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i~/ ,=1-:- Icy '-+~ q, <br />$0-~ 909533 ~~~~L~~~ <br />Thi. made one wterea into tlaa aS day ad Ce,u~~c~-- <br />19 ~f7 ,byaad hetwetm Craig. D. Maly and Debra L. Maly <br />(hereinafter referred to as mortgagor} and the Administrator of the Small Bosbaea Administntitiaa, as agency of the <br />Governmwt of the United Staten of Ameries (hereinafter referred to u mortgagee}, who aaatmtaiar as at~ce-.and <br />~"O°Of~uEmpire State Building, 19th & Farnam Streets, Omaha, Nebraska 68102. <br />~titrtassarta, that for the eomiderstion hereinafter stated, receipt oF,tvhich is hereby. a~mwlodBsd,~tle <br />atottgagos does hereby mortgage, sell, great. assi;n, sad convey unto the- mertgagee, his ttod aatq~ps, 1tB <br />of the folbwmg deaeribed property aimated-and befog in the Comty of Ball - <br />Sate aoc-Neliiasica. <br />Lot-One (1}, Seim Subdivision, aq Addition to the Gity <br />- ~ of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska. <br />'Pugether with and including all buildings, ell fixtures including but nut limited to aB pimnhing, heating, light• <br />ing, venlliating, refrigerating, incinerating, air conditioning apparatus, and efrvators {the mortgagor hrrrlry <br />declaring that ie is intended that the items herein rnumrrated sball he drrnu•d to have been permarrnth [n- <br />,talled a. purl of the realty), nnJ al[ improvements uuw or hereafter existing thereon; the hereditamentr and <br />nppunetwnces and all other right. thereunto belongiog, or [n anywise appertaining, and the reversion and re- <br />veraions, remainder and remuindent, all rights of redemption, and the rent., iasurs, and pn,fils of the above <br />deterlbed groperty (prnvidrd, howrver< that the rm,rt gnor she![ lee er:titl+`t[ la the po* ;_=t --id proprrks <br />and to rolletK and retain the rettta, itsuer., and prefiis until del'anh hereunder), 'fn have and to .hoid the aamr <br />unto the mortgagee lust the '<urcessurs in interest of the mortgagee forever in fee simp-r or such other estate, <br />if env; sit lactated herein. <br />The mettgagor oovmaatr thtt he is lawfulty seised and pttaaesxd of sad has the right to Bell ami convey acid <br />pppertyt that the eatne is free Ceom all eacumbranep except as hcroinahove recited; and that he hereby binds <br />himself and his succeaeors in interest to wa~tank and defend the title aforesaid thereto end every part thereof dg~aittst <br />the claims of ait'perwns wheataoever. \ <br />This ins{nement is given to secure the payment of a promissory note dated Qc,e- ~' } S 1 ~/cF-Q \• <br />~~: <br />in~thoprraeiipal'-aumof5~.51~,900c00 •°'g°QdhY Craig D. Maly and Debra L.'Ma1y ' <br />in ItehalF of themselves. <br />tiaA ra.m 9rr IS-.1st P...t.,,. Ed~n.i,..n nMoMu. <br />F tI}r~~`'a~t~ <br />! .~ t, <br />