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~' THE MORTGAGOR FURTHER CQVEPIANTS AND AGREES: <br />That the Mortgagor-w•ili pay the imfebtednese-aa~herein6efere epovided »~~ <br />P <br />€ That theMortgagar is. the droner of said property in tee simple and has good right and lawful authority to Belt and <br />~ ~ convey [he aarrte Jaaod that t}te tiante-is free acerb clear of any lien or encumFxance; sad that-Mortgagor wilt warrant and defend the <br />_ title to said-Prettiises agairtst -the daima,iiE :a(i 'peranns~.ryehpmsoever. <br />To 1raY~rrfmtediately when due and-paytr6le all general taxes, special-taxes, special assessments, water charges, sewer serv- - <br />ice charges, and other faxes and charges against said property, and all taxes levied on the debt secured hereby, and to furnish the <br />Mortgagee, open taituest, with the Otiginal or'duplicate ieceipis therefor. The M17ortgagoh• agrees that there shell be-added to <br />each monthly payment required hereunder or under the evidence of debt secured hereby an amount estimated by the Mortgagee <br />~o be sufficient- to affable the Mortgagee- to pay, as they bernme due, alt taxes, assessmenta, and similar charges upon the. prEm- <br />subject thereto; any 8efieiency because of the insufficiency of such additional payments shall Ise forthwith deposited-hy the- <br />" ~.~ rtgagor with the Mortgagee upon demand by the Mortgagee. Any default under this paragraph shall be deemed a default in <br />'~yayment of Lazes, assessments. nr srmilar charges required hereunder. <br />The Mortgagor agrees that there shall also be added in each monthly payment of principal aril interest required here- <br />under an amount estimated by the Mortgagee to he sufficien/ to enable the Mortgagee to pay, as it becomes due, the insurance <br />premium nn any insurance policy delivered to the Mortgagee. Any deficiency because of the insufficiency of such additional pay- <br />1 manta shall 6e forthwith deposited by the Mortgagor with the Mortgagee upon demand by the Mortgagee. Any d<Fault under this <br />paragraph shall be deemed a default in the payment ..f insurance premiums. Lr the policy rr policies deprsited are such a4 imme- <br />_ ,::~ owners or alt risk policies. and the deposits are insufficient to pay the entire premium, the Mortgagee may apply the deposit to <br />pay premiums on risks required io be insured by this mortgage. <br />_ Payments made by the Mortgagor under the above paragraphs rose, at the option of the Mortgagee, he held by it and <br />commingled with other such funds or its own funds (or the payment of such items, and until so applied, such payments err hereby <br />pledged ss security for the unpaid balance of fhe mortgage indebtedness. <br />To procure, deliver to, and maintain for the benefit o! the Mortgagee during the life of this +nart,gage original policies and <br />Ovals thereof, delivered a[ tarsal ten days tse(ore the expiration of any Bach f~,mlieuzs, insuring against (ire and other insu cable <br />harazds, casualties, and contingencies as the Mortgagrre may require, in an amount equal to the indebtedness secured 6y this <br />Mortgage, and in companies acceptable to the Mortgagee, with Toss payable clause in favor of and m form aceeptable to the .liortga- <br />gee_ In the event any policy is not renewed o sr bn(nre rim davs of ifs expiration, the Mortgagee m y prc,cu re m. on the <br />improvements, pay the premium ihere[or, and such sum shall become immediately doe and poyable with mterest at tl>vc rate set <br />forth in said note until paid and shall be ., _urrd by this mortgage failure on the part of the Mortgagor m fucrosh such n r,vals <br />as are herein required or failure to Uay any sums advanced hrrv•under shall. at the option of the Mortgagee-, c.,nsti4rte a default <br />under the terms of this mortgage. The rfelrvery nt such pohriea shall, us the >=ven..d default. ronst:tute an .:_asignment of the u <br />earned premium. n <br />.4ny sums rr•ce earl by the R7ortgsgee by rr .<n. cf la:,, ," rlamagr :n. red agmnct may retained by the S(„rtgagee <br />and applied toward the payment of the debt hereby asr e: red, o :d the option ~ (the 9fortgagac. such sc_ s either •wholly r, <br />part may he paid over to the Mortgagor to be rased tr. repair such huld'ing-s or to bold-new btu ldmgs mrlhr:r place ..r b,r a <br />other pur(wse or nbj rt satisfactory to the Mortgagee without nffreting th,• lien on the mortgage (nr the fiat amount sreun=d here <br />by before such payment rve•r to::k place. <br />'i'o promptly" repair, restore „ rebuild nny huridrngs ,: mprm~r:nrnt-s n .r brrrafter on the +,, ~ ~ why. 1~ n .