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1 ' REAL ESTRTE HBRTGAGE roan Fte zoe-aa (aev. > 3~; . '~ <br />gA ran ~--`-- , <br />Date Aug,SSt- 15>.19&1- - i !i <br />,: <br />Gerald F. Krolikowski and Joyce C. Krolikowski, husband and wife <br />Mortgegbls, - <br />of Hall Count}, Nebraska in consiaerselon ai - <br />Che advance of the principal sum reel ted in the note hereinafter described, reeef Rt of which 1s acknowledged, aereby <br />mortgage and convey to - - - <br />THE FEDERAL LAND BANK OF ONANA, a Corporation, - - <br />of Omaha, Douglas County, Nebraska, whose address <br />is Farm Credit Building, Omaha, Nebraska 68f00, - <br />Mortgagee (subject to ail, gas, and mineral rights o~aned by parties other than Morcgagars; exl sC Sng easements of - <br />recortl; reservations in I1nl ced States and State natentsi and cne rights of the Rubl!c In ell .`,ighways ), thefollowing- <br />descrlbed real estate in Hall County, Nebraska <br />SEC. 7WP. RO. <br />Lot 9 in Elock 2 in Dodd and Marshall`s Addition to <br />Wood River - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 19 lON 11 W 6th P.M. <br />er e, ii~s <br />improvamene ,.tares ~r .~~nGPt. ~t,m:m<<, non rr .er ~+r+. ~., .d,~ :,r... ., r.r..r ~.4..1:.^ent, .xcures- <br />Sces, and the furnishings-evstomarily or app^~qrl ar..1;J 1~7-. u_a ny ~rr.. .nci~a.ap, JUC[ ~ lamlced cu, <br />mirrors, screens, v+l ndorvs, Storm r~'lndovas :t;id io.m~, ~,+trt~eLtitP, "rod ,tter : irt~.i" ~o~•nrlnu-+, :n-a-duur betls, um lags, <br />stoves, retrlgei:scars, sealer heaters, 'ur norditloner^, !mmtdLrl et :;. lieerth -md "i repl r~•e vyu lpment, :! !' rvhiah <br />are declared to he x parr of the real ostato, whether ;.hysioally ~attach'rd t;t?reto ^r net, ::ntl deemed ~:~partlwt ct <br />the securl ty for the indebtedness here loaf ter :iescribed. <br />This mortgage is given t.. secure a promissory net= ~•. ever. hate hvrewl th, execute: by nor;. g::KCrs to `10rtga.,ee, in <br />the principal sum nt SEVENTEEN THOUSAND EIGHT HUNDRED AND NO/100 - - - - - - - - - - 'r~i;,LaR:'. <br />payable In instaLmenrs wl th interest ar.cordtng to the reins oY ::el' ^ote. the tzsr lost°ll invent being due >ind n:+y- <br />able on the first day of April, 2005 I'h1s cpnveyanr.e :haL` be v: ~!d upon the payment ;_ sal,: <br />promissory note. <br />The Mortgagors agree to pay, It requescetl by Mortgagee, on eactr In'tal?meat date, to -:Irl Clan to [he .sums teed <br />In the above-desarl bed R!•omissory note, alum equrtl to the. aatovnt determined by the norrgagee reyu irrd ro n~o~tnnrl'ar.e, <br />and pay the Insurance premiums on poi tai es of fSre =u:U other haLard Snsurwlce roverin.- '.he mortgaged premises, .uui <br />t.ha real estate taxes and assessments due nn cha tccrfgn.-=d praml ae, 16 days Sv~Inr r trio r~ dat~•s t!;ereaf. <br />the event abet the Sums accrued for the payment cP the ^;tid pram LUns, t. r-amen„ :u cu rCtrl,:,,r <br />Martgegors will, upon re9;resc. VaY such ~ddltlonal ;um~ irlor to rh 1~. .ace nere~ut. a- -~.rns r q the <br />shall De applied on Ct:e ltrinc tpat balanne until ;;uoh time n>. they ar.~ wlrhdr~twu Cy ^t.:rtg~cer ."ur the ;•u7/niant q, <br />Bald premiwns, taxes, or assessments. <br />'i'U.Ss mortgage is subJ eat to the pruvl sicr„ oY 'CRh FARM ~`RElt t'P ACT sail nll nuts smen4a[a:v ~herecf ~~ =u,~ple:nrnt ai <br />Chere Lp. 'Che procekds of the Loan seouretl hereby wilt ho ~aed `or the parpo9ez~. S, etlticd~ka Lh^ 'ta t't q:SrnrS' 'lppli- <br />cation -'or Bald lone ^ntl %-u r_horizetl Dy said Act. <br />The t;orCgagors, ahU each ct thorn, her:~by r:nrrant that theS yr tea - n.r .- r :ttrg, - eel ~ ~•-; --.. lh~°r <br />wlll de Iona the tl Lle against. 11 clsimar;ts whumseever, sand that said property th_ri. <br />they will keep all [he improveatonts, flxturea, and ?,.putt .n=mt.e„ ru.ur 1 .~,1 aml L; k,o. ~. ,u ~, rl .~ _ ,rr s n <br />waste; and they will relinqul sh al.l rights of homestead lu said premises, vhd~eve!rmt ~.~ r, ~ ~•eith uu~ *¢+ri c~tu.~~r~, <br />as fol.tows: <br />(i) That they will pay When due all taxes, lions, ]Wpments, or ~tssess7nHUts ;ehl~:h map be Luuful _y us<:.~ssed ~:.i,ulny.. <br />the property herein mortgaged, <br />(2j 7nat they will insure and keep Lnsured Uui Ldl ngs rr ocher improvements nu's ono ;ehirn n:.y llere:>ttr, oe plnceu <br />an said prem16F9 to the sat LSfaati on oT Che Mortgagee, 9ucttlns~,u :mee , ley shall b- cu~_tor>.~.1 ::'. L.h a r; tr;hgo c!a,tse <br />or <br />wSth the loss therawrAer Co be payable to the Mnr Y.gagee. ;,tty sums reealved may Ce ~na~a ~ P=.Y for ratans levetlo^ <br />oP the destroyed Improvements; or, if not so applied, mrly, ac the cptl ou <~t tLe s±nrt gogee, he nppl i.'d iu l"=?'maut o, <br />any indebtedness, matured nr unmaturotl, secured ny [his mortva,<. <br />(3j That In the event the Mortgagee is s ,,,r[y to ~~rny r1L1 lay - tl .q ~t --rlr i •-a ;~ort- <br />gage, Sndluding any su1C by-t,lle Mortgages to toter^1452 th ~ rtg g- ~ c ~iir 1 vt 1~ >t r a ~ i to munaj <br />a party defendanC to which 1c Ss obit gated to ;motvct i,. ,.ght.~ .. u, !u.. ,.nl. .,,. ;~..1 mr C-~;. -:-, rptov <br />prsbeeaings. the Nor tgagee may incur expenses vad advan.~ f-ymeut. r - ._ ,, I: -~_, sr... n v ':-_ ~~-ept to the, <br />nrcCenC Rrchlbi red by tawj, costs, expanse;, auu aUtaP chi -.e , <br />~I <br />