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;.(- <br />- _ __ _ <br />_ -- -_- - <br />52-A-REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE-(With Tax Clause) (RevESed 7962) 1te HaIImaa Gmeal supply rrpat®, Linda, Xdu -~ <br />V V Zvv s <br />IKD:4W ALL MF.N BY THESE PRESENTS: That A. Rex Blair and Beverly J. Blair - <br />i <br />of ~ Hal l County, and State of Nebraska , in rnnsitteration of the arm of <br />Sixteen Thousand Two Hundred Seventy and 00/100---------------------____~____ Df)LLnR;r <br />to hand paid, do hereby SELL and CANVEY unto FIVE POINTS BAAIK <br />of ~ 11 County, State of Nebraska the fallowing descrbed premises situated <br />'~, in Hall County, and Staff of Nebraska , to-wit: " <br />Lot Two (2), Block Ten (10), Joehnick's Addition to the City of <br />Grand Island, Hail County, Nebraska <br />The intention being to convey hemhy an absolute title in [ee simple, including all the rights of homestead and dower. <br />"PO HAVE AND TO HOLD the pn•mises amve described. with all the appurtenances thereunto belonging, unto the said <br />mongagee(sF and to his, her ur rheir I. and assigns forever, provided always, and these pre. ents are upon the eapreas <br />condition that if the said mortgagnrts i. 'hiss her or their heirs, a cvvmrs, administrators a assigns shat! pay or cause to Ire <br />paid m the said mortgagee (s1, his. her or their he; rs, exea:utors, administrators or assigns, the principal sum of g 16, 270.00 <br />payable as follows. m wit <br />Payable en or before 180 days, February 1b, 1981 <br />d3`l~: AL•gUSt 20, 19cO U <br />with interest a rording to thc• tenoc et3ect ut the murtgsgu rs wri[trn prumt. notr hearing e~76i3arakir+tir~hi+r~n <br />and shell pay all tales and assessmentsulevird u)x~o lard real es rate, and all other taxes. !ovies end assessmen Ls I_vted upon this ~• <br />mortgage r the notes "whieh this mortgage is given to sews, before the s;nne bemrnes delmqucni. and keep the buildings on <br />said premises is ured for the eu r,t $ 16, 270.00 ,loss, if any, payable to the said mortgagee. then these presents <br />to be void, otherwise to be and r~ ate n full force. <br />IT IS FtJR'PHER AGRF. F.D (Ur That if the said murtga gor shall fail u. pay such razes or pnx-u re such ua ae, rho <br />said mortgagee may pay such taxes and procure such insuruno e; and thr a advanced, with interest at r 14 n pee <br />cent, shall 6e repaid by said n ortgagor, and this tr ortgage shall stand a u•cu rib! fur the same. l'~1 't`hat a failure to pay vay <br />of said money. either principal o interest, when the wme becomes due, ur a failure W comply wi Ur any u( the foregoing <br />agreements, shall cause the whore sum of money herein secured to become due and collecaible at unw at the option of the <br />mortgagee. <br />Sie red this 20th day of August t9 80 , <br />/ ~; ~ <br />STATE Or'.... .~~~i4-t=~~A t~ounty of 'la!? <br />Beioro rite, s notary public qualitled fur scud cwnty, ~orsw+ally carne A. Hex Blair stxSc.SireMeuyl~x.kx~s'.srmc <br />known to me to tx the identical penao r persona who signed the foregoing :LiivEruhtent rip a'~krrn~~7~ 7 {ire exev.ution j <br />i T~"(~*4'F~~FIF'3trtaYMNrs'C <br />thera~tpybga{tigk~~~sj ct and decd. t _' WILLIAM W MAp9H ' <br />ALL m <br />~itrie'aq~il~~h~ll~a~ t~t seat n AuS.49.x ~0 .... T9 8 atvt ^,~r Een Nov a t9a2 <br />~ s <br />My esuuuissien expires: ...... i <br />STATE UF.... ... ...._ .. Entereri on numertcat index and t'ilerF fur rd <br />County ~ ~~ in the Register of Deeds Office of sold Cowriy the <br /> of.-_-_-.....__.......-._...____._._...., 19__._.. _. at.... .. _.._.. . _o chx:k and......... minutes M., <br />and eerrorded in Rouk-......... __...... _. . .of...... ..._.._.. page. .__... ..___.._._._... <br />......_..__...._._...__... _--.._ ........ .......... Reg. of Deeds j <br />i <br />By.... Devuty <br />