Nebraska.
<br />Together w#th all heating, air ecrmlitiooing, fighting, and plutnbitrg equipment and fixtures. including scroens. awnings, swan windows aad
<br />doors, turd window shades or blinds, used on or in connection with said property, whether the name are now Irxated on said property or hereafter
<br />phrced thereon.
<br />'CO HAVE AN D TO HOLD THE SAME, together with ell and singular the tenamente. hereditnmente and eppunenancss thereunto be-
<br />tutz(¢ag, or is aaywiea appertaining, forever, and warrant the title w the seams. Said morgagor _5_---hereby covenant _.__- with .aid
<br />mar~agae that _. t he-v-_,_-_ _ dre_ . at the ddiven herraf, the lawful owner t,,, rrf the peamicws above ranvrrysd and dosrriheci.
<br />atsd_._~.,: °. ~izat! of a freod and ia~f€aaible eaiata of inheritance tlaersin, free and clear nt a!1 encnmbrana-^a, and that.-__~tta _~__ :+•i!!
<br />warrant and defend the title therew forever against the eleitne and demands of all pwaons whomsoever.
<br />i'ROViDED ALWAYS,andthis instrument is executed and delivered CO Strure the payment of [he sum oL _- - ..._-. -_._ --_-._....
<br />_Eloven-Titnusand..Si.r..Hundred-Plinety_F.i.ve_~inllars_.alui_001i10>~Duarris .-i-1-,fi15..i1t1__- --__-_!.
<br />with interest thereon, wgether with such charges and adventxa as may bu due and payable w said mortgagee under the leans and cundi[iunr
<br />of the promissory rwte of even date herewith and secured hereby, executed by raid mortgagor _S-- to said mortgagee. payable as exprcxd
<br />is said note, and w errcttre the performance of ail the terms and wnditione contained therein. 'Che leans of said note are hemby incorporateal
<br />herein by this referetrce.
<br />It is the intention and ngeeameat of the parties hereto that Chia mortgage shall also secure any future advances made w said mortgngor.5_
<br />by said mortgagee, and say end all itrdebtadnusx in addition to cha amount shove stated whirl, raid murtgogors, or any ni them, may owe to
<br />said mortgagee, imwevar evidmtaetl, wheL`.w by rwte, book account or otherwise. This ttrortgage shall ranrnin in full lone and et(ect betwt,ur
<br />the parties heew and their hairs, pnraonal reproeentatives, aucceaeors and nsrigns, until ni! amounLa rrav rani hereunder, including hewn•
<br />ndvtmcea, are paid in full with interest.
<br />Tire mortgagor 5_._... hereby assign -. w said mortgagee all rents and income arising at any and all limey from quid property and
<br />hereby authorise said nmrtgagW ur its agent. nt iv option, upon deieult, co ta4e charge of said property and colla:t all rents nod inc,aue
<br />thmefrem and apply the same to the peyatent of Interest, priociprl, insuratt~ premiums, texas, eaaraemeats, repairs or inrprovanwnts
<br />zreceeaerry w keep said proper4y io tenantable rnnditton. or to o4hec chargaa or pa,yaran[s provided far heroin or in the note hereby naxurvJ. '1'hr.,
<br />nun. assignment shall continua in forty until the unpaai balanrw of said note is fatly paid. The tskurg of Iwaaessiun hen;unJer shall in nn mwmrr
<br />ptwaot m' retard saki arortgsgee in the collection of aeia soma by foreclosure or otherwise.
<br />The (allure of the rortgagee w assert any of its regh4s hereunder at any tune shall noL bs cunatruai as a waiver of its right to a..s.!rt tiro
<br />saroa at any later time, seal w izleis4 upon std eofona+ strict corapliaace with uu the teraw and provvsiony of said Hula and u€ thin nwrtgage.
<br />if seed mortgagog shall cause to he paid w said tntutgagea the entire amouut due i[ hereunder, nrsl wdsr Lhn tunas and proviswn..
<br />of said rote hereby secured, includiog future advew:as, sad any extensions or renewals thereof in at~confam:a with the tanru and provisions
<br />thereof, and if said mort$agor...S___ shall ramply wi4h eL the provisions of said sots end of this mortgage, then ihaso proawrW shell tre voui,
<br />othnrwlee to.raauia is foil force andetfect, and soul mortgagee shall be enti4led w the possession of ell of said parparty, and nu+y, at its option,
<br />declsre the whole of said cote and edl fntiebtednesa represented thereby w be itnmadiaWly duo aad payable, and tney foreclose thi trwrtgagc
<br />or take aqy other legal action w protect its right. Appraisarsent waived.
<br />Thin mozLgage shall he binding upon apd shall enuro to the benefit of thn heirs, oxrxuwre, aainuneatrawra, sutrosaora nraf asaigtw u! the
<br />reepectlve parties hcveto.
<br />1N WITNE,9S WHEREOF, said Mortgagor rr..- irs .lte._. herqunw sat. _ -. hand .~. _.. the day and year first above
<br />written. 1- ~ ._ +
<br />l~ti ,g f, ~--..
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<br />f'arol J. tit,y~iny ~.
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