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8V° GV ~~f3v <br />- ~Y~ i~'l~atgd~Lklfi- - - ,... <br />'ibia> IDidC atad entered into ibis r~ fO ~ dq of fYLLAlt$ <br />19 ~L',byand between Richard E. Bellows and Barbara- A. Bellows - - <br />(hereinafter referred to u mortgagor) and the Administrator of the Sma11 Bu®ads Admiaishatieo, as agency of-the <br />Government-ef the United States of America (hereinafter inferred m as mortgagee). who maintainti ~:rd~e _~q] <br />pLee~bounesaatEmpire State Building, 19th & Farnam Streets, Omaha, Nebra_ska•68102 <br />tQesitEesa'eer.' that for the oonadention bereinafter stated, receipt of wbirl3t:is here6:y aeltootsletl~edr~ke <br />'mortgagor does heraby mortgage; Bell, grant. assign, and convey into tbe- mortgagee, bin soseessora sari ataigay;:aB <br />of the following dncribed property aitoated sad being in the Canty of Aall <br />State of Nebraska <br />A tract of land comprising 30.005 acres; more or'less, <br />located in a part of the Southeast Quarter (SE'y)'.of ~~. - <br />section 2b, Township 12 North, Range 11, West of the <br />6th P.M., and particularly described in the survey <br />n and plat thereof hereto attached and incorporated by <br />reference, and marked Exhibit "A"; <br />Together with and ineludiag all buildings, all fixtures inefuding but not limited to alf pfnmhing, h¢xtfrtg, light- <br />ing, ventilating, refrigerating, incinerating, air conditioning uppacalu., anJ rlevalorn (the mortttagur herebv <br />declaring That it is intended tha! the items herein enmmrruteal .hall br dere+rd d+ have hero permanemly im <br />stalled as part of the realty},and off improvements now or hrreaftrr rxiain¢ thereon; the heredilamenlb and <br />eppurtenanees and-all gthee rights thereunto belonging, or in anywise appertaining, and the reveroion and rr- <br />versions, remainder and rcmairrders, off rights of redemption, and the rents, issues, and profits ul' the above <br />described property (prgvidrd, hgwrveq that the mortgagor shall br entitled io the possrssioo of s:+id profrrm~ <br />and to collect and retainihe rents, issu¢s, and profits until default hrreondrr). Ta have and to hold the same <br />unto the-mortgagee and the suece>sgrs in interest of the mortgagee forever in fee sineple or such other estate, <br />if any, as fa stated heroin. - <br />The mortgagor coreaaats that heu lawfully seised and possessed of and hss the right to sell and convey said <br />property: that the same ie free from all encumbrances except ae hereinabove recited; and that he heroby binds <br />himself and his succeeepfs warrant and defend the title aforesaid thereto and every part thereof against <br />the ciainr of all peraaoa wLomeoever. <br />:saeroinu b~ ~tidchard E. and Barbara A. Bel.locas. <br />This imtrumeat fa given to eecure the payment of /~~s~r y ~te a e <br />in the pripeipal nom of ~ 44, 500:00 ~, signed by the President and Secretary .n ~ ~ ` ~~ ~ ~`' _~ ~ _ "~`~Y- <br />in Ivbaliwf BELLOWS OUTDOOR ADVERTISING, INC. ' '`~`" <br />laA raew 9rT 13-'Tel rr.,l.u. Ldlaou .n Ob,sl.~.. <br />