tneregwge m.~ .na attued into this :~= .:-- da> er ! <lQ t~s `~ / '~~~
<br />19~~ ,Lyandbetweea-Ronald R. Micek-and Patricia M, Micek
<br />(hereinafter referred to as mortgagor) and the Administntor of the Small $tuinas Adminiatratfm; an ageney ni ibe.
<br />Govetameat of the United States of America (hereinafter zefetred to v mortgrge}, who-maintains-m'=oB`iee:and
<br />tT~~b~~^tEmpire State Bul3ding, 19th & Farnam Streets, Omaha, Nebraska 68102_
<br />Xtavtttasar9, that-.for the ooasideration heoeiaaftee stated, reeeipt ol.whieh is he[ebT aekgpyrlad~id-:tbe
<br />rtaortgagor'daea hereby mortgage,-sell, grant, assign, and convey tmw the mortgagee,. hir.sttouasttts tmd aYisos~.nil
<br />of the foliosving:daeribadpmpeetTeitaated a~ beioi{.in the Cotmtyof hall
<br />Stare ai Nebraska.
<br />Lot Nine (9), in Block TbTO (2}, in, Pleasant View
<br />Addition to the City of Grand Island,. Hall County,
<br />Nebraska.
<br />Together with and including all buildinKs, all fixtures including but ml limited to all ptumb(nf;, hentint;, lipht-
<br />inR, vent/lacing, refrigeralink, incinerating, air conditioning appuranta, and elevators (Ihe nutrt},aKor hrrrh~
<br />deriarinR that it is intended that the items herein enumerated sluill Fx deemed to have been prrmanemh~ in-
<br />,isiled an parr of the realty), and all inxprovrnrent~ now or hrrrafter existinrt thereon: the hcrrditameuts and
<br />appuHenanres and all other rights thereunto belonging, or in anywise rpperteining, and the reversion and re•
<br />versions, rernainder and rrmainden, ail rights of redemption, and the rnnts, issues, and profetn of the, above
<br />desrr:ha41-.-:propene- (pr$viefed, however, that the nxort~apa:e shall f:r rntstlad !o the l;us-r~4iosx ,; -aid prop= ~~
<br />and to eoltert anal-retain the rents, issue,;, and profits until default herreunderj. 'I'u barn amt to hold the same
<br />unto -the: tvtarlgatXee and the surssassora in interest of the mortgagee forever in fee simple or such other estate,
<br />if any, as is,atrtedhexin.
<br />'i9sa aotigagor-aovena»ta that ho is Lwfulfp ee~ed and- poeeeeeed, of sad bra the right to wN and convey said
<br />ProPprtY;that,the soma-ia fete from~all eocumbrancee-cxcepraahereinrbovo recited; and-that hn herebpbinds
<br />hittteelf and hie suasessore in interest to warrant awd defend the title aforesaid thereto end every part thereof agrioet
<br />sbe e-tpmacf alL peraopawhtmgsoever. ~
<br />This instrument is given to secure the payment of r protnieeary Dote dated .."~~'-~'~'rC'-~~ \~
<br />iaiieaprincipel,suatoi,$1Q;OOO.t)O .eignedby Ronald R. Micek and Patricia M. Micek ,r.~,., ~ ,
<br />;n hwhslf T.t themselves.
<br />saA Pa.e HST ts-Ya~..E= ,ew eatwee..: Obrt,N-,
<br />