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_ . f _w.,~ <br />$Q....~04575 N~f9tRTGAtfiE <br />THIS tNDEN4iTR&, made fhb 30th. ~y ~ Senteltiber Ift ~:'sy<ane aet»~em <br />Philip E. Krieser and Cheryl A. Krieser husband sort-wife, Bach in-hts"arrd her owls <br />right and aS soouse of the other <br />~ Ha11 County, Nebrmka, m mortgagor_S_, and frond Ialmd Trust Company of Ormd Iclsorl; a crorporation <br />otgartized and esiating under the laws of Nebraska with its principal office sad pleca of bosiaem et Orate Island-,- Nebisakn, es i.latgngNe; <br />WITNESSETH: Thata.idmortgagOr S ,for eadintt+naidarationofthemmof _ <br />Ten Thniitand Eiftaan rin7larc a,pd (I(']fl(1Q *************yq'y~'"ItUffih'stlF'~l`~*~~5 ~['{' ),: _ <br />the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, do _ by these presents mortgage and warrmE aaei~sr <br />forever. ell the following described real estate, situated in the County of ~.~' ~ 1~l`- _ ~ . ~ - - - <br />and 9tats of Nebrmka, to-wit: '" ~ - - - - .... ~- <br />Lot Twenty Two (22}, in Marylane Subdivision, Hall County, Nebraska. <br />Together with s!I heating, air waditioning, tightirrg, end plumbing equipment and fixtures, including scream, awnings, storm windows and <br />char, and window sbades ur blinds, us~l an or in maned»n with said property, whether the acme are now located nn said property or hereafter <br />placed thereon. <br />TO HAVE AND TO HOLD THE SAME, together with ell cad singular the tenements, hereditammts and nppurtamnces thereunto be- <br />longing, or is anywise appartniaing, forayer, cad warrant the title to rho same. Said morgagor~herehy covenant-___wi€h said <br />mortgagee chat - ~ he._... .- ___- -di~~ , at the delivery hereof, the lawful owner ' of the prerois~ elx+va tronveyed and described, <br />t <br />sad __ aaizad :d a goad and indefeasible estate cf inhsritanaa therein, free and ilaar of ad ancumhrancx-a, ami chat...__hs =will <br />watrartc eml defend tl[e side thereto forever against the claims sod demands of aU tcxsons whomsoever. <br />PROYIDED ALW AYS, and this imtrument ie eaecuted and delivered to secure the payment of [he sum of ~_ <br />__ Ten Thousand Fifteen _dollars_and_00/100,************** 10 015 00 <br />_- - -___ _ ~IlarslS. _ _r-- ---------t. <br />_ _ _ _ <br />with interest thnrean. together with such charges and advmcea ea may be due and psyeble to said mortgages under the terms and conditions <br />of the promissory note of even date herewith and secured hereby, ezecu[ed by said mortgagor. 5 to said mongngee. paynble as axpreasad <br />in acid note, ettd W axwe the pertormaace of all the terms and ronditfona contairted therein. The terms of said note are hereby incorporated <br />hernia by this reference. <br />IC ie the intmtioa and agreement of the partim hereto that this murtgpgn shall also secure any future advances roads to said mortgagor S _ <br />by said nwrtgagee, sad any sad ell indnbtedaess in addikion to the amount above stated whin, said mortgagors, or my ct them, may owe to <br />said mortgagee, however evidenced, whether by rrote, book account or otherwise. 'I'hia mortgage shall remain in full force and effect laetwexm <br />the parties hereto amf they heirs, pareonal representatives, suceeseoro and a»signs, until all amounts satvrod hnrour[der, ineludirtK (u[un• <br />advances, ore paid in full with interest. <br />'l'he mortgagor S trerebY usatgn -- to said mortgagee all rmta and income urieing at unY and all tunas frem seat prt~perty mttl <br />hereby authorise said mortgagee or iW agent, et its option, upon default, to take charge of said properly cad caUact all rents anti incontr <br />tharehom and 9pply i~ e•~ to the payment of frrtareet, priaeipal, iseurarlce premiums. rasp, amssemmta, repass or irnpttwemm[.n <br />t[awaaary to keep said property in teomtable madition, or to other charges or payments provided for herein or in the note hereby secured. This <br />rent apigrtmmt shall mntiaue in force until the unpaid b_ lmc~e of said note w fully paid. Thn taking nt pvasession hermmtar shall in nu manner <br />peasant or retard said- tooetgagas u the roltection of eai[f sums by tareckreurv ar otherwise. <br />The Sailuro of the mortgagau to eaaert any of lta righW horeurzdar ei any time shall rsut br construed tta a wa+vrr nl i.a rittht to a;+aas4 the <br />aaoas at my later time, sad to racist upon and eatoroa strict compkaace with all the terms and pruvt9ians of said ants sear of [ni., mor[,taga- <br />If said mortgagor $ shell cause to ba paid to said mortgagee thn satire amoum dos it hereunder, and uatlar-the [arms and provissms <br />of avid notes h~ry aacttrad, including luruca advances, end any eatemiuna or reeewala thatauf in naxcrrdmca with the terms and pnw+ssms <br />rluxeof, cad if said off, S .shall comply will: ell the provieiom of said noW cad of this mortgage, then these orvnents shall ba void, <br />rrtherwiee to rearm in filll force sad afie¢t, sod acid mortgagee shall baentitisd to the poaseasior. of aH of said Property, and may. at its optmn. <br />datdare the wlwb o[ said sa4 and elf indebtsdnpa represented thereby to bo immediately dun and payabW, artd may foreclare this tnurtgsge <br />or Coke aqv other k+gal action to protaot ib right. Appreiaement waived. <br />This mortgage shall 6e bindingapm and shell cotes to the becefit of the heirs, eaetvtora, edmeniatrewra, aucceeaors and assigns n1 the <br />respsttfva pertim hereae. <br />1N WITNESFF WHERkYJF, said Mortgagor.__~_ha tip. hereunto sar.___t}]f.lY_._..___ hmd~_.the day aml ypr first abovv <br />written. - <br />__._ <br />- --------- - <br />.r~es <br />t. cry {,rleser <br />