~ (W~ <br />come damn{!ed or destmyeri; to keep said premtyrs in Ko„d corditmn xnd rrpav anri frr•r- [rom any rnechanidshrn or other ben :,r <br />claim of lien nut expressly suborthnaLd to the IeNn l.ere•,f; not t cu her ma ar;v unlaw-fal n- „ „ ass r to e ist e <br />seta proParty nor to hermit waste nn said pn•misrs, n,r t~: do a other aclr robe rrby the 1>roprrtey hereby co vedtshall become <br />1~,~+=aiuabie, nor to diminish ur impair its value by a _ act or om:svon tr. act, o u:aq±h with alt mquin-mentsnc ( law •..rth :rspect <br />to the mortgaged premises noel t.he~use thereof <br />That should the premises or nny part thr•rrof Ix• taken or darturged by r, csnn of am~ public :mprnvement o rondrnmaGnn <br />prxeeding, or under the right of eminent domain, or in any other manner. fhe Mortgagee• shalt be entitled n. all rrompeusatums, <br />awards, and any Mher payment or relief then-fur, anJ shall be en titled. at its option, h. commence. app~•ar ii and prrk',arute in its <br />own name any action or prcsceeding, r r iu make any rompnsmisr nr settlement in conru-ctiun with -Such faking or damage ,III such <br />uemperrsation, awards. dantaKes, right c! action and proceeds are hereby assigned to the Mortgagoo, who may, after deducting <br />Lheretrom all i4 expenses, release any moneys so received by it or apply the same on any indebtedness secured herehp.'t'he Mnrt- <br />gagor agrees to exacttte Hush further assignments of any compensation, awards, damaRr•a, aria rights of saran anJ preueeds as the ~ " <br />Mortgagee ttrsY require. " <br />That in case of failure to perform any of the covenants herein, the bloRgagee may de on the Mortgagee's herbal! ovrryPoing <br />an cwenanierl: that the Mortgagee may also do any act it may deem necessary In purled the lion thereof, that the Mortgagor sill <br />repay upon demand any moneys paid or disbutaed by the Mortgagee for any of the atnwe pu rpusrs, and such moneys together w+th <br />interest thereon at the rate provided in said note shall became ao much additional indebtedness hereby secured anri may Mr in- <br />cluded in xny decree foredoeing thin mortgage and Ise paid out of the rents or pnmeeris u( sale of said isremiars i( hat otherwise <br />paid: that it atrall hat tae oWigstory upon the Mortgagee W icpuire into the validity of any hen, encumbrances ..r clmm in ad~ <br />vgncirtg moneys as above aulhorisad, but rwthing herein cuntamed shall he conalrutd as rtpuiting the Mortgagee to advance nny <br />ntaneys.for any such purpose nor to do any aM her<under; and that Mortgagee shall not incur any personal liability he><•ausr of any- <br />thfng"iL may do or omit to do hereunder. ~~ <br />In the event of the defeat! I:Y Mortgagor in the payment of any installment a, revtuierd by the tote ~, cu rod hurehy, or <br />in the periormanrn o[ the ts6ligatitm in this rnortgaga or in the note aecurod thereby, the Marlgagea• shall be rnh!Ied ter Jedare the <br />deb): tteea[ed.hereby due apd.payable without noGcr, and the b7orlgageu shell be entitled at i{e option, w"i{houl ounce, either by itself <br />or-liy a receiver to ise apppintwl by the Crsurt thereof, and w°ithnut regard in the adequacy rat any se urity for the indrhtrrlneas sr <br />cured-hereby, to enter upon -and take ppa>,e$sion r>Y the mortgaged premises, and to <nllrct anJ rrveivr the rents, issues and profits <br />theteof.'nud apply the eem<; Jesa costa-of operation and collection, upon the indebtedness xr-cu rev{ by Ihia mortgage; aairl ro^is, <br />_ isairea"ap$piYrfits'aEing hereby a~igned fo the Mortgagre as forth<r secttritY (or the paym<nt rat aEl lode-btednesv secured.herebv. <br />The Mortgagee shell have the power to appoint any agent or agents it may desire hx the Pugsrssr of repairing seat Prem- <br />ises; renting the sane; collecting the rents, revenues and income, and it may pay out of said income ail exfsenxrs towered m rent- <br />" ing and managing Lhe name and of collecting the rentals therefrom The balance remaining. tf any. shalt M• applied toward [he <br />discharge of the mortgage_ ivdebtedncas. This assignment is to terminate and become null and void upon rrietise u( this mortgage. <br />L <br